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Reuben found a deeper connection with performing.


Bachelor of Arts student Reuben Yakubu had always been interested in both science and theatre. However, it wasn't until he was in year seven that he really focused on his passion for theatre, which would eventually lead him to his major in Theatre Performance at the University of Tasmania.

"When I went to Queechy High School, in year seven it was compulsory that they had us do every possible kind of unit or kind of course or subject that they had on offer,” he said.

“And one of those things was drama. And I think that's kind of where I got the first taste of it, the first proper taste of it, and been hooked ever since."

Reuben's passion for theatre led him to study it in college, where he also continued to study science. He enrolled in a double degree in Arts and Science at university, but trying to balance the two disciplines eventually made him realise that theatre was the thing he truly cared about.

“When it really comes down to it, and you’re under the pump, if you don’t really care about what you’re doing, you’re going to do what I did and you’re going to say: you know what? I'm done."

Switching to a straight Bachelor of Arts, with a major in Theatre Performance, Reuben dedicated his university studies to theatrical performance, writing, and experimental productions. He even performed in the Annexe Theatre, which he described as the professional study space for theatre performance students at the University.

"It's where I did my grad show. It's where I've done all my classes throughout my degree and it's where I've kind of built all these creative and personal connections with my cohort, with my fellow students and with people who I now consider close friends."

Find yourself at the University of Tasmania. Start studying in February 2025.