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  2. Thumbnail for What we can learn from book clubs

    What we can learn from book clubs
    3 Oct 2017: Children’s book clubs have been in the news lately. In July, ABC Online featured a number of Year 6 students who had formed their own clubs. The kids love their reading groups and the story describes how the groups form the basis of lasting
  3. Thumbnail for Determination and strength lead Nursing student to his Graduation day

    Determination and strength lead Nursing student to his Graduation day
    28 Apr 2017: Not many medical students can list emergency helicopter patient retrievals in Afghanistan as part of their pre-study experience. However for Mirwais Adli, this work and all the dangers associated with it, was everyday life before coming to the
  4. Thumbnail for Studying agriculture in Tasmania just makes sense

    Studying agriculture in Tasmania just makes sense
    15 Jun 2017: MengYong Lim made the decision to move to Tasmania three years ago and says he doesn’t regret it for a minute. In 2015, MengYong moved from Malaysia to the beautiful shores of Tasmania to study a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at the University
  5. Thumbnail for Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?

    Can Ancient Rome offer lessons on marriage laws?
    5 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will not move to the House of Representatives for further
  6. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  7. Thumbnail for The fast-track to caring

    The fast-track to caring
    17 Oct 2017: Chantelle Ward, 28, was led to nursing at the age of 21 by an experience that gave her the determination to gain the skills needed to help people. “I was in Eygpt, travelling in a taxi and there was a bad road accident. There was a man on the side
  8. Thumbnail for 3D printer project puts UTAS at the cutting edge of micro engineering

    3D printer project puts UTAS at the cutting edge of micro engineering
    23 Feb 2017: Fast 3D printing at an unprecedented scale – with molecular level control – will be the focus of University of Tasmania research which has received a $630,000 grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC). It is one of four University
  9. Thumbnail for Building a bridge to the future

    Building a bridge to the future
    19 May 2017: Matt Cocks and his partner Jane stood in India, watching a bridge being built. Matt had just been made redundant, and the pair was travelling for a bit of a break while they figured out their next move. As they watched a team of men hauling woks
  10. Thumbnail for The secret sex life of plants

    The secret sex life of plants
    10 Apr 2017: Sexual reproduction in animals and plants share common elements, but little was known about how the sex of plants is determined until University of Tasmania researchers discovered a gene responsible. Dr Scott McAdam, Associate Professor Timothy
  11. Thumbnail for Our soaring STEM superstars

    Our soaring STEM superstars
    10 Jul 2017: Two University of Tasmania researchers are among 30 women scientists and technologists nationwide who have been selected as the first Superstars of STEM. Dr Fiona Kerslake (TIA research fellow) and Dr Jess Melbourne-Thomas (ACE-CRC/AAD, pictured
  12. Thumbnail for Weathering a Brainstorm during Dark Mofo

    Weathering a Brainstorm during Dark Mofo
    19 Jun 2017: When Master of Fine Arts graduate, Darren Cook, was invited to exhibit at Brainstorm as part of Dark Mofo, he started by thinking about both weather patterns and cognitive patterns. He thought about shelter from storms and their cognitive equivalent
  13. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  14. Thumbnail for Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements

    Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements
    17 May 2017: When you’re holding a rock in your hand, you’re holding a piece of history millions of years old. Josh Phillips is a postgraduate in CODES, studying the trace element chemistry of hydrothermal minerals around ore deposits. Every rock tells a
  15. Thumbnail for Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby

    Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby
    21 Dec 2017: Graduating University of Tasmania law and social science students were lucky to receive sound and experienced advice from the Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Justice Kirby, who is one of
  16. Thumbnail for A land of opportunity – agricultural careers in the 21st century

    A land of opportunity – agricultural careers in the 21st century
    7 Jun 2017: Now is the perfect time to begin, or advance, your career in agriculture in Tasmania. If you have a picture in your head of shearing sheep, milking cows or growing crops – think again. There is far more to 21st century agriculture than meets the
  17. Thumbnail for Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career

    Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career
    25 May 2017: It was the wicked problems facing the world that attracted Miriam McCormack to study agriculture in the first place, and now she gets immense satisfaction from playing a role in research into food security in developing countries. Miriam, who
  18. Thumbnail for Going for gold

    Going for gold
    15 Jun 2017: We are often told that to find a career you love, you need to follow your passion in life. Bachelor of Agriculture student Georga Brennan is taking this one step further and combining her two passions - horses and agriculture, to set herself up for
  19. Thumbnail for Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers

    Convict children taken to Australia grew up taller than their UK peers
    17 Sep 2017: Male Tasmanian-born prisoners, arrested in the second half of the nineteenth century, were over four centimetres taller, on average, than transported convicts. And they were nearly two centimetres taller than free migrants who were born in Britain
  20. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  21. Thumbnail for Greener greenhouses to feed the future

    Greener greenhouses to feed the future
    6 Feb 2017: Did you know greenhouse cultivation is a relatively new practice of food production in Australia? PhD candidate Dianfan Zhou is going to help bring our country up to speed. “I recently started my PhD in UTAS’ School of Land and Food and my

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