This is a responsive program of research and impact activities which aims to address the social harms intersecting as homelessness.
The Homelessness ColLAB brings together researchers (staff, research degree students), community and government sectors at state and national level. We centre on engagement with lived experience, frontline service providers and policymakers and are currently running research projects, research-led advocacy and public events across all our agenda areas. The Homelessness ColLAB leads the University of Tasmania's membership of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute which funds the National Housing Research Program, including additional supports for higher degree research students.
Our strategic research and impact agenda is focused on
Policy, systems and services
Informing the design of innovative social policy, systems and services.
Children and young people
Supporting a shift to early intervention for children and young people.
Addressing gender-specific dimensions of homelessness for women and their children
Rough sleepers and people exiting institutional settings
Engaging in complex care service innovation.
Our objectives
- To evolve as a ‘what works’ research hub for homelessness prevention and early intervention in Tasmania and beyond.
- To respond to community knowledge needs and translate our research for policy change, service design, practice improvement and education.
- To collaboratively mobilise research knowledge, lived experience and policy and practice expertise to keep people supported in place and at home.
How we work
- We engage in research that contributes to system and service design, advocacy, public education, political campaigns and cross-sector collaboration.
- We support professional pathway HDR candidates and create HDR projects for cross-sector knowledge exchange.
- Our work is shaped by an intellectual toolkit which draws from the sociology of inequality, critical social policy, ethics and social welfare, place studies, vulnerability studies, post-structural feminism, critical social work and more.
- We mobilise a methodological toolkit which draws from contemporary urban ethnography, qualitative methods which focus on lived experience and life story, creative and audio-visual methods, narrative analysis, discourse analysis and mixed, longitudinal and evaluation methods and more.
- We specialise in trauma-informed research practice, including high-risk research governance for work with vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations which prioritises researcher and participant well-being.
Collaborate with us
If you have project or research ideas you would like to discuss or would like further information about the work we are currently doing, please get in touch with:
- Homelessness ColLAB lead, Associate Professor Catherine Robinson