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  2. Thumbnail for For children and families | Children's University

    For children and families | Children's University
    18 Feb 2025: Experience the exciting world of Children’s University through physical and virtual activities around Australia
  3. Thumbnail for Why do an AMEB exam - Australian Music Examinations Board

    Why do an AMEB exam - Australian Music Examinations Board
    2 Oct 2024: AMEB exams can open doors in so many ways
  4. Thumbnail for Devil facial tumour disease vaccine

    Devil facial tumour disease vaccine
    18 Feb 2025: Devil facial tumour disease vaccine. Devil facial tumour disease vaccine development and field trials. Devil facial tumour disease vaccine. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 April 2025. Campus. Hobart. Citizenship requirement. Domestic /
  5. Sustainability Policy - Governance Instruments Framework
    13 Sep 2024: Sustainability Policy. Version history. Revoked versions of policies pre-25 September 2020 can be found at:Version. Principle/Policy. Action. Approved by. Approval date. Responsible Officer. Amendments to  1. 2, 1. 8-1. 9. Approved. Vice-Chancellor.
  6. Thumbnail for Advanced magnetic coordination complexes

    Advanced magnetic coordination complexes
    23 Oct 2024: Advanced magnetic coordination complexes. Advanced magnetic coordination complexes. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 February 2025. Campus. Hobart. Citizenship requirement. Domestic / International. About the research project. This project is
  7. Thumbnail for Nature Hubs for dementia isolation

    Nature Hubs for dementia isolation
    17 Feb 2025: Nature Hubs for dementia isolation. Venture Out Nature Hubs: A community-driven response to dementia isolation. Nature Hubs for dementia isolation. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 June 2025. Campus. Hobart. Citizenship requirement. Domestic. About
  8. Thumbnail for Tectonics Central African Copperbelt

    Tectonics Central African Copperbelt
    20 Dec 2024: Tectonics Central African Copperbelt. Tectonic and climatic controls on sediment-hosted Cu-Co mineralisation in the Central African Copperbelt. Tectonics Central African Copperbelt. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 February 2025. Campus. Hobart.
  9. Thumbnail for Development of wildlife vaccines

    Development of wildlife vaccines
    20 Nov 2024: Development of wildlife vaccines. Development of wildlife vaccine vectors for Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease. Development of wildlife vaccines. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 February 2025. Campus. Hobart. Citizenship requirement. Domestic
  10. Thumbnail for Inspiring Australia Tasmania Network

    Inspiring Australia Tasmania Network
    27 Nov 2024: The University of Tasmania is host organisation for the Tasmanian Inspiring Australia network node, supporting capacity building in the sciences in Tasmania through National Science Week and Targeted Science Communication.
  11. Thumbnail for Ecology of freshwater climate refugia

    Ecology of freshwater climate refugia
    18 Feb 2025: Ecology of freshwater climate refugia. Ecology of alpine and subterranean fresh waters: potential climate refugia for cold-adapted species? Ecology of freshwater climate refugia. Degree type. PhD. Closing date. 1 June 2025. Campus. Hobart.

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