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  2. Towards a climate positive Tasmania | TPE
    18 Feb 2025: Towards a climate-positive Tasmania. A DISCUSSION PAPER. Prepared by the Tasmanian Policy Exchange with contributions from staff and students from across the University. October 2021 www. utas. edu. au/tpe. A C K N O W L E DG EM E N T OF COU NTRY The
  3. Behavioural Finance [BEA708]

    2025 ECA Melbourne, Hobart, Online
    The purpose of the unit is to build an applied understanding of the psychological biases which influence financial decision-making. The behavioural finance perspective of decision-making is contrast with more traditional finance perspectives. This enables a unique interpretation of market anomalies and asset pricing bubbles. The applications of the unit are across corporate finance and investment...
  4. Strategic Management [BMA799]

    2025 ECA Melbourne, Hobart, Online
    Strategic management today is a complex process requiring advanced skills. International expansion, network advantage, and resource optimisation pervade every aspect of this critical management skill. Successful managers need up-to-date guidance in the creation and implementation of effective strategy. This unit is specifically designed to meet these requirements. The design, content, concepts...
  5. Migrant Families [HAA108]

    2025 Online Student elective
    Australia is a migrant nation, with a rich and diverse mix of peoples, languages and cultures. In Migrant Families, we trace the journeys of ancestors who migrated to and from Australia and New Zealand, and place their lives in the context of global migration over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We explore the ways governments have shaped populations through migration and citizenship law...
  6. A blueprint for a climate positive Tasmania | TPE
    18 Feb 2025: Prepared by the Tasmanian Policy Exchange at the University of Tasmania April 2021. A blueprint for a climate-positive TasmaniaA SUBMISSION TO THE REVIEW OF TASMANIA’S CLIMATE CHANGE ACT AND CLIMATE ACTION PLAN. A C K N OW L E D G E M E N T SThis
  7. Final report_NonGrain calf starter
    24 Feb 2025: Effects of grain-free calf starter on crossbred. dairy-beef calf feed intake, growth, weaning age. and post-weaning performance. Final Report. By Dr. Megan Verdon. October 2022. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS RESEARCH SUMMARY. 3. INTRODUCTION. 4. MATERIALS
  8. Business Strategy [BMA202]

    2025 Cradle Coast, ECA Melbourne, Hobart, Hong Kong Universal Ed, Launceston, Online, Shanghai Ocean University Student elective
    Strategy is concerned with an organisation's long-term direction - with making strategic choices about how to use resources best and align the firm with the operating environment. Business Strategy enhances your knowledge of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation with a business, and the key contextual factors and managerial decisions that influence this process. The unit develops...
  9. ICT Project [KIT300]

    2025 Hobart, Launceston
    The capstone project unit provides an opportunity for students to consolidate the knowledge and skills they have acquired in their course and apply them to a substantial ICT project. This unit extends the students development of the professional, technical, communication and teamwork skills required by ICT professionals in practice. Students will extend their knowledge and skills in the areas of...
  10. Detective Portfolio [LAW476]

    2025 Online
    This unit is based in the workplace and supports students to become investigators at the level of a Detective. Over a twelve-month period, students will collect evidence to demonstrate their attainment of each Intended Learning Outcome and associated criteria. ...
  11. Investment Planning [BFA607]

    2025 ECA Melbourne, Hobart, Online
    In this unit, you will be introduced to the basic principles of investing. A discussion will be made of the main characteristics of investments with an emphasis on risk and return and the trade-off between the two. The unit focuses on the concepts of portfolio investment and the importance of risk management, plus addresses the issues of correlation and diversification. Identification of the risk...

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