Seminar series
Our seminars present the latest insights from accounting and accountability, economics, finance, marketing and management research from Business and Economics researchers, visiting academics and industry professionals from around Australia and internationally. Seminars are held weekly in a mix of face-to-face presentations and online via Zoom. The details of upcoming seminars can be found below.
If you would like to attend a seminar and/or receive regular update, please contact Associate Professor Satoshi Yamazaki.
Date | Discipline | Title | Speaker |
9 February | Accounting | Accounting theories |
Professor Craig Deegan University of Tasmania |
Date | Discipline | Title | Speaker |
4 March | Marketing | Consumers’ Responses to Moral Controversies of Religiously Positioned Brands: The Effects of Religiosity on Brand Loyalty |
Associate Professor Denni Arli University of Tasmania |
11 March | Economics and Finance | Investment Professionals Increase ESG Investment in Response to Optimistic Framing |
Dr Danielle Kent Macquarie University |
15 March | Accounting and Accountability | Systematic Literature Reviews |
Professor Tom Smith Macquarie University |
18 March | Accounting and Accountability | Aligned Auditors as Information Intermediaries Within Business Groups | Associate Professor Christophe Van Linden |
1 April | Marketing | Blockchain Impact for Marketing and Management: A Research Agenda |
Dr Rajesh Rajaguru University of Tasmania |
1 April | Accounting and Accountability | Camouflaging the compensation discussion and analysis (CD&A) disclosures: Excess CEO pay and power | Dinithi Ranasinghe |
4 May | Management | Leadership Diversity through Relational Intersectionality in Australia |
Professor Alison Pullen Macquarie University |
6 May | Economics and Finance | Thumbs Down for the Thumbs Up Emoji: Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Instantaneous Positive Reinforcement on Charitable Giving |
Professor Philip Grossman Monash University |
13 May | Economics and Finance | The Size and Spatial Extent of Neighborhood Price Impacts of Infill Development: Scale Matters? |
Associate Professor Andi Nygaard Swinburne University of Technology |
20 May | Marketing | Value Co-creation or Co-destruction? The Double-edged Effect of Data Privacy Practices on Contact Tracing |
Dr Balkrushna Potdar University of Tasmania |
27 May | Accounting and Accountability | COVID-19 pandemic resilience: An analysis of firm performance and disclosure of sustainability practices of listed firms |
Dr Mukesh Garg Monash University |
1 June | Management | The virtues of effective crisis leadership: What managers can learn from how women heads of state led in the first wave of COVID-19 |
Dr Suze Wilson Massey University & Dr Toby Newstead University of Tasmania |
3 June | Accounting and Accountability | ISSB’s Exposure Drafts |
Dr Eric Lee, Nikole Gyles & Siobhan Hammond Australian Accounting Standards Board |
3 June | Marketing | Revealing the Lived Experience of Ageing Consumers Purchasing Independent Lifestyle Village Housing |
Dr Saadia Shabnam Curtin University |
8 July | Marketing | The Language of Customer Vulnerability: Moving from Deficit to Strengths-based Approaches to Social Issues |
Professor Rebekahh Russell-Bennett Queensland University of Technology |
22 July | Economics and Finance | Partial Identification of Heteroskedastic Structural VARs: Theory and Bayesian Inference |
Dr Tomasz Wozniak University of Melbourne |
29 July | Economics and Finance | Trade Interdependencies in COVID-19 related Essential Medical Goods and the role of regional trade agreements (RTAs): Empirical evidence from the Asia-Pacific |
Dr Rahul Sen Auckland University of Technology |
5 August | Marketing | Shaping markets to achieve organizational absolution |
Dr Jonathan Baker University of Adelaide |
5 August | Accounting and Accountability | Casual accounting academics’ sense of dignity and inclusion in the workplace |
Dr Amrinder Khosa University of Tasmania |
5 August | Economics and Finance | Ecological health economics and sustainable health care systems (with a side of Long COVID) |
Professor Martin Hensher University of Tasmania |
12 August | Accounting and Accountability | “We set them up for failure”. Performativity, corporate reporting and decolonisation: an actor-network perspective |
Ellie Norris Charles Darwin University |
19 August | Economics and Finance | A Field Experiment on Disrupting Gender Imbalances in Labour Markets: The Impact of AI in Recruitment on Labour Supply and Demand |
Dr Mallory Avery Monash University |
22 August | Accounting and Accountability | Academics and policymakers at odds: the case of the IFRS Foundation Trustees |
Professor Carol Adams Durham University |
26 August | Accounting and Accountability | The consequences of interim audit lag |
Associate Professor Tom Scott Auckland University of Technology |
26 August | Economics and Finance | Household willingness to take financial risk: Stockmarket movements and life cycle effects |
Professor Vance Martin University of Melbourne |
2 September | Accounting and Accountability | Global COVID-19 Twitter dataset and language models for sentiment analysis and topic modelling |
Dr Rohitash Chandra UNSW |
7 September | Management | Topic modelling in Text mining: How and Why to use Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) in Organisational Studies |
Dr Farveh Farivar University of Tasmania |
9 September | Marketing | Introduction to Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC or Luke) | Professor Steven D'Alessandro |
9 September | Economics and Finance | Financial Stress, Mental Distress, Sentiment and Spending: A Tale from the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Associate Professor Viet Nguyen University of Melbourne |
19 September | Accounting and Accountability | Critical Perspective in Accounting and the Abacus |
Professor Jane Andrews University of Sydney |
23 September | Economics and Finance | Testing for Changes in NPS Score in Business Improvement |
Stephen Tholler University of Tasmania |
30 September | Accounting and Accountability | Disruption in the market for information: MiFID II and Investor Relations |
Associate Professor Subhash Abhayawansa Swinburne University of Technology |
7 October | Marketing | Exploring tourist shopping behaviour using tracking technology |
Dr Louise Grimmer University of Tasmania |
7 October | Economics and Finance | Street performers, QR tips and the Edinburgh Street Fringe Festival |
Professor Tim Fry RMIT |
12 October | Marketing | What happens when routines are disrupted? A practice centered exploration of sustainable consumption |
Associate Professor Crystal Yap Auckland University of Technology. |
13 October | Economics and Finance | Survey Research Workshop |
Professor Tom Smith Macquarie University |
10 October | Economics and Finance | Justification for your systematic literature review |
Professor Martina Linnenluecke Macquarie University |
10 October | Economics and Finance | Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews and Bibliometrics Analysis using R |
Associate Professor Abhay Singh Macquarie University |
21 October | Economics and Finance | The Long-Run Phillips Curve is ... a Curve |
Dr Qazi Haque The University of Adelaide |
28 October | Economics and Finance | Do White Saviour Perceptions Reduce Charitable Donations? Experimental Evidence |
Professor Simon Feeny RMIT |
4 November | Marketing | Exploring Relationship Marketing in Complex Project-based Markets |
Dr Kevin Swarts University of Tasmania |
4 November | Economics and Finance | R coding workshop |
Associate Professor Abhay Singh Macquarie University |
14 December | Management | Session 1: Are they really a servant leader? Trialling alternative ways of researching servant leadership Session 2: Thoughts About Publishing, Academia, and everything in between: Thinking strategically about what we can do |
Dr Nathan Eva Monash University |
Public lectures
In addition to our weekly seminars, the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics hosts two annual public lectures.
Giblin Lecture Series
The Giblin Lecture, established in 1996 and presented annually in June/July in association with The Economic Society of Australia, aims to stimulate economic debate on the topics of the day. The lecture is held in honour of Lyndhurst Falkiner Giblin, a Tasmanian born economist (1872-1951), who played an important role in the evolution of economic policy making in Australia. He served as the Tasmanian government statistician and acting Commonwealth statistician, and advised on tariff and depression policies, as well as seeing active duty in the First World War. His academic positions of note include the inaugural Ritchie Chair of Economic Research at the University of Melbourne.
For further details please contact coordinator Dr Mala Raghavan.
Year | Title and link | Author |
2022 | Great Expectations: Achieving gender equity in our lifetime (Watch on YouTube) | Dr Angela Jackson |
Year | Title and link | Author |
2019 | Whither or Wither Broad Based Policy Reform? | Professor John Hewson |
2018 | Companies Behaving Badly | Mr Rod Sims |
2017 | The Global Growth Slump: Causes and Consequences | Dr John Williams |
2016 | The Migration Crisis and Refugee Policy in Europe | Professor Timothy J. Hatton |
2015 | Market Design: Creating Better Institutions | Professor Jacob Goeree |
2014 | The Australian labour market: The more things change... | Professor Jeff Borland |
2012 | Housing and the Distribution of Wealth | Associate Professor Judith Yates |
2011 | Opportunities, Challenges and Policy Responses | Dr Ken Henry |
2010 | Financial Regulation and the Crisis | Professor Charles Goodhart |
Kate Stanton Annual Research Lecture
The Kate Stanton Lecture is a public lecture on accounting research presented annually in April/May in association with CPA Australia. The lecture has been given by many distinguished speakers since it was established in 1990. The lecture is held in honour of Kate Stanton (1963-2006), an alumna of the University of Tasmania, who from the time she arrived in Tasmania involved herself fully in the community, using her qualifications to voluntarily contribute in a number of ways including through organisations increasing female participation in sport.
Kate was an advocate for CPA Australia and the profession, supporting many programs and encouraging young students and accountants to advance their careers. She was a Fellow of the CPA and a Tasmanian Divisional Councillor, State President, Board Public Sector Committee representative and Chair of CPA Australia’s Ethics and Corporate Governance Centre of Excellence. She was also a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Kate worked for the Tasmanian Audit Office for 13 years where she became the Director of Financial Audit, she later became an Assistant Director of the Tasmanian Department of Treasury and Finance.
Year | Presenter | Title |
2019 | Professor Lisa McManus FCPA | Tasmanian School of Business & Economics Strategy Update |
2018 | Dr Dean Hanlon | Are financial reports still useful to investors? |
2017 | Emeritus Professor Gary O'Donovan FCPA | The future isn't what it used to be – 45 years of accounting education: A personal reflection |
2016 | Mike Blake FCPA | Accounting and Auditing in the Public Interest |
2015 | Jane Andrew CPA | The political potency of accounting – the influence of accounting on public policy |
2014 | Phil Hancock FCPA | The Next Generation of Accountants |
2013 | Michelle Roach CPA | Good Corporate Governance |
2012 | Professor Gordon Boyce | Accounting, accountability and responsibility: Pillars of national integrity |
2011 | Professor Ken McPhail | Human Rights and Accountability. |
2010 | Professor Kim Langfield-Smith | Global accounting education standards: facilitating access, convergence and implementation. |
Year | Presenter | Title |
2009 | Professor Roger Buritt | Reporting and assurance of sustainability issues: what are the drivers? |
2008 | Emeritus Professor Michael Gaffikin | Professional Issues in Contemporary Accounting - What are the Problems and Issues Facing the Discipline of Accounting and how can the Profession Work Together to Take a Proactive Role? |
2006 | Professor Brendan O'Connell | HIH, the AWB: Lessons Learned and Where to From Here? |
2005 | Professor Keryn Chalmers | Globalisation of Accounting Standards: The Why, How and Impact |
2004 | Professor Dave Owen | Corporate Sustainability Reporting - Accountability or Spin? |
2003 | Professor James Guthrie | A Review of New Public Financial Management Change in Australia. |
2002 | Professor Peter Wolnizer | A Cure for Enronitis? |
2001 | Professor Stewart Leech | Understanding the impact of information systems on decision making by professional accountants. |
Year | Presenter | Title |
1999 | Professor Bruce Grundy Professor of Finance, University of Melbourne | Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation: An Economic Perspective. |
1998 | Professor Philip Brown Professor of Accounting, University of Western Australia | Politics and Processes: The Future of Australian Accounting Standards |
1997 | Professor Stanley Biggs KPMG Peat Marwick Professor of Accounting, University of Connecticut | Analytical Procedures: Promise, Problems, and Implications for Practice |
1996 | Professor Jayne Godfrey Professor of Accounting and Finance, University of Tasmania | Accounting as an Economic Tool: Implications for Accountants and Regulators |
1995 | Professor Ron Weber Professor of Commerce, University of Queensland | Corporate Governance and Information Technology: Some Implications for Accountants and Auditors |
1994 | Professor Peter Brownell Ernst and Young Professor of Accounting, University of Melbourne | Research Directions in Management Accounting |
1993 | Professor Greg Whittred Professor of Accounting and Finance, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of New south Wales | Innovation, Regulation and the Role of Financial Accounting Research |
1992 | Professor Robert Chenhall Professor of Accounting, Monash University | Strategic Management Accounting: an Essential Aspect of Developing Competitive Business Strategies |
1991 | Professor Lee D. Parker | Ethics and Discipline in the Australian Accounting Profession |
1990 | Professor Peter Easton Price Waterhouse Professor of Accounting and Finance, Macquarie University and Visiting Professor of Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago | The Stock Market's Perception of Accounting Information |