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  2. Thumbnail for History textbooks still imply that Australians are white

    History textbooks still imply that Australians are white
    19 Jun 2017: Despite improvements to their content over time, secondary school history textbooks still imply that Australians are white. Textbook depictions of Australianness are not only relevant to experiences of national belonging or exclusion. Research has
  3. Thumbnail for Program empowers those most disadvantaged to shine

    Program empowers those most disadvantaged to shine
    15 Sep 2017: When Syrian refugee Jean Moussalli arrived in Hobart with his family in 2016, education was an important priority to him. Unable to continue his University studies in management and accounting, Mr Moussalli was looking for something to help him with
  4. Thumbnail for University a life-changer for Clemente Students

    University a life-changer for Clemente Students
    3 Jan 2017: While graduating from a university course is a proud moment for any student, it was the greatest sense of achievement for Maria Janabi and Ratachanee Chainuwong. The pair were part of the first group of students to graduate with their Certificate in
  5. Thumbnail for Criminality and Climate Change

    Criminality and Climate Change
    3 Apr 2017: While the obvious impact of climate change is the increased temperature, rising sea-level and an impact to the ecology, there is also the issue of increased criminality. One of the many side-effects of climate change that many people don't make the
  6. Thumbnail for Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby

    Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby
    21 Dec 2017: Graduating University of Tasmania law and social science students were lucky to receive sound and experienced advice from the Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Justice Kirby, who is one of
  7. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  8. Thumbnail for Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...

    Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...
    7 Jul 2017: Icebergs breaking off Antarctica, even massive ones, do not typically concern glaciologists. But the impending birth of a new massive iceberg could be more than business as usual for the frozen continent. The Larsen C ice shelf, the fourth-largest
  9. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  10. Thumbnail for Deadly disease can ‘hide’ from a Tasmanian devil’s immune system

    Deadly disease can ‘hide’ from a Tasmanian devil’s immune system
    4 Jan 2017: The Tasmanian devil facial tumour (DFT) cells may use a molecular deception – common in human cancers – that could allow the deadly disease to avoid the animal’s immune system, according to our new research published this month. Recently it
  11. Thumbnail for Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’

    Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’
    8 May 2017: “I’ve never been with so many bogans in my life. Aren’t they fantastic!” cried an enraptured guest at the 2011 opening of Hobart’s Museum of Old and New Art. The general opening party debauchery (despite rumours of an impending orgy)
  12. Thumbnail for #LstTxt&Tstmnt

    13 Oct 2017: The unsent text message read:“Dave Nic you and Jack keep all that I have house and superannuation, put my ashes in the back garden with Trish Julie will take her stuff only she’s ok gone back to her ex AGAIN I’m beaten. A bit of cash behind TV
  13. Thumbnail for Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it

    Some workers ‘cyberloaf’ if they think they can get away with it
    17 Aug 2017: Sending personal emails, a bit of online shopping, checking out your friend’s holiday snaps on Facebook: if you break up your work day with online activities that aren’t work-related, you may be guilty of “cyberloafing”. Cyberloafing –
  14. Thumbnail for Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'

    Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'
    30 May 2017: "In a driverless future, it will be vital that our cars know exactly where they are on the road, down to the millimetre. We’ve found that our current methods of measuring location may not be up to scratch. Changes on Earth’s surface, including
  15. Thumbnail for Cows in Antarctica?

    Cows in Antarctica?
    16 Aug 2017: Elizabeth Leane, Associate Professor of English and ARC Future Fellow, and Hanne E. F. Nielsen, PhD Candidate in Antarctic Representations, investigate the unusual history of cows in Antarctica for The Conversation. Domestic animals are rarely
  16. Thumbnail for Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?

    Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?
    8 Feb 2017: Stop the presses, Beyoncé is pregnant. For a brief moment last week, the headlines shifted from Trump to the “Queen Bey”, who dropped the news of her twin pregnancy on Instagram in a post garnering nearly 10 million “likes”. Beyoncé
  17. Thumbnail for Watering down the same-sex marriage bill

    Watering down the same-sex marriage bill
    28 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Australian Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will now move to the House of Representatives for
  18. Thumbnail for Drones and privacy

    Drones and privacy
    26 Apr 2017: Recent advances in technology mean we can no longer rely on fences or barriers around our homes to protect our privacy. This was certainly the case for Darwin resident Karli Hyatt, who on Tuesday explained to the ABC’s Law Report how a drone
  19. Thumbnail for Making positive change for a better world

    Making positive change for a better world
    21 Jun 2017: From humble beginnings in north-west Tasmania, OXFAM Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Helen Szoke was determined not to let her situation at that point in her life dictate her future. She was determined to get an education and follow her
  20. Thumbnail for Bob Brown wins his case

    Bob Brown wins his case
    18 Oct 2017: Bob Brown was arrested under an anti-protest law after refusing to obey police directions to leave a forestry coup at Lapoinya State Forest. AAPThe High Court has ruled today by a 6:1 majority in favour of Bob Brown and Jessica Hoyt’s challenge to

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