Gifts in Wills

Timeless giving.

Creating a Will encourages us to consider what is really important to us.  We know that protecting the future of our own family and friends comes first.

After considering their needs, you may wish to make a gift in your Will that creates a personal, lasting legacy.

There are many benefits to leaving a gift in your Will. It won’t impact on your financial security or independence now, but it will have an enduring impact on future generations. Your gift can also be designed to align with your interests, providing you and your family with a positive source of purpose and pride into the future.

For more information download our Gifts and Wills brochure (PDF 2.7 MB)

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please contact us. All information you provide is strictly confidential and non-binding.

Phone: +61 3 6226 1920
Address: Private Bag 40, Hobart TAS 7001

The University recommends that you seek professional legal advice when preparing your Will. It is not able to provide legal or financial advice in the preparation of your Will.