Report an injury or something unsafe
Report a physical injury Report something unsafe
Report a behavioural concern or complaint
Find out how we stay safe and thrive in our activities
Safety and Wellbeing
We offer a comprehensive range of student health and wellbeing services to help our students achieve success in their studies, from counselling, and mindfulness workshops, to accessibility
and study support.
Find out more (for future students)
Explore your resources (Student Portal)
Safety and Wellbeing
We offer a comprehensive range of staff wellbeing services, including free counselling, career coaching, lifestyle support, and legal advice through our Employee Assistance Program. Staff also have opportunities to participate in mental health training, wellbeing programs, and events throughout the year.
Explore your resources (Staff Portal)
Supporting students in distress:
a guide for staff
This comprehensive resource provides staff with information on how to provide initial support to students who disclose distress or wellbeing and safety concerns. The guide also outlines referral pathways, escalation procedures, and appropriate supports for both students and staff.
Access guide (Staff Portal)
Featured resources
Get in touch with the Safety and Wellbeing team
If you’d like to connect with someone from our team, here’s how you can get in touch.