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  2. Confirmation of Protection University of Tasmania Certificate of…
    10 Jan 2025: Confirmation of Protection. University of Tasmania. Certificate of Entry No: UL TAS 25. G E N E R A L & P R O D U C T S L I A B I L I T Y P R O T E C T I O N. This is to certify that University of Tasmania (the Member) is a member of Unimutual
  3. College of Arts, Lawand Education University of Tasmania Roll ...
    23 Dec 2024: College of Arts, Lawand Education. University of Tasmania Roll of Excellence December 2024. The University of Tasmania Roll of ExcellenceThe College of Arts, Law and Education is committed to excellence in teaching and research providing a quality
  4. 2/12/2024 Week 22 Per ha Per cow Per ha ...
    19 Dec 2024: 2/12/2024 Week 22. Per ha Per cow Per ha Per cow Per ha Per cow Per ha Per cow129. 3 32. 8 129. 5 33. 5 129. 9 33. 0 97. 1 34. 0. 4. 4 1. 11 4. 4 1. 13 4. 4 1. 11 3. 3 1. 15. 5. 3 1. 34 5. 3 1. 37 5. 3 1. 35 4. 0 1. 39. 9. 7 2. 45 9. 7 2. 50 9. 7 2. 46 7. 2 2. 54. Per ha Per cow
  5. Towards a climate positive Tasmania | TPE
    18 Feb 2025: Towards a climate-positive Tasmania. A DISCUSSION PAPER. Prepared by the Tasmanian Policy Exchange with contributions from staff and students from across the University. October 2021 www. utas. edu. au/tpe. A C K N O W L E DG EM E N T OF COU NTRY The
  6. NEUROSURGERY DEPARTMENT Basic Neurosurgical Skills Course Saturday…
    12 Dec 2024: NEUROSURGERY DEPARTMENT. Basic Neurosurgical Skills. Course. Saturday 13th & Sunday 14thSeptember 2025. Cost $1300. Early Bird Registration $1200. (includes all refreshments and manual). This Skills Course is a comprehensive 2 day course comprising
  7. The Shake Up. Engagement Summary Report. Community Panel Session 2.
    23 Jan 2025: 7 October 2022. Engagement Summary Report. The Shake Up Community Panel Session 2. 1. 2. 4. Contents. 1. Introduction. 2. Student experience and connection. 3. Staff experience and connection. 4. Public and active transport. 5. Sustainability and
  8. Graduation Program 2024 Summer, Launceston
    17 Dec 2024: G R A D U A T I O N. AC. KN. OW. LE. DG. EM. EN. T O. F C. OU. NT. RY We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana. people of lutruwita (Tasmania) and. the Gadigal people of Sydney, the. traditional owners and custodians of. the land upon which we live and
  9. A blueprint for a climate positive Tasmania | TPE
    18 Feb 2025: Prepared by the Tasmanian Policy Exchange at the University of Tasmania April 2021. A blueprint for a climate-positive TasmaniaA SUBMISSION TO THE REVIEW OF TASMANIA’S CLIMATE CHANGE ACT AND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN. A C K N OW L E D G E M E N T SThis
  10. Microsoft PowerPoint - 10.3 Disease Assessment in Strip Trials
    4 Feb 2025: Producers’ Own TrialsAssessment of botrytis or powdery mildew. December 2024Contact: Katherine. Evans@utas. edu. au. Xinxin (Summer) SongPhD graduate. Claudio RadentiFreycinet Vineyard. These slides and notes provide information on how to assess
  11. Friday, 5 April 2019 Course set for University’s future ...
    23 Jan 2025: Friday, 5 April 2019. Course set for University’s future in the. south The University of Tasmania today decided to develop a city-centric campus in the heart of Hobart over the next 10 to 15 years. Next steps will be careful and considered as the

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