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  2. Thumbnail for Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age

    Clues left by tiny fossils give insights into last Ice Age
    13 Jun 2017: Tiny fossils found in ocean sediments are helping scientists from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Canada to determine how the prehistoric ocean contributed to the last Ice Age 125,000 to 18,000
  3. Thumbnail for Learning the secrets of lobster lives

    Learning the secrets of lobster lives
    4 Dec 2017: The mystery of how to close the larval cycle of lobsters on a commercial scale has eluded science since the 1960s. But now there are some answers, thanks to researchers at the University of Tasmania. Associate Professor Greg Smith is Director of the
  4. Thumbnail for From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean

    From high in the sky to the bottom of the ocean
    11 Dec 2017: In a world-first, a research team of Australian and international scientists has used data collected by satellites and an ocean model to explain and predict biodiversity on the Antarctic seafloor. The researchers combined satellite images of
  5. Thumbnail for This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse

    This one factor is eerily good at predicting whale population collapse
    28 Nov 2017: We can now predict a potential crash in whale populations several decades in advance, and it looks like shrinking body size is the key indicator. "It’s about finding some early warning signals that might indicate that a species has been
  6. Thumbnail for Microplastics litter the seafloor

    Microplastics litter the seafloor
    13 Jul 2017: Scientific sampling along the South East Australian coast has found high concentrations of microplastics in seafloor sediments, including along even remote stretches of coastline. Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) scientists found an
  7. Thumbnail for Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change

    Fish-borne sensors reveal Atlantic salmon response to climate change
    6 Jul 2017: Innovative research using fish-borne sensors has revealed how farmed Atlantic salmon are likely to respond to climate change as their aquaculture cages experience warmer temperatures and falling oxygen levels. The study by a team of Institute for
  8. Thumbnail for Oceans of knowledge for chemical oceanography student

    Oceans of knowledge for chemical oceanography student
    19 Jan 2017: It was the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies' world class reputation that attracted PhD candidate Habacuc Perez-Tribouillier from Mexico all the way to Hobart. And three amazing voyages on Research Vessel Investigator have provided him with
  9. Thumbnail for It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...

    It’s been called the holy grail of aquaculture...
    15 May 2017: After 17 years researchers from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) based at the University’s Taroona laboratories have developed the solution to a problem that scientists around the globe had been trying to solve for decades.
  10. Thumbnail for The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet

    The last stand of the rarest fish on the planet
    28 Nov 2017: If you’ve never seen a handfish before, imagine dipping a toad in some brightly coloured paint, telling it a sad story, and forcing it to wear gloves two sizes too big. Welcome to the bizarre reality of one of the ocean’s weirdest life forms.
  11. Thumbnail for Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia

    Researchers explore lost ancient continent of Zealandia
    27 Sep 2017: A team of 32 scientists from 12 countries has arrived in Hobart on the research vessel JOIDES Resolution after a nine-week voyage to study the lost and now submerged continent of Zealandia in the South Pacific. The University of Tasmania is one of 16
  12. Thumbnail for Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today

    Bold explorer 200 years ago inspires scientists of today
    31 May 2017: Two hundred years after Matthew Flinders circumnavigated Australia and mapped much of the coastline for the first time, community citizen scientists and Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) researchers are now following in his wake to
  13. Thumbnail for Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier

    Why scientists are keeping tabs on life at Earth’s final frontier
    28 Nov 2017: “One of the things I love telling my students is no matter what David Attenborough says, Antarctica is not pristine. It’s been majorly messed with,” said Mark Hindell, Professor of marine science at the University of Tasmania in Australia.
  14. Thumbnail for The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste  maritime boundary negotiations

    The Burnie factor in the Timor-Leste maritime boundary negotiations
    17 Nov 2017: Expectation: To take over the family business in Burnie and become a welder like his father and grandfather. Reality: First in the extended family to go to university. He is now a partner at global law firm DLA Piper and is the Asia Pacific Head of
  15. Thumbnail for World-class AUV launched

    World-class AUV launched
    18 Aug 2017: An innovative new autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) capable of diving up to 5,000 metres, operating underneath the ice and gathering data on Antarctic research missions was unveiled today at the University of Tasmania’s Australian Maritime
  16. Thumbnail for How can we get faster growing lobsters?

    How can we get faster growing lobsters?
    6 Feb 2017: Audrey Daning Turzan wasn’t interested in studying aquaculture…until the day she went scuba diving. “I used to watch X Files and I wanted to work in forensics. But I wasn’t able to study that, instead I got a Diploma in Fisheries. At first I
  17. Thumbnail for Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?

    Explainer: What are marine macrofauna?
    28 Nov 2017: The ocean is full of weird and wonderful creatures, from the enigmatic handfish to the large and ancient Maugean skate. But what about all the organisms we can’t see? As we zoom in on the oceans’ smallest life forms, just before we hit the realm
  18. Thumbnail for From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....

    From fish to forests, conflicts to coffee....
    31 Mar 2017: A new international study led by scientists from the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and the University’s Centre for Marine Socioecology (CMS) has highlighted how humans are being affected by climate-driven changes in the
  19. Thumbnail for Cows in Antarctica?

    Cows in Antarctica?
    16 Aug 2017: Elizabeth Leane, Associate Professor of English and ARC Future Fellow, and Hanne E. F. Nielsen, PhD Candidate in Antarctic Representations, investigate the unusual history of cows in Antarctica for The Conversation. Domestic animals are rarely
  20. Thumbnail for Explainer: Why do whales strand themselves?

    Explainer: Why do whales strand themselves?
    4 Dec 2017: In June 2015, 337 dead whales were found in a fjord in Chilean Patagonia. It was quickly declared one of the largest whale stranding events known to science. Researchers suggested a recent explosion of toxic red algae could be behind the mysterious
  21. Thumbnail for Here's why fat is everything in the coldest place on Earth

    Here's why fat is everything in the coldest place on Earth
    28 Nov 2017: Nature has dished up some pretty extreme milks over the course of evolution, but hooded seal milk is in a league of its own. While human breast milk contains a relatively modest amount of fat (between three and five per cent), hooded seal milk

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