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  2. Thumbnail for What we can learn from book clubs

    What we can learn from book clubs
    3 Oct 2017: Children’s book clubs have been in the news lately. In July, ABC Online featured a number of Year 6 students who had formed their own clubs. The kids love their reading groups and the story describes how the groups form the basis of lasting
  3. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  4. Thumbnail for Dangers of the desk job

    Dangers of the desk job
    22 Jun 2017: Australians are working longer and exercising less with two out of three adults now classed as overweight or obese – presenting Dr Scott Pedersen with a mighty battle. As the Director of the Active Work Lab in the University of Tasmania's Faculty
  5. Thumbnail for Program empowers those most disadvantaged to shine

    Program empowers those most disadvantaged to shine
    15 Sep 2017: When Syrian refugee Jean Moussalli arrived in Hobart with his family in 2016, education was an important priority to him. Unable to continue his University studies in management and accounting, Mr Moussalli was looking for something to help him with
  6. Thumbnail for Delving into the "black books" of convict knowledge

    Delving into the "black books" of convict knowledge
    20 Jun 2017: In 1803, the first of almost 73,000 convicts landed on what was then called Van Diemen’s Land. Over the course of the next 50 years convict clerks kept meticulous records of each new arrival in leather-bound volumes. Pouring over the voluminous
  7. Thumbnail for University a life-changer for Clemente Students

    University a life-changer for Clemente Students
    3 Jan 2017: While graduating from a university course is a proud moment for any student, it was the greatest sense of achievement for Maria Janabi and Ratachanee Chainuwong. The pair were part of the first group of students to graduate with their Certificate in
  8. Thumbnail for Putting the emotion into maths for better learning

    Putting the emotion into maths for better learning
    17 Dec 2017: Are you a “maths person”? Most people think they are, or they aren’t. What if we told you there was no such thing? Professor Kim Beswick is an ARC Future Fellow, and her research is aiming to help teachers educate their students better, by
  9. Thumbnail for BIG and Bigger pathways

    BIG and Bigger pathways
    16 Jan 2017: Fun pathways into higher education are being paved by the University of Tasmania, particularly at the Cradle Coast campus. Working closely with the BIG Committee, staff have spent 2016 bringing together students from Burnie-based schools with
  10. Thumbnail for Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions

    Graduates secure prestigious scholarships to ask the big questions
    29 Jun 2017: Two University of Tasmania graduates will undertake the opportunity of a lifetime as recipients of a scholarship to study theology at the University of Oxford. Adrian Staples and Harrison Virs have been awarded the scholarships by Reverend Professor
  11. Thumbnail for Shedding the maths stigma

    Shedding the maths stigma
    3 Aug 2017: Many of us gain a sense of control over a situation when we are able to create some kind of order. Teachers presented with a class full of children also tend to do this; grouping children with others who appear to be at the same level as them in
  12. Thumbnail for The frozen continent and its connection to us

    The frozen continent and its connection to us
    4 Jul 2017: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers have joined the City of Hobart for the official launch of a new research project that aims to enhance Hobart’s role as an Antarctic gateway. The Antarctic Cities project is studying the
  13. Thumbnail for Criminality and Climate Change

    Criminality and Climate Change
    3 Apr 2017: While the obvious impact of climate change is the increased temperature, rising sea-level and an impact to the ecology, there is also the issue of increased criminality. One of the many side-effects of climate change that many people don't make the
  14. Thumbnail for Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?

    Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?
    5 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will not move to the House of Representatives for further
  15. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  16. Thumbnail for We need a new Australia Day

    We need a new Australia Day
    29 Nov 2017: The decision by ABC Triple J to move the Hottest 100, its popular musical countdown, from January 26 has reignited the smouldering controversy about Australia Day. The radio station has moved the 2018 poll from Australia Day to January 27 after a
  17. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  18. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  19. Thumbnail for It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program

    It's a big “oui” to the University Connections Program
    26 May 2017: Taking the opportunity to learn French in high school even though she wasn’t sure how’d she go, Lily Russell quickly discovered she had a natural flair for the language. Studying French through the University Connections Program (UCP) proved to
  20. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  21. Thumbnail for A home for everyone?

    A home for everyone?
    12 Sep 2017: While Australia has an egalitarian mythology, where everyone has a chance, the roots of problems with access to housing lie in our history. The first land grants were given to former convicts as a way to control an unfenced prison colony. As free
  22. Thumbnail for Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled

    Mastering the art of storytelling along a path less travelled
    7 Jun 2017: You could say Bridget Hickey didn’t take a traditional path at university. Instead, she studied across disciplines, between Fine Arts and Humanities, picking subjects that she loved. This diversity uncovered a passion for audio storytelling. Now,
  23. Thumbnail for Motor Neuron Disease: One step closer, a research journey

    Motor Neuron Disease: One step closer, a research journey
    28 Aug 2017: There are no treatments or cures for Motor Neuron Disease, and most people with the illness die three to five years after diagnosis. For the past 10 years Associate Professor Tracey Dickson’s group at the University of Tasmania's Menzies
  24. Thumbnail for History textbooks still imply that Australians are white

    History textbooks still imply that Australians are white
    19 Jun 2017: Despite improvements to their content over time, secondary school history textbooks still imply that Australians are white. Textbook depictions of Australianness are not only relevant to experiences of national belonging or exclusion. Research has
  25. Thumbnail for Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?

    Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?
    8 Feb 2017: Stop the presses, Beyoncé is pregnant. For a brief moment last week, the headlines shifted from Trump to the “Queen Bey”, who dropped the news of her twin pregnancy on Instagram in a post garnering nearly 10 million “likes”. Beyoncé
  26. Thumbnail for Lions soon to roar once more

    Lions soon to roar once more
    4 Sep 2017: The rugby action was fast and furious when the University of Tasmania hosted the first round of the Aon Women’s University Sevens Series in Launceston recently. Held over two days at University of Tasmania Stadium, the University of Queensland
  27. Thumbnail for PhD - the real passion project

    PhD - the real passion project
    7 Jun 2017: If you’re searching for a thesis topic, you have to ask yourself, what am I obsessed with?Do you want to cure cancer, dissect Great Expectations, or save an endangered frog? Do you hunt down rare black and white films to watch, or do you spend a
  28. Thumbnail for Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret

    Researchers keen on quinoa's salty secret
    30 Oct 2017: A new study into the breeding of salt-tolerant crops has made an important finding, which could prove instrumental in long-term efforts to address global food security. The research, published in the journal Cell Research, found that quinoa, which
  29. Thumbnail for University’s Law faculty ranked among world’s best

    University’s Law faculty ranked among world’s best
    11 Oct 2017: The University of Tasmania has been named in the top 100 universities worldwide for law following the release of new international rankings. In the latest Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2018 by subject, the University’s
  30. Thumbnail for Hobart families support the training of medical students

    Hobart families support the training of medical students
    7 Apr 2017: Each year generous Hobart families with newborn babies open their doors to University of Tasmania medical students, as part of the Kids and Families Program. A unique and important part of training for students, the School of Medicine program has run
  31. Thumbnail for Top five PhD survival tips

    Top five PhD survival tips
    7 Jun 2017: 1. Write! Anything! Getting your thoughts down on paper really helps get your brain working. Even if what you write isn’t great, just get something down. You can refine it and edit it later. 2. Create a work zone Co-ordinated sticky notes. Your
  32. Thumbnail for #ImReady is set to help kids get healthier

    #ImReady is set to help kids get healthier
    31 Jul 2017: The University of Tasmania is funding a project which aims to find lasting ways to improve Tasmania’s childhood and adolescent obesity and overweight statistics, which are some of the highest in the country. The inaugural #ImReady project will help
  33. Thumbnail for Scholarships support students' study dreams.

    Scholarships support students' study dreams.
    19 Oct 2017: Five University of Tasmania students have been able to relocate to pursue their dream degrees thanks to a generous relocation scholarship program. The George Alexander Foundation Relocation and Living Support Scholarships, made possible through the
  34. Thumbnail for A day in the life of a typical PhD student...

    A day in the life of a typical PhD student...
    7 Jun 2017: 9. 30am Go to the Uni café and obtain a much-needed coffee. Get waylaid by a friend who wants to know “how’s the PhD going?” Struggle to answer such a huge and problematic question while completely un-caffeinated. Escape gracefully, down the
  35. Thumbnail for Strengthening Lions prepare for final tournament

    Strengthening Lions prepare for final tournament
    26 Sep 2017: A steadily improving University of Tasmania Lions rugby team is training hard ahead of the final tournament in this year’s inaugural Aon Uni 7s Series. Coming off disappointing bottom of the table finishes in the first two tournaments, the Lions
  36. Thumbnail for Medical students make an IMPACT on improving safe childbirth in Africa

    Medical students make an IMPACT on improving safe childbirth in Africa
    18 Jul 2017: University of Tasmania medical students will help improve the lives of women who have little or no assistance during childbirth, through a special initiative. The students who are part of IMPACT, a University of Tasmania medical society dedicated to
  37. Thumbnail for Detective or decide!

    Detective or decide!
    21 Aug 2017: It’s no secret that scientists get to do some amazing stuff. They see things in a different way. It might be scanning the frozen landscape of Antarctica from the deck of a research vessel, it might be investigating outer space through a telescope,
  38. Thumbnail for TIA scientist named Young Agronomist of the Year

    TIA scientist named Young Agronomist of the Year
    26 Sep 2017: The Agronomy Australia Young Agronomist Award was presented at the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference in Ballarat, Victoria. The award recognises an agronomist aged 36 or under for their record of publications, supervision of PhD candidates,
  39. Thumbnail for Discovering Tasmanian communities through teaching

    Discovering Tasmanian communities through teaching
    1 Dec 2017: Education student Laura Stewart is enjoying her teaching experience in the town of Strahan so much she may never head back to her hometown of Hobart. Laura is completing her Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree, and is hopeful of securing a role at
  40. Thumbnail for $150,000 to improve soil health for potato industry

    $150,000 to improve soil health for potato industry
    3 Jul 2017: The one-year project is funded by Hort Innovation with in-kind contributions from TIA. It will provide tangible benefits to potato industry levy payers around Australia through the development of extension materials and identification of priorities
  41. Thumbnail for A destination and lifestyle choice: to teach and make a difference

    A destination and lifestyle choice: to teach and make a difference
    11 Dec 2017: Bobby-Jack Bowen Butchart admits he wasn't always the best student as a young boy. “I misbehaved. I didn’t pay attention in class,” he said. It’s this background that has drawn Bobby-Jack back to the classroom. He is keen to make a
  42. Thumbnail for Antarctic-bound doctors left out in the cold

    Antarctic-bound doctors left out in the cold
    1 Aug 2017: Antarctic-bound doctors have spent a wet and wild week in the Tasmanian wilderness, honing their cold climate and remote medicine skills. During the eight day Expedition Medicine Winter Course, run by the University of Tasmania and Australian
  43. Thumbnail for Incoming VC Professor Rufus Black to lead new chapter for University

    Incoming VC Professor Rufus Black to lead new chapter for University
    10 Nov 2017: Noted ethicist, educator and strategic consultant, Professor Rufus Black, has been announced as the incoming Vice-Chancellor and President at the University of Tasmania. Professor Black will start in the role in March next year, replacing Professor
  44. Thumbnail for Lollies for cows: Plantain in the pasture

    Lollies for cows: Plantain in the pasture
    31 Jul 2017: New research at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) is looking at how the inclusion of plantain in traditional ryegrass pastures can boost production and profitability for Tasmanian dairy farmers. TIA Dairy Research Fellow Pieter Raedts and
  45. Thumbnail for Agriculture graduate becomes a future industry leader

    Agriculture graduate becomes a future industry leader
    30 Jan 2017: An agriculture graduate from the University of Tasmania has received a prestigious $120,000 Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship to continue her research into Tasmania’s cider industry. Madeleine Way, 22, graduated from the University of Tasmania
  46. Thumbnail for Sporting excellence meets research excellence

    Sporting excellence meets research excellence
    23 Aug 2017: When the University of Tasmania Lions head into the inaugural Aon Women’s Uni 7s Series on Friday (25 August), they will be making history in women’s sport and contributing to valuable sporting research. Part of the University’s experienced
  47. Thumbnail for Physics graduate awarded for supermassive research achievement

    Physics graduate awarded for supermassive research achievement
    29 Jun 2017: A University of Tasmania Honours graduate has secured a prestigious national award for her research into supermassive black holes and galaxies, highlighting the strength of the institution’s astronomy program. Madeline Marshall is the 2017
  48. Thumbnail for Scholarship winner focused on doing good

    Scholarship winner focused on doing good
    10 Oct 2017: Hannah Martin was a college student in Tasmania’s North West when she knew she wanted to devote her career to helping cancer patients. Hannah, 22, is now studying a Bachelor of Health Science/Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science, which she began
  49. Thumbnail for Optical collection gives crystal clear peek into past

    Optical collection gives crystal clear peek into past
    7 Dec 2017: Our island ‘can-do’ spirit, secret wartime missions and reconnaissance flights are elements captured in a unique collection, featuring the work of Hobart’s World War II ‘Optical Munitions Annexe 9/101’ and its 25 year post-war
  50. Thumbnail for University Apartments open on Melville Street, Hobart

    University Apartments open on Melville Street, Hobart
    24 Oct 2017: In both bricks and mortar, and human capital, the University Apartments in Hobart’s Melville Street are an emblem of the way higher education delivers economic, social and cultural renewal in a city. At the apartment’s official opening,
  51. Thumbnail for A Rising Star is born

    A Rising Star is born
    24 Aug 2017: Third year Bachelor of Music student Maraika Smit, 21, has been named the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra’s new Rising Star. Maraika, who plays the horn, was selected from a number of entrants to receive the title, and will perform solo with the TSO

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