Make sense of critical global issues
Chinese, gender and diversity, geography and environment, Indonesian, international relations, media and communication, philosophy, politics and policy, psychological science, sociology, sustainability
A degree in Humanities and Social Sciences is more than just an academic pursuit; it’s a journey towards making sense of critical global issues.
In our increasingly interconnected world, understanding critical global issues has never been more vital. From climate change and geopolitical tensions to public health crises and economic inequality, the challenges we face today are complex. To make sense of these critical global issues they can be examined through diverse lenses, including culture, gender, geography, philosophy, and various academic disciplines.

The ability to make sense of these issues is crucial for both individuals and societies seeking to navigate a rapidly changing global landscape.
To make informed decisions—whether as a policymaker, business leader, or engaged citizen—requires a deep understanding of how these issues intersect and affect the broader world.
It’s about seeing the bigger picture, identifying patterns, and comprehending the long-term effects of short-term actions.
With this broad foundation you’ll approach global issues from different perspectives. Climate change can be studied through politics and policy, gender inequality, and media studies.
Through its interdisciplinary approach, emphasis on critical thinking, and cultivation of different perspectives, you’ll be equipped with the essential tools to navigate and influence the global landscape.
One of the key strengths of a Bachelor of Arts is its interdisciplinary nature, allowing you to explore a wide range of subjects.
With this broad foundation you’ll approach global issues from different perspectives. Climate change can be studied through politics and policy, gender inequality, and media studies. Through its interdisciplinary approach, emphasis on critical thinking, and cultivation of different perspectives, you’ll be equipped with the essential tools to navigate and influence the global landscape.
A Bachelor of Arts course places significant emphasis on developing verbal and written communication skills. You’ll study diverse forms of media and communication strategies that will assist you to influence public opinion and advocate for meaningful change on a global scale.
Understanding different cultures and global perspectives is essential for making sense of international issues. Join us at the University of Tasmania and contribute meaningfully to the search for solutions.
Studying these areas your potential jobs could include foreign policy adviser, government policy advisor, interpreter, linguistics researcher, peacekeeping official, political campaign manager, social and government researcher, applied economist, sustainability consultant, and much more.
If you are ready to apply, find out more with our Bachelor of Arts or learn more about ways you can make a difference by studying Humanities and Social Sciences.