In Tasmania we are lucky to live and learn in a place of incredible beauty, with accessible and friendly communities. But even though our University is strongly connected to our place here, our outlook and connections are global.
That means we offer our students a variety of fantastic overseas study opportunities.
Studying part of your course overseas is a really exciting way to enrich your studies, make new friends and connections, and have an amazing study experience!
Here’s our top five reasons why you should apply to complete part of your studies abroad.
1. You can explore another culture in depth
Studying overseas provides you with the opportunity to travel and live and be immersed in another culture - whilst continuing to move ahead with your studies - what an awesome combination! This is an experience that is enriching for your personally, and for your studies, and teaches you how to adapt to new environments. If you are interested in another culture or learning a foreign language, studying overseas is the perfect way to really absorb it.
2. You will experience another exceptional institution
You will have the opportunity to study unique and prestigious courses at universities ranked with the top 150 in the world within your chosen discipline area.
3. It will look great on your CV
Studying overseas looks fantastic on your CV, enhances the value of your degree, and provides you with a competitive edge, marking you as an adaptable learner with an adventurous spirit.
4. There’s financial support available
It is one of the most affordable ways to live abroad! With no upfront tuition fees, generous scholarships and for domestic students the OS-HELP loan plus the continuation of your Centrelink payments, studying overseas has never been so easy or affordable.
5. You can make great connections
Studying overseas can open up all sorts of doors. You'll be exposed to different teaching styles and you'll grow your network by meeting other students, academics and members of the community in your chosen exchange location. You may make some great new friends that might be keen to come and study part of their course with us in Tassie!
To find out more, visit Study Abroad and Exchange.