The University Foundation Committee (UFC) is a committee of the Council of the University of Tasmania. It was established to ensure that the University’s philanthropic practices and policies are consistent with its mission and goals and that trusts and funds provided through philanthropy are compliant with the wishes of donors and used for educational, research and other purposes of the University.
We would like to extend our thanks to members of the UFC who volunteer their time to provide oversight and governance of philanthropic activity at the University.
Noteworthy last year were briefings on a Philanthropic Feasibility Study exploring the University's future potential for fundraising; a Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) annual review survey to measure and provide insight into philanthropic support and alumni relations for higher education institutions in Australia; and the strategy refresh for the Advancement Office, which aims to deliver an ambitious program of activation for alumni and philanthropy over the coming five years.
Additionally, the UFC was pleased to be advised that an external audit of philanthropic funds confirmed donor wishes had been upheld and funds disbursed in accordance with agreed uses.
At the conclusion of the November meeting, committee members formally farewelled long-serving committee member Dr Damian Bugg AM KC. As a founding member of the UFC, Damian has provided a clear but ambitious plan for the committee and steered it towards a greater detail of reporting. He played a pivotal role in establishing a framework of trust in relation to the management of donors’ funds. We thank Damian for his considerable experience and wisdom and for his significant contributions to the University. Alice Herbon, ex officio staff member, was also recognised for her contribution, following her departure in late 2023. Alice was involved in the review of endowed funds and maintained a strong interest in ensuring donor wishes were realised.