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  2. Quiggin_Giblin_2005
    20 Dec 2011: School of Economics and Finance. Occasional Papers. 2005 Giblin Lecture. The Information Revolution and the Moral Economy. of Innovation. Professor John Quiggin. Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, School of Economics and School of
  3. Giblin Paper Frank 2004
    20 Dec 2011: School of Economics Occasional Papers. 2004 Giblin Lecture. Does Rising Inequality Harm the Middle Class. Professor Robert Frank. Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor. Economics, Cornell University, New York. Occasional
  4. Giblin Lecture - Future of Competition Law - 6 October 200…
    20 Dec 2011: School of Economics. Occasional Papers. 2003 Giblin Lecture. The Future of Competition Law. Professor Allan Fels, AO. Dean. Australia and New Zealand School of Government. PO Box 4023 Parkville Victoria 3052. AUSTRALIA. Occasional Paper No 6
  5. Occassional Paper
    20 Dec 2011: School of EconomicsOccasional Papers. 2001 Giblin Lecture. The Movement ofInterest Rates. I. J. MacfarlaneGovernor.  Occasional Paper No 5 November 2001. GPO Box 252-85Hobart, Tasmania, 7001. ISSN 1443-8593ISBN no: 0 85901 994 2.
  6. Final Version _via Harper_
    20 Dec 2011: School of EconomicsOccasional Papers. 2000 Giblin Lecture. THE E-BUSINESSREVOLUTION. IAN R. HARPER.  Occasional Paper No 4 November 2000. GPO Box 252-85Hobart, Tasmania, 7001. ISSN 085901 764 8ISBN 0 85901 945 4. 2000 Giblin
  7. Occassional Paper No 3.PDF
    20 Dec 2011: School of EconomicsOccasional Papers. 1998 Annual Giblin Lecture. Implications of the AsianCurrency Crisis and the Debt. Crisis of the 1980s. Anne Krueger.    Occasional Paper No 3   1998. GPO Box 252-85Hobart, Tasmania, 7001.
  8. Occasional Paper 2.PDF
    20 Dec 2011: Department of EconomicsOccasional Papers. 1997 Annual Giblin Lecture. Privatization, CompetitiveEntry and Rational Rules for. Residual Regulation. William J. Baumol.    Occasional Paper No 2   September 1997. GPO Box 252-85Hobart,
  9. Occasional Paper 1.PDF
    20 Dec 2011: Department of EconomicsOccasional Papers. The Economics of PoliticsAnd the Politics of Economics. Geoffrey Brennan.    Occasional Paper No 1   October 1996. GPO Box 252-85Hobart, Tasmania, 7001. ISSN 1328-0430ISBN 0 85901 699 4.
  10. Occ_Paper_Campbell_2007
    20 Dec 2011: School of Economics and Finance Occasional Papers. 2007 Giblin Lecture. Economics, Property Rights and Fishery Management. Professor Harry Campbell. School of Economics The University of Queensland. Occasional Paper No 10. 2007. School of Economics
  11. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Discussion Paper 2006-01 Estimates ...
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-01. Estimates of Technology and Convergence: Simulation Results. Graeme Wells. (University of Tasmania)and Thanasis Stengos. (University of Guelph). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 305 8. 1.
  12. 2006-02_Ray_Dietary_Pattern
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-02. Dietary Pattern, Calorie Intake and Undernourishment: The Vietnamese Experience. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 354 6. Vinod Mishra (Monash University). and Ranjan Ray (University of Tasmania).
  13. 2006-03_Felmingham_Yan_Jackson_Waters
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-03. Early Retirement Biases in the Funding of Australian Retirement. Bruce Felmingham (University of Tasmania). Yong Hong Yan (University of Tasmania). Natalie Jackson. (University of Tasmania).
  14. 2006-04_Felmingham_Cooray
    21 Dec 2011: 1. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-04. The Cyclical and Trend Behaviour of Australian Investment and Savings. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 358 9. Bruce Felmingham (University of Tasmania). and Arusha Cooray (University of
  15. 2006-05_Ray_Education_Child_Labour
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-05. Education and Child Labour: A Global Perspective. Ranjan Ray (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 359 7. Education and Child Labour: A Global Perspective. by. Ranjan Ray
  16. 2006-06_Blacklow_Demand_Systems
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-06. A Regular Demand System with Commodity-Specific Demographic Effects. Paul Blacklow (University of Tasmania). Russell Cooper CHI-Research Pty Ltd, ACT. Roger Ham (University of Western Sydney)
  17. 2006-07_Blacklow_Fertility_Choices
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-07. Fertility Choices of Australian Couples. Paul Blacklow (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 361 9. FERTILITY CHOICES OF. AUSTRALIAN COUPLES. by. Paul Blacklow. School of
  18. 2006-08_Ray_Maitra_Gender_Bias
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-08. Is There Gender Bias in the Household’s Time Allocation in a Developing Country? The Indian Experience. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 362 7. Pushkar Maitra (Monash University). and Ranjan
  19. 2006-09_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-09. Examining Quality Distortion. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1-86295-371-6. Hugh Sibly (University of Tasmania). 2. EXAMINING SKEWED QUALITY. Hugh Sibly School of Economics. University of Tasmania GPO
  20. 2006-10_Jeyasreedharan_The_Day_of_the_Week_Efficiency_of_SPASX20_Index
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-10. The Day-of-the-Week (DoW) efficiency of the S&P/ASX20 Index and it’s component stocks. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-379-6. Nagaratnam Jeyasreedharan (University of Tasmania). 1. Title.
  21. 2006-11_Yan_Wells_Felmingham
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2006-11. CONVERGENCE TO THE LAW OF ONE PRICE:. EVIDENCE FROM CROSS-LISTED CHINESE STOCKS. ISSN 1443-8593. ISBN 978-1-86295-380-2. Yong Hong YAN Graeme WELLS Bruce FELMINGHAM. (University of
  22. Introduction
    10 Jan 2011: Submission and Publication Agreement University of Tasmania Law Review. Introduction This Submission and Publication Agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which you, the author (or co-author), agree to allow the University of Tasmania
  23. NHM itr [Converted]
    22 Aug 2011: 0440 36 34353839 37 2325 242729 283133 32 30 26 060809 07 051011121314151617181921 2022. AB. AC. AD. AE. AF. AI. AH. AJ. AK. AG. AL. AM. AP. AO. AN. AQ. AR. AS. AT. AW. AV. AX. AY. AZ. BA. BC. BD. BB. BE. BF. BG. BH. AU. 0440 36 34353839 37 2325
  24. SBY itr [Converted]
    22 Aug 2011: 5. 3. 2. 1. 4. BA C D E. 5. 3. 2. 1. 4. BA C D E. 25 24 23262728303132 29343536 33373839404142 1718202122 19 1112141516 13 0506080910 07 020304 01. AE. AG. AI. AH. AF. AK. AL. AM. AN. AJ. AQ. AT. AS. AU. AX. AW. AY. AV. AR. BB. BA. BC. BE. BF. BG.
  25. 03-04_Ray
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-03. Child Labour in Asia: A Survey of the Principal Empirical Evidence in Selected Asian Countries with a Focus on Policy. Ranjan Ray (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 171 3. Child
  26. 07-04_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-07. Ramsey Prices and Qualities. Hugh Sibly. (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593. ISBN 1 86295 214 0. 0. RAMSEY PRICES AND QUALITIES. Hugh Sibly School of Economics. University of Tasmania GPO Box
  27. 01-04_Cooray
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-01. Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests for RIP Among the G7 Nations. Bruce Felmingham (University of Tasmania). and. Arusha Cooray. (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 169 1. Parametric
  28. DP2007_01_Ray
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-01. Dietary Changes, Calorie Intake and Undernourishment:: A Comparative Study of India and Vietnam. Rajan Ray. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-410-6. Dietary Changes, Calorie Intake and
  29. Jr Bo Pb Gw Dm Jg Ew Sb Ih ...
    1 Aug 2011: Jr. Bo. Pb. Gw. Dm. Jg. Ew. Sb. Ih. Ddc. through history, theory and practice. JOURNEYS:. 2 3. FOREWORD. FOREWORD. practice – a synthesis that Jonathan Holmes has espoused and advocated throughout his distinguished teaching, research and
  30. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Discussion Paper 2007-03 Teaching ...
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-03. Teaching Aggregate Demand and Supply Models. Graeme Wells. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-417-5. Teaching Aggregate Demand and Supply Models. Graeme Wells. University of Tasmania. September
  31. DP2007_04_Reeks
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-04. Markets, Institutions and Sustainability. Ella Reeks. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-418-2. E. Reeks page 1. Markets, Institutions and Sustainability. by. Ella Reeks. School of Economics and
  32. DP2007_05_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-05. Bringing Competition to Urban Water Supply. Hugh Sibly and Richard Tooth. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-428-1. 2. Bringing Competition to Urban Water Supply. Hugh Sibly and Richard Tooth.
  33. DP2007_09_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-09. The Determinants of the Quantity-Quality Balance in Monopoly. Hugh Sibly. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-434-2. THE DETERMINANTS OF THE QUANTITY-QUALITY BALANCE IN MONOPOLY. Hugh Sibly
  34. DP2007_10_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-10. Rationing Recreational Access to Wilderness and Other Natural Areas. Hugh Sibly. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-435-9. Rationing Recreational Access to Wilderness and. Other Natural Areas.
  35. Cover
    21 Dec 2011: Cover. Overview. Model. Inflation-targeting simulation model. Author Graeme Wells, School of Economics and Finance, University of Tasmania. Based on 'Teaching Aggregate Demand and Supply Models', University of Tasmania School of Economics and
  36. DP2007_02_Cooray
    21 Dec 2011: 1. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-02. A Re-examination of the Real Interest Parity Condition Using Threshold Cointegration. Arusha Cooray. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-416-8. 2. A Re-Examination of the Real Interest Parity
  37. 06-04_Sreedharan
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-06. A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) of Stockmarket Returns. Nagaratnam J Sreedharan (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 174 8. 1. A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) of
  38. DP2007_08_Ngwenya
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-08. Moving Towards the USDA Food Guide Pyramid Food: Evidence from Household Food Group Choice in Vietnam. Elkana Ngwenya. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-433-5. Moving Towards the USDA Food
  39. 08-04_Yong_Hong
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-08. First and Second Order Instability of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Share Price Indices. Yan, Yong Hong (University of Tasmania). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 1 86295 215 9. First and Second Order Instability of the
  40. DP2008_No_03_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2008-03. Quality Versus Quantity in Vertically Differentiated Products Under Non-Linear Pricing. Hugh Sibly. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-473-1. QUALITY VERSUS QUANTITY IN VERTICALLY
  41. DP2008_No_04_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2008-04. A Taxonomy of Monopolistic Pricing. Ann Marsden and Hugh Sibly. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-474-8. A Taxonomy of Monopolistic Pricing. Ann Marsden. Hugh Sibly. School of Economics and
  42. DP2008_No_05_Sibly
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2008-05. Vertical Product Differentiation with Linear Pricing. Hugh Sibly. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-475-5. VERTICAL PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION WITH. LINEAR PRICING. Hugh Sibly School of Economics
  43. 09-04_Ray_Lancaster
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Discussion Paper 2004-09. On Setting the Poverty Line Based on Estimated Nutrient Prices With Application to the Socially Disadvantaged Groups in India During the. Reforms Period. Ranjan Ray and Geoffrey Lancaster (University of
  44. DP2010-01_Wells_2010
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2010-01. Economic Assessment of the Gunns Pulp Mill 2004 - 2008. Graeme Wells. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-577-6. Economic Assessment of the Gunns Pulp Mill 2004-2008. Graeme Wells School of
  45. DP2008_No_01_Ngwenya
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2008-01. Calorie Intake in Female-Headed and Male-Headed Households in Vietnam. Elkana Ngwenya. (University of Tasmania and Australian Maritime College). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-471-7.
  46. DP2008_No_02_Ngwenya
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2008-02. Determinants of Calorie Intake in Widowhood in Vietnam. Elkana Ngwenya. (University of Tasmania and Australian Maritime College). ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-472-4. DETERMINANTS OF
  47. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Discussion Paper 2007-07 The ...
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-07. The Term Spread and GDP Growth in Australia. Jacob Poke and Graeme Wells. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-432-8. The Term Spread and GDP Growth in Australia. Jacob Poke. Goldman Sachs JB
  48. DP2007_11_Jeyasreedharan
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-11. Yet Another Trading Simulation: The Nonimmediacy Model. Nagaratnam Jeyasreedharan. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-437-3. Yet Another Trading Simulation: The Nonimmediacy Model. Nagaratnam
  49. DP2007_06_Ngwenya_Ray
    21 Dec 2011: SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE. Discussion Paper 2007-06. Changes in Indonesian Food Consumption Patterns and their Nutritional Implications. Elkana Ngwenya and Ranjan Ray. ISSN 1443-8593 ISBN 978-1-86295-429-8. 2. CHANGES IN INDONESIAN FOOD
  50. University Department of Rural Health Bulletin Rural Health Bulletin…
    28 Sep 2011: University Department of Rural Health Bulletin. Rural Health Bulletin. UDRHUniversity Department of Rural Health. July 2011. July 2011. Included in this Issue:. UDRH publish new books 2Food security and health risk 3Building ResearchServices for
  51. December 2010University Department of Rural Health Bulletin Rural…
    4 Aug 2011: December 2010University Department of Rural Health Bulletin. Rural Health Bulletin. UDRHDecember 2010. UDRH Contact details:University Department of Rural Health,TasmaniaLocked Bag 1372, Launceston 7250Telephone: (03) 6324 4000Fax: (03) 6324

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