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  2. Thumbnail for Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology

    Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology
    10 Jul 2017: Dr Jane Nielsen has a background in intellectual property and competition law issues in biotechnology, and is now examining material transfers in biomedical research. Dr Nielsen also looks at infringement and enforcement issues surrounding
  3. Thumbnail for The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet

    The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet
    28 Nov 2017: If you’ve never seen a handfish before, imagine dipping a toad in some brightly coloured paint, telling it a sad story, and forcing it to wear gloves two sizes too big. Welcome to the bizarre reality of one of the ocean’s weirdest life forms.
  4. Thumbnail for Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia

    Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia
    27 Sep 2017: A team of 32 scientists from 12 countries has arrived in Hobart on the research vessel JOIDES Resolution after a nine-week voyage to study the lost and now submerged continent of Zealandia in the South Pacific. The University of Tasmania is one of 16
  5. Thumbnail for Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements

    Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements
    17 May 2017: When you’re holding a rock in your hand, you’re holding a piece of history millions of years old. Josh Phillips is a postgraduate in CODES, studying the trace element chemistry of hydrothermal minerals around ore deposits. Every rock tells a
  6. Thumbnail for Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today

    Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today
    31 May 2017: Two hundred years after Matthew Flinders circumnavigated Australia and mapped much of the coastline for the first time, community citizen scientists and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers are now following in his wake to
  7. Thumbnail for Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby

    Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby
    21 Dec 2017: Graduating University of Tasmania law and social science students were lucky to receive sound and experienced advice from the Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Justice Kirby, who is one of
  8. Thumbnail for Dynamic vision for university city

    Dynamic vision for university city
    18 Jul 2017: The masterplan for the $260 million redevelopment of the University of Tasmania precinct at Inveresk has been unveiled today by the project partners. The Commonwealth Government, University of Tasmania, Tasmanian Government, City of Launceston and
  9. Thumbnail for Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier

    Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier
    28 Nov 2017: “One of the things I love telling my students is no matter what David Attenborough says, Antarctica is not pristine. It’s been majorly messed with,” said Mark Hindell, Professor of marine science at the University of Tasmania in Australia.
  10. Thumbnail for Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late

    Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late
    10 May 2017: Mining for precious, base and ferrous metals can result in millions of tonnes of tailings and waste rock, which if left unmanaged can have dire environmental consequences. Poorly designed storage facilities can potentially leak pollution for
  11. Thumbnail for A career not for the faint hearted

    A career not for the faint hearted
    14 Dec 2017: Being woken up by gunfire almost every night in Rwanda and speaking to survivors of systemic genocide are just some of the many formative experiences of University of Tasmania Law School alumnus Dr Alice Edwards. Getting to where she is now, the Head
  12. Thumbnail for How can we get faster growing lobsters?

    How can we get faster growing lobsters?
    6 Feb 2017: Audrey Daning Turzan wasn’t interested in studying aquaculture…until the day she went scuba diving. “I used to watch X Files and I wanted to work in forensics. But I wasn’t able to study that, instead I got a Diploma in Fisheries. At first I
  13. Thumbnail for Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched

    Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched
    17 Mar 2017: Launceston will be home to a new advanced manufacturing facility, producing sensors which would previously have been sourced from global hi-tech giants such as Japan and China. Partners today officially opened the University of Tasmania’s Advanced
  14. Thumbnail for Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?

    Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?
    28 Nov 2017: The ocean is full of weird and wonderful creatures, from the enigmatic handfish to the large and ancient Maugean skate. But what about all the organisms we can’t see? As we zoom in on the oceans’ smallest life forms, just before we hit the realm
  15. Thumbnail for From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....

    From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....
    31 Mar 2017: A new international study led by scientists from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the University’s Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) has highlighted how humans are being affected by climate-driven changes in the
  16. Thumbnail for #LstTxt&Tstmnt

    13 Oct 2017: The unsent text message read:“Dave Nic you and Jack keep all that I have house and superannuation, put my ashes in the back garden with Trish Julie will take her stuff only she’s ok gone back to her ex AGAIN I’m beaten. A bit of cash behind TV
  17. Thumbnail for In the future, boats might fly

    In the future, boats might fly
    6 Feb 2017: Sam Smith dreams of one day creating a boat capable of flying above the water. Impossible? Not with hydrofoil innovation research. Sam is studying his PhD at the ARC Research Training Centrefor Naval Design and Manufacturing at the Australian
  18. Thumbnail for Cows in Antarctica?

    Cows in Antarctica?
    16 Aug 2017: Elizabeth Leane, Associate Professor of English and ARC Future Fellow, and Hanne E. F. Nielsen, PhD Candidate in Antarctic Representations, investigate the unusual history of cows in Antarctica for The Conversation. Domestic animals are rarely
  19. Thumbnail for Watering down the same-sex marriage bill

    Watering down the same-sex marriage bill
    28 Nov 2017: The bill to legalise same-sex marriage has passed the Australian Senate, with 43 voting yes, 12 no votes, with some senators abstaining from casting a vote. The bill was passed without amendment, and will now move to the House of Representatives for
  20. Thumbnail for Drones and privacy

    Drones and privacy
    26 Apr 2017: Recent advances in technology mean we can no longer rely on fences or barriers around our homes to protect our privacy. This was certainly the case for Darwin resident Karli Hyatt, who on Tuesday explained to the ABC’s Law Report how a drone
  21. Thumbnail for Explainer: Why do whales strand themselves?

    Explainer: Why do whales strand themselves?
    4 Dec 2017: In June 2015, 337 dead whales were found in a fjord in Chilean Patagonia. It was quickly declared one of the largest whale stranding events known to science. Researchers suggested a recent explosion of toxic red algae could be behind the mysterious
  22. Thumbnail for Here's why fat is everything in the coldest place on Earth

    Here's why fat is everything in the coldest place on Earth
    28 Nov 2017: Nature has dished up some pretty extreme milks over the course of evolution, but hooded seal milk is in a league of its own. While human breast milk contains a relatively modest amount of fat (between three and five per cent), hooded seal milk
  23. Thumbnail for The top 5 sea creatures Australians should be worried about

    The top 5 sea creatures Australians should be worried about
    28 Nov 2017: One of the most amazing things about Australia is the unique conglomeration of plants and animals that call the country’s bushlands, deserts, and coastal waters home. But the flipside of having so many species that are found nowhere else on the
  24. Thumbnail for Making positive change for a better world

    Making positive change for a better world
    21 Jun 2017: From humble beginnings in north-west Tasmania, OXFAM Australia Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Helen Szoke was determined not to let her situation at that point in her life dictate her future. She was determined to get an education and follow her
  25. Thumbnail for Bob Brown wins his case

    Bob Brown wins his case
    18 Oct 2017: Bob Brown was arrested under an anti-protest law after refusing to obey police directions to leave a forestry coup at Lapoinya State Forest. AAPThe High Court has ruled today by a 6:1 majority in favour of Bob Brown and Jessica Hoyt’s challenge to

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