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  2. Thumbnail for Why Tasmania is the best place to do your PhD

    Why Tasmania is the best place to do your PhD
    7 Jun 2017: 1. We are the literal gateway to the AntarcticIf you want to study the marine sciences, the University of Tasmania is THE place to be. Our world-leading Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies has a huge range of amazing scientists conducting
  3. Thumbnail for Making models for safer mining

    Making models for safer mining
    10 May 2017: When Cassady Harraden moved from the US to Tasmania, her luggage weighed a lot. Because as a geologist, she had to take her rock collection to her new home where she is studying her PhD at CODES in the Transforming the Mining Value Chain research hub
  4. Thumbnail for Criminality and Climate Change

    Criminality and Climate Change
    3 Apr 2017: While the obvious impact of climate change is the increased temperature, rising sea-level and an impact to the ecology, there is also the issue of increased criminality. One of the many side-effects of climate change that many people don't make the
  5. Thumbnail for Learning the secrets of lobster lives

    Learning the secrets of lobster lives
    4 Dec 2017: The mystery of how to close the larval cycle of lobsters on a commercial scale has eluded science since the 1960s. But now there are some answers, thanks to researchers at the University of Tasmania. Associate Professor Greg Smith is Director of the
  6. Thumbnail for From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean

    From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean
    11 Dec 2017: In a world-first, a research team of Australian and international scientists has used data collected by satellites and an ocean model to explain and predict biodiversity on the Antarctic seafloor. The researchers combined satellite images of
  7. Thumbnail for Microplastics litter the seafloor

    Microplastics litter the seafloor
    13 Jul 2017: Scientific sampling along the South East Australian coast has found high concentrations of microplastics in seafloor sediments, including along even remote stretches of coastline. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists found an
  8. Thumbnail for You've got a friend in me

    You've got a friend in me
    16 Nov 2017: Man’s best friend is taking a giant leap forward in helping with the ecological restoration of threatened species. Researchers from the University of Tasmania’s School of Biological Sciences are part of a coordinated effort to help save the
  9. Thumbnail for The secret sex life of plants

    The secret sex life of plants
    10 Apr 2017: Sexual reproduction in animals and plants share common elements, but little was known about how the sex of plants is determined until University of Tasmania researchers discovered a gene responsible. Dr Scott McAdam, Associate Professor Timothy
  10. Thumbnail for Weathering a Brainstorm during Dark Mofo

    Weathering a Brainstorm during Dark Mofo
    19 Jun 2017: When Master of Fine Arts graduate, Darren Cook, was invited to exhibit at Brainstorm as part of Dark Mofo, he started by thinking about both weather patterns and cognitive patterns. He thought about shelter from storms and their cognitive equivalent
  11. Thumbnail for Focus on the write stuff

    Focus on the write stuff
    10 Jul 2017: Two award-winning early career novelists are doing just that. PhD students Katherine Johnson and Eden French share their creative journeys. Katherine JohnsonFor science journalist and published author Katherine Johnson – whose second novel The
  12. Thumbnail for Choose your own adventure

    Choose your own adventure
    14 Feb 2017: PhD student Lily is an acoustician. But what is that exactly? She studies the acoustics of concert halls, and she has done it in virtually all of the major concert halls in Australia, including the Sydney Opera House, Perth Concert Hall, Hamer Hall,
  13. Thumbnail for Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby

    Ten Commandments for graduates according to Justice Michael Kirby
    21 Dec 2017: Graduating University of Tasmania law and social science students were lucky to receive sound and experienced advice from the Honourable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Justice Kirby, who is one of
  14. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  15. Thumbnail for Greener greenhouses to feed the future

    Greener greenhouses to feed the future
    6 Feb 2017: Did you know greenhouse cultivation is a relatively new practice of food production in Australia? PhD candidate Dianfan Zhou is going to help bring our country up to speed. “I recently started my PhD in UTAS’ School of Land and Food and my
  16. Thumbnail for Discovering the mysteries of the brain...

    Discovering the mysteries of the brain...
    16 Feb 2017: 1. What inspired you towards neuroscience? "One of the big unknowns in the world is how does the brain actually work. We know so little about this organ yet it controls everything we think, say, do. Discovering new phenomena associated with brain
  17. Thumbnail for This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops

    This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops
    28 Nov 2017: “We’ve created a kind of ‘kindergarten for plants’,” said Professor Sergey Shabala from the University of Tasmania, describing the current state of global agriculture. “We provide them with everything they need: nutrients, water,
  18. Thumbnail for Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier

    Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier
    28 Nov 2017: “One of the things I love telling my students is no matter what David Attenborough says, Antarctica is not pristine. It’s been majorly messed with,” said Mark Hindell, Professor of marine science at the University of Tasmania in Australia.
  19. Thumbnail for From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey

    From Tassie to Scandinavia: An unbear-ably epic research journey
    18 Apr 2017: If you knew there was a bear in the wilderness near you, what would you do? For University of Tasmania graduate Jack Beardsley and his canine sidekick Cocoa, part of his job is to approach bears and see how they react. As a member of the
  20. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  21. Thumbnail for Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late

    Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late
    10 May 2017: Mining for precious, base and ferrous metals can result in millions of tonnes of tailings and waste rock, which if left unmanaged can have dire environmental consequences. Poorly designed storage facilities can potentially leak pollution for

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