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  2. Thumbnail for University Apartments open on Melville Street, Hobart

    University Apartments open on Melville Street, Hobart
    24 Oct 2017: In both bricks and mortar, and human capital, the University Apartments in Hobart’s Melville Street are an emblem of the way higher education delivers economic, social and cultural renewal in a city. At the apartment’s official opening,
  3. Thumbnail for Scientists discover why world’s richest ore deposits were formed

    Scientists discover why world’s richest ore deposits were formed
    26 Feb 2017: Scientists have discovered why some of the richest ore deposits on the planet, such as copper, zinc, silver and uranium, were formed in the middle period of Earth’s history. A team of scientists from the University of Tasmania and University of
  4. Thumbnail for Dream job in futuristic career

    Dream job in futuristic career
    17 Oct 2017: Amritha Hariharan was working as a software tester Mumbai when she decided to pursue her Master of Applied Science in Environmental Management and Spatial Sciences at the University of Tasmania. She loved it so much that Tasmania is now her home
  5. Thumbnail for Soaring high, but still in the neighbourhood

    Soaring high, but still in the neighbourhood
    13 Jun 2017: Despite its size and capacity to travel long distances, new research shows the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle does not travel far from ‘home’. Researchers from the University of Tasmania’s School of Biological Sciences Chris
  6. Thumbnail for BIG and Bigger pathways

    BIG and Bigger pathways
    16 Jan 2017: Fun pathways into higher education are being paved by the University of Tasmania, particularly at the Cradle Coast campus. Working closely with the BIG Committee, staff have spent 2016 bringing together students from Burnie-based schools with
  7. Thumbnail for Workplaces urged to get healthy, mentally

    Workplaces urged to get healthy, mentally
    9 Oct 2017: During Mental Health Week (October 8 to 14) researchers at the University of Tasmania are urging workplaces to make employee mental health a priority. While physical safety is at the forefront of Work Health and Safety laws and many workplaces are
  8. Thumbnail for Can other planets sustain life?

    Can other planets sustain life?
    4 Jul 2017: Professor John Dickey represents childhood musings for many of us. For everyone who stared upward into the night sky counting stars and dreaming of what lay beyond and from where it all came, Professor Dickey’s research may one day provide the
  9. Thumbnail for Business identity returns to the classroom after 22 years

    Business identity returns to the classroom after 22 years
    16 Jul 2017: Phil McCulloch says he always wanted to study at university but he never quite got round to doing it. The now 39-year-old says after he completed his grade 12 exams he was encouraged to get a job. “My mum and grandmother thought I could get a job
  10. Thumbnail for Shedding the maths stigma

    Shedding the maths stigma
    3 Aug 2017: Many of us gain a sense of control over a situation when we are able to create some kind of order. Teachers presented with a class full of children also tend to do this; grouping children with others who appear to be at the same level as them in
  11. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania Lions set to roar

    University of Tasmania Lions set to roar
    5 Aug 2017: In an historic step for Australian female sport, the University of Tasmania has unveiled the side that will champion its flag in the upcoming Aon Women’s Uni 7s Series. Dubbed the University of Tasmania Lions, the 24 strong squad is comprised of
  12. Thumbnail for Ancient life form discovered in remote Tasmanian valley

    Ancient life form discovered in remote Tasmanian valley
    13 Nov 2017: A team of Tasmanian researchers has uncovered rare, living stromatolites deep within the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The researchers from the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) and the University of
  13. Thumbnail for Unmasking the nature of fire

    Unmasking the nature of fire
    21 Jun 2017: Professor David Bowman’s seminal 2009 paper on the role of fire in shaping Earth’s ecology has been cited well over 800 times, but as he straps his bikes on the car, preparing for another brief soiree into the Tasmanian bush, the world expert on
  14. Thumbnail for The Australian continent is sinking…but why?

    The Australian continent is sinking…but why?
    28 Apr 2017: Surveyor and PhD candidate Anna Riddell is helping us to answer these big questions. After some time in industry, she has returned to the University of Tasmania to investigate vertical land motion and how the Australian tectonic crust is moving in
  15. Thumbnail for Designer rice breakthrough to benefit billions of people

    Designer rice breakthrough to benefit billions of people
    15 May 2017: Designer rice could be the answer to global health problems such as obesity and diabetes, and improve health outcomes for more than half of the world’s population. University of Tasmania School of Biological Sciences Professor Steven Smith is an
  16. Thumbnail for Why Tasmania is the best place to do your PhD

    Why Tasmania is the best place to do your PhD
    7 Jun 2017: 1. We are the literal gateway to the AntarcticIf you want to study the marine sciences, the University of Tasmania is THE place to be. Our world-leading Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies has a huge range of amazing scientists conducting
  17. Thumbnail for Exchange is rewarding, both academically and personally

    Exchange is rewarding, both academically and personally
    28 Mar 2017: The 2016 recipient of the University’s Soren Nielsen Travelling Scholarship in Engineering, Riak Ngor-Apuol has just returned from a six- month study exchange in Mexico, which reaped great rewards both academically and personally. “It was a
  18. Thumbnail for Making models for safer mining

    Making models for safer mining
    10 May 2017: When Cassady Harraden moved from the US to Tasmania, her luggage weighed a lot. Because as a geologist, she had to take her rock collection to her new home where she is studying her PhD at CODES in the Transforming the Mining Value Chain research hub
  19. Thumbnail for Criminality and Climate Change

    Criminality and Climate Change
    3 Apr 2017: While the obvious impact of climate change is the increased temperature, rising sea-level and an impact to the ecology, there is also the issue of increased criminality. One of the many side-effects of climate change that many people don't make the
  20. Thumbnail for What we can learn from book clubs

    What we can learn from book clubs
    3 Oct 2017: Children’s book clubs have been in the news lately. In July, ABC Online featured a number of Year 6 students who had formed their own clubs. The kids love their reading groups and the story describes how the groups form the basis of lasting
  21. Thumbnail for Studying agriculture in Tasmania just makes sense

    Studying agriculture in Tasmania just makes sense
    15 Jun 2017: MengYong Lim made the decision to move to Tasmania three years ago and says he doesn’t regret it for a minute. In 2015, MengYong moved from Malaysia to the beautiful shores of Tasmania to study a Bachelor of Agricultural Science at the University
  22. Thumbnail for University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize

    University of Tasmania historian shortlisted for Ernest Scott Prize
    26 Mar 2017: A book by University of Tasmania History and Classics Associate Professor and ARC Future Fellow Penny Edmonds has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2017 Ernest Scott Prize. The $13,000 prize is awarded to work based upon original research, which
  23. Thumbnail for 3D printer project puts UTAS at the cutting edge of micro engineering

    3D printer project puts UTAS at the cutting edge of micro engineering
    23 Feb 2017: Fast 3D printing at an unprecedented scale – with molecular level control – will be the focus of University of Tasmania research which has received a $630,000 grant from the Australian Research Council (ARC). It is one of four University
  24. Thumbnail for Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology

    Exploring the legal and ethical landscape of 3D technology
    10 Jul 2017: Dr Jane Nielsen has a background in intellectual property and competition law issues in biotechnology, and is now examining material transfers in biomedical research. Dr Nielsen also looks at infringement and enforcement issues surrounding
  25. Thumbnail for The secret sex life of plants

    The secret sex life of plants
    10 Apr 2017: Sexual reproduction in animals and plants share common elements, but little was known about how the sex of plants is determined until University of Tasmania researchers discovered a gene responsible. Dr Scott McAdam, Associate Professor Timothy
  26. Thumbnail for Building a bridge to the future

    Building a bridge to the future
    19 May 2017: Matt Cocks and his partner Jane stood in India, watching a bridge being built. Matt had just been made redundant, and the pair was travelling for a bit of a break while they figured out their next move. As they watched a team of men hauling woks
  27. Thumbnail for Our soaring STEM superstars

    Our soaring STEM superstars
    10 Jul 2017: Two University of Tasmania researchers are among 30 women scientists and technologists nationwide who have been selected as the first Superstars of STEM. Dr Fiona Kerslake (TIA research fellow) and Dr Jess Melbourne-Thomas (ACE-CRC/AAD, pictured
  28. Thumbnail for Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements

    Reading rocks to find mineral trace elements
    17 May 2017: When you’re holding a rock in your hand, you’re holding a piece of history millions of years old. Josh Phillips is a postgraduate in CODES, studying the trace element chemistry of hydrothermal minerals around ore deposits. Every rock tells a
  29. Thumbnail for A land of opportunity – agricultural careers in the 21st century

    A land of opportunity – agricultural careers in the 21st century
    7 Jun 2017: Now is the perfect time to begin, or advance, your career in agriculture in Tasmania. If you have a picture in your head of shearing sheep, milking cows or growing crops – think again. There is far more to 21st century agriculture than meets the
  30. Thumbnail for Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career

    Agriculture degree gives graduate incredible globe-trotting career
    25 May 2017: It was the wicked problems facing the world that attracted Miriam McCormack to study agriculture in the first place, and now she gets immense satisfaction from playing a role in research into food security in developing countries. Miriam, who
  31. Thumbnail for Going for gold

    Going for gold
    15 Jun 2017: We are often told that to find a career you love, you need to follow your passion in life. Bachelor of Agriculture student Georga Brennan is taking this one step further and combining her two passions - horses and agriculture, to set herself up for
  32. Thumbnail for Bruny energy research project powers up

    Bruny energy research project powers up
    17 Aug 2017: The rapid changes in the energy sector are driving some of the biggest innovations experienced in centuries. How energy is consumed today, and where will it come from tomorrow, are some of the bigger questions being asked the world over. Central to
  33. Thumbnail for Dynamic vision for university city

    Dynamic vision for university city
    18 Jul 2017: The masterplan for the $260 million redevelopment of the University of Tasmania precinct at Inveresk has been unveiled today by the project partners. The Commonwealth Government, University of Tasmania, Tasmanian Government, City of Launceston and
  34. Thumbnail for nupiri muka: ‘Eye of the Sea’

    nupiri muka: ‘Eye of the Sea’
    13 Sep 2017: An innovative new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) capable of diving up to 5,000 metres, operating underneath the ice and gathering data on Antarctic research missions was recently unveiled at the University of Tasmania’s Australian Maritime
  35. Thumbnail for Greener greenhouses to feed the future

    Greener greenhouses to feed the future
    6 Feb 2017: Did you know greenhouse cultivation is a relatively new practice of food production in Australia? PhD candidate Dianfan Zhou is going to help bring our country up to speed. “I recently started my PhD in UTAS’ School of Land and Food and my
  36. Thumbnail for Tracking the clast to the blast

    Tracking the clast to the blast
    21 Jul 2017: Did you know that when an underwater volcano erupts, the pumice clasts it creates travel huge distances floating on the oceans, shedding mass as they go? Dr Martin Jutzeler, Lecturer in Earth Sciences, is investigating how far (and fast) these
  37. Thumbnail for This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops

    This scientist is chasing the secrets of ancient crops
    28 Nov 2017: “We’ve created a kind of ‘kindergarten for plants’,” said Professor Sergey Shabala from the University of Tasmania, describing the current state of global agriculture. “We provide them with everything they need: nutrients, water,
  38. Thumbnail for The decline in male teacher numbers

    The decline in male teacher numbers
    20 Oct 2017: The percentage of male primary school teachers in Australia has decreased in recent decades, from 30. 24% in 1983 to 18. 26% in 2016. Education authorities have responded to this with recruitment-focused initiatives, such as scholarships and quota
  39. Thumbnail for New field of study

    New field of study
    6 Jul 2017: At the University of Tasmania there’s a new rite of passage for students during their journey through higher education that’s soon to be kicking national goals. And it’s exclusively for females. The institution is spearheading a women’s
  40. Thumbnail for Combining architecture and agriculture leads to beautiful creation

    Combining architecture and agriculture leads to beautiful creation
    17 Aug 2017: A group of Architecture and Design students were lucky enough to put their creative skills into practice on a recent New Colombo Plan-funded study trip to Vietnam. Under the guidance of Dr Helen Norrie, the group explored the use of bamboo for soil
  41. Thumbnail for Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late

    Predicting mine waste environmental impacts before it’s too late
    10 May 2017: Mining for precious, base and ferrous metals can result in millions of tonnes of tailings and waste rock, which if left unmanaged can have dire environmental consequences. Poorly designed storage facilities can potentially leak pollution for
  42. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  43. Thumbnail for Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...

    Don’t worry about the huge Antarctic iceberg...
    7 Jul 2017: Icebergs breaking off Antarctica, even massive ones, do not typically concern glaciologists. But the impending birth of a new massive iceberg could be more than business as usual for the frozen continent. The Larsen C ice shelf, the fourth-largest
  44. Thumbnail for Games are a golden opportunity for research

    Games are a golden opportunity for research
    20 Oct 2017: Researchers from the University of Tasmania will be investigating the experiences of athletes and volunteers who are participating in the 16th Australian Masters Games. Four projects will shed light on what drives an athlete to compete, how
  45. Thumbnail for Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched

    Tasmania's new global centre for innovation launched
    17 Mar 2017: Launceston will be home to a new advanced manufacturing facility, producing sensors which would previously have been sourced from global hi-tech giants such as Japan and China. Partners today officially opened the University of Tasmania’s Advanced
  46. Thumbnail for Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’

    Who goes to MONA? Peering behind the ‘flannelette curtain’
    8 May 2017: “I’ve never been with so many bogans in my life. Aren’t they fantastic!” cried an enraptured guest at the 2011 opening of Hobart’s Museum of Old and New Art. The general opening party debauchery (despite rumours of an impending orgy)
  47. Thumbnail for Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'

    Melting ice and satellites: how to measure the Earth’s ‘wiggle'
    30 May 2017: "In a driverless future, it will be vital that our cars know exactly where they are on the road, down to the millimetre. We’ve found that our current methods of measuring location may not be up to scratch. Changes on Earth’s surface, including
  48. Thumbnail for History textbooks still imply that Australians are white

    History textbooks still imply that Australians are white
    19 Jun 2017: Despite improvements to their content over time, secondary school history textbooks still imply that Australians are white. Textbook depictions of Australianness are not only relevant to experiences of national belonging or exclusion. Research has
  49. Thumbnail for How does the Venus flytrap work?

    How does the Venus flytrap work?
    28 Nov 2017: "This plant, commonly called Venus' fly-trap, is one of the most wonderful in the world,” Charles Darwin wrote in 1875. What did the species Dionaea muscipula do to receive such lofty praise? Well, it can catch a meal as large as a frog; it can
  50. Thumbnail for Caring for our healthcare professionals, so they can care

    Caring for our healthcare professionals, so they can care
    25 May 2017: Quality healthcare is vitally important, but with a lack of resources it can be hard for providers to meet these important needs. Health Services Innovation Tasmania is taking the challenge of providing quality healthcare via clinical
  51. Thumbnail for Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?

    Why do pregnancy pictures from everyday women matter?
    8 Feb 2017: Stop the presses, Beyoncé is pregnant. For a brief moment last week, the headlines shifted from Trump to the “Queen Bey”, who dropped the news of her twin pregnancy on Instagram in a post garnering nearly 10 million “likes”. Beyoncé

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