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  2. Thumbnail for Activating a township through gardens of "horror"

    Activating a township through gardens of "horror"
    4 Oct 2016: During Hobart’s winter, two very strange events grew out of the darkness…On June 16, between 7pm and 12pm, more than 600 people descended into an underground basement in Hobart, navigating the subterranean city space to experience projected
  3. Thumbnail for Internship has life-changing outcomes

    Internship has life-changing outcomes
    21 Nov 2016: Niels van der Winkle has just produced a social return on investment report for not-for-profit organisation Colony47. They’ll present the report to the government in a case for funding that has the potential to change many lives. It's an
  4. Thumbnail for From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology

    From not sure what to study, to advising the EU on criminology
    23 Dec 2016: It is a conundrum that most school leavers face at some point. What career path should they take, what university to study at or whether to go to university at all?Dr Hannah Graham faced the same issues, choosing between the idea of going to TAFE or
  5. Thumbnail for Affecting art

    Affecting art
    8 Jun 2016: Artist Selena de Carvalho’s grandmother is a firm supporter of her granddaughter’s creative work. She has an enormous early piece of Selena’s in her hallway, which Selena begs her to remove every time she visits. “I say, ‘can’t we get
  6. Thumbnail for Creating mystical worlds

    Creating mystical worlds
    1 Mar 2016: When Karin Chan left Singapore to study a Fine Arts degree in Tasmania, her family thought she would graduate to become an art teacher. But Karin had bigger aspirations. She wanted to practice fine art on the world stage. Four years later and Karin
  7. Thumbnail for How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student

    How Tasmania inspired a Chinese Fine Art student
    7 Dec 2016: Shanshan had worked in the media for Beijing Evening News as the Art Editor and reporter for eleven years. But painting had always been her passion. Her father was an artist, so she believes painting is in her genes. She had always wanted to become
  8. Thumbnail for Bridging the gap between food security and marine conservation

    Bridging the gap between food security and marine conservation
    20 May 2016: As the global population rises and the ability of agricultural land to produce enough food to meet our needs reaches its maximum, we will increasingly look to the oceans to supply food and nutrients. How can we ensure that the pressure placed on our
  9. Thumbnail for Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents

    Finding a balanced approach to the complexity of biotech patents
    5 Apr 2016: Patents give individuals and entities the exclusive right to make and sell their inventions. If you invested considerable money and effort developing an invention, would it be fair for someone else to simply copy and sell it? The law says it’s
  10. Thumbnail for Why are we the way we are?

    Why are we the way we are?
    7 Jun 2016: Demographer Amina Keygan didn’t just enjoy studying Sociology, she fell in love with it, quite accidentally. “When I came to University, I was very interested in gender and social structures, and how we become who we are as people and what
  11. Thumbnail for From science to teaching

    From science to teaching
    13 Jun 2016: Coleen Cole always dreamt of being a teacher, but life took her in another direction. Now nearly 20 years later, she is studying to make her dream a reality. “I wanted to be a teacher ever since I left university the first time round, but it

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