The University of Tasmania Strategic Plan 2019-2024 (PDF 2.5 MB) focuses our mission on making a positive difference for Tasmanians and Tasmania and, from Tasmania, the world.
With a five-year horizon, the Strategic Plan has allowed us to be guided by a long-term view, while being responsive to any changes in the context in which we operate.
We have encountered many changes in the time since it was first written, not least the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has proven to be an enduring document that continues to guide our work.
How our strategy was developed
The University of Tasmania Strategic Plan 2019-2024 was developed in a stepped and consultative manner, drawing on a set of conversations – what we called Cascading Conversations – held across the University in 2018.
- Initiated by a Discussion Paper raising three questions for consideration, these conversations involved the cascading of information up, down and across the University, with both formal and informal groupings participating. Those three questions were:
- Do we want to be a place-based university that is globally connected or do we want to be a university cast in the global mode?
- Do we want to continue in a growth model or move to a right-size approach to our future?
- What are the parameters for equity, quality and regional presence we are committed to for the delivery of higher education in Tasmania?
- Following this round of conversations, the University of Tasmania’s Strategic Direction (PDF 735.9 KB) was prepared and released in November 2018, based on the firm message from these conversations that we wanted to be a university that is:
Place-based and globally connected
Right-sized and responsive
Regionally networked to provide quality and access
In the six months following, our Colleges and Divisions worked together to develop the University of Tasmania Strategic Plan which shows how we are working to achieve this, focusing on our mission to make a difference for Tasmania and from Tasmania to the world.