Develop an Oyster Growth Model

Development of a filter feeder model to quantify assess oyster production in coastal aquaculture

Degree type


Closing date

1 February 2025



Citizenship requirement

Domestic / International

About the research project

Currently oyster aquaculture in Tasmania is driven by industry expertise, in conjunction with assistance from government and researchers. Production estimates are not necessarily coordinated between companies and locations. Similarly, drivers of production (e.g. plankton dynamics, environmental conditions etc.) may not be well understood by industry. Challenges to the industry include ocean acidification driven by ocean warming. Pathogenic outbreaks are more likely as temperatures increases. Shell formation issues are similarly more likely with increasing acidification. Given the unknowns and uncertainty facing the industry a more predictive capacity for biomass production is necessary to provide industry and government regulators with more understanding of this aquaculture. This project aims at developing a filter feeder model that will incorporate drivers and predict oyster growth. This would allow for planning of oyster aquaculture in a more formal sense to assist planning and regulation. As we move to offshore environments we can plan for the growth of this species in co-cultured set-up.

The Blue Economy CRC has identified the need for a model that would enable growers and researchers to estimate production capacity based on drivers to objectively assess between sites based on environmental differences. Similarly, embedding the model in a coupled 3D hydrodynamic, sediment and biogeochemical (BGC) model we can look at carbon chemistry informing shell formation, production based on phytoplankton dynamics and food from other nutrient sources co-culture. We can also look at using growth data from different regions on similar families to look at intrinsic versus extrinsic drivers of growth.

Primary Supervisor

Meet Mr Scott Hadley


Applicants will be considered for a Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship or Tasmania Graduate Research Scholarship (TGRS) which, if successful, provides:

  • a living allowance stipend of $33,511 per annum (2025 rate, indexed annually) for 3.5 years
  • a relocation allowance of up to $2,000
  • a tuition fees offset covering the cost of tuition fees for up to four years (domestic applicants only)

If successful, international applicants will receive a University of Tasmania Fees Offset for up to four years.

As part of the application process you may indicate if you do not wish to be considered for scholarship funding.

Additional funding

If successful, applicants will also be considered for a top-up scholarship of $6,000 per annum for 3.5 years. This scholarship is funded from the Quantitative Marine Science (QMS) Program

If successful, international applicants will receive single Overseas Health Cover (OSHC), also funded by the QMS Program.

Other funding opportunities and fees

For further information regarding other scholarships on offer, and the various fees of undertaking a research degree, please visit Scholarships and fees.


Applicants should review the Higher Degree by Research minimum entry requirements.

Ensure your eligibility for the scholarship round by referring to our Key Dates.

Selection Criteria

The project is competitively assessed and awarded.  Selection is based on academic merit and suitability to the project as determined by the College.

Additional essential selection criteria specific to this project:

  • The applicant will have a degree in a relevant field such as Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or Computational Modelling.

Additional desirable selection criteria specific to this project:

  • Experience in modelling biological processes.
  • Programming in one or more of Python, Matlab, R or C.

Application process

  1. Select your project, and check that you meet the eligibility and selection criteria, including citizenship;
  2. Contact Mr Scott Hadley to discuss your suitability and the project's requirements; and
  3. In your application:
    • Copy and paste the title of the project from this advertisement into your application. If you don’t correctly do this your application may be rejected.
    • Submit a signed supervisory support form, a CV including contact details of 2 referees and your project research proposal.
  4. Apply prior to 1 February 2025.

Full details of the application process can be found under the 'How to apply' section at Research degrees.

Following the closing date applications will be assessed within the College. Applicants should expect to receive notification of the outcome by email by the advertised outcome date.

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