Research degree collaboration opportunities

Connect with our Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates as an industry or community partner.

An opportunity to be involved

Collaborate with our candidates today.

Our research brings together the brightest minds to help address the issues of today and tomorrow. Ranked in the top 10 Australian universities based on research income, we are a recognised leader in industry-driven collaborative research.

By connecting with our Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates, as the Industry Partner you:

Catalyse innovation and commercialisation through knowledge transfer with our research specialists.

Assist candidates in developing translational research skills.

Establish or strengthen your research-based networks.

Provide the University with a stronger understanding of industry requirements, priorities, and culture.

Research Internships

The look and feel

Research internships are educational opportunities, related to a candidate’s area of research. By embedding a candidate within an industry or community setting, they are able to gain invaluable practical experience applying their research skillset while working on an industry question or innovation.

An internship will generally last for at least 3 months, consisting of a minimum 60 full-time equivalent days of engagement in R&D by the candidate, under the supervision of a suitably qualified and responsible person within an industry or community setting.

As our internships are implemented for educational purposes only, candidates cannot function as an employee while they are participating in a research internship program.

The University will maintain public liability, personal accident, medical malpractice (as relevant), and travel (as relevant) insurance policies for the candidate undertaking the research internship during the term of the Internship Agreement.

The Internship Agreement will outline the roles and responsibilities of all parties, and will cover intellectual property, publication, confidentiality, privacy, health, and safety.

The application process

For further information on setting up a research internship, please contact us and we will connect you with one of our talented candidates and their Primary Supervisor.

Industry PhD Programs

Industry PhD Programs are co-developed between the University, the candidate, and the industry partner to create industry-focused research projects. By establishing an ongoing relationship across the tenure of candidature, innovation can be catalysed, leading to greater research and commercial impact for all parties.

Each of these programs should include a research internship component, which may require a separate Internship Agreement in addition to the underlying Collaborative Agreement of the program.

The CSIRO’s Industry PhD (iPhD) program connects universities, industry partners, and the CSIRO to co-develop an industry-focused, impact-driven PhD project.

If you have a project in mind, please contact the CSIRO Industry PhD Team first, to determine project eligibility and to commence the expression of interest process. If eligible, please contact us and we can assist you in connecting with a primary supervisor and our Research Funding team, to facilitate the expression of interest process with the CSIRO.

Further information

Further information on the program, including program benefits, eligibility requirements, and resources is available at CSIRO Industry PhD Program.

The National Industry PhD Program is a government-led initiative, administered by CampusPlus, which supports PhD candidates to undertake industry-focused research projects, and to be equipped with the knowledge and skills to better translate university research into commercialisation outcomes.

The program consists of two streams:

  1. Industry Linked PhD stream: This stream is for outstanding PhD candidates to undertake research projects co-designed by the participating university and industry partner, with opportunities to be embedded in an industry setting and participate in a 12-week training program.
  2. Industry Researcher PhD stream: This stream is for highly capable industry professionals who are supported by their employers to undertake PhD projects in partnership with a university while retaining industry employment and salary benefits.

If you have a project in mind, please contact us and we can assist you in connecting with a Primary Supervisor and our Research Funding team, to initiate the application process within the Program.

Further information

Further information on this program, including program benefits, eligibility requirements, and resources, is available at Government National Industry PhD Program and CampusPlus National Industry PhD Program.

More information

Contact us (Email)