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  2. Thumbnail for A bridge between university and professional life

    A bridge between university and professional life
    6 Jun 2018: “If you talk to leaders about what keeps them up at night, the vast majority of their concerns will be related to people,” said Dr Simon Fishwick, a management expert at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics. The workplace is changing,
  3. Thumbnail for New learning approach is changing how we think about business degrees

    New learning approach is changing how we think about business degrees
    27 Feb 2018: A new approach is offering students a unique perspective on the inner workings of a business, and it’s not just increasing their prospects for employment – it’s changing industry attitudes towards the traditional business degree. “It’s
  4. Thumbnail for Immunised devils fighting cancer from within

    Immunised devils fighting cancer from within
    22 Feb 2018: A new study has found more than 95 per cent of Tasmanian devils immunised prior to being released into the wild have generated a robust antibody response to the deadly devil facial tumour disease (DFTD). Lead author Dr Ruth Pye from the University
  5. Thumbnail for When Australia’s top young economist talks oil, the world listens

    When Australia’s top young economist talks oil, the world listens
    5 Mar 2018: While the installation and use of renewable energy is growing faster than ever before, one thing’s for sure, says Australia’s top-ranked young economist: oil isn’t going anywhere. As the world’s population continues to grow at a rapid rate,
  6. Thumbnail for Workplace health programs a good idea

    Workplace health programs a good idea
    19 Nov 2018: Employers that provide programs designed to improve employees’ health and wellbeing need to ensure that funding and resources match their goals, otherwise they could be disappointed with the results. Researchers from the University of Tasmania have
  7. Thumbnail for Why traditional teaching methods fail to develop our long-term memory

    Why traditional teaching methods fail to develop our long-term memory
    29 Apr 2018: While many university students are just focussed on getting through their exams, potential employers are interested in graduates would can retain the vital information they’ve learned from their degree well into their professional lives. But
  8. Thumbnail for A unique Master of Health Service Management

    A unique Master of Health Service Management
    30 Apr 2018: A purpose-designed Master of Health Service Management at the Australian Institute of Health Service Management (AIHSM) at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics is transforming individual health professionals and their organisations. The
  9. Thumbnail for Following the fate of cells

    Following the fate of cells
    31 Jul 2018: The human brain is a very complex organ. The desire to uncover its secrets and understand its diseases is what motivates neuroscience researchers. Renee Pepper is a PhD student at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, College of Health and
  10. Thumbnail for Discovering the diversity of agriculture

    Discovering the diversity of agriculture
    19 Dec 2018: When a current agricultural science student visited Guilford Young College, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Lauren Rowlands. When Lauren was in her final year of college, like a lot of school leavers, she was unsure what career
  11. Thumbnail for Busting myths about the housing bubble

    Busting myths about the housing bubble
    19 Mar 2018: When it comes to the housing bubble in Australia, real estate investors usually cop the blame for driving property prices skyward. But one researcher is using unique industry data to build a profile of Australian investors that’s busting some of
  12. Thumbnail for Why accountability is key in business leadership

    Why accountability is key in business leadership
    19 Jul 2018: “Organisations need to be responsible – they can’t just exist on making a profit. They need to be aware of their social and environmental impact,” said Dr Terese Fiedler, lecturer in accounting at the Tasmanian School of Business and
  13. Thumbnail for What you need to know before taking your company global

    What you need to know before taking your company global
    12 Mar 2018: With a wealth of natural resources such as gold, petroleum, and cocoa, the West African nation of Ghana is an attractive place for multinational companies to do business. But what kinds of changes do Australian companies need to make to their HR
  14. Thumbnail for How supporting employees with mental illness benefits the workplace

    How supporting employees with mental illness benefits the workplace
    12 Mar 2018: Working with a mental illness is challenging, and not uncommon. In fact, one in five of us will experience a clinical episode of depression at some point in our life. For many of us, work can be an important part of coping and recovery, but for
  15. Thumbnail for Trying to stop Type 2 diabetes in its tracks

    Trying to stop Type 2 diabetes in its tracks
    20 Jul 2018: Type 2 diabetes is a major, common and escalating disease estimated to affect at least 90,000 Tasmanians by 2033. It is also progressive, becoming more severe over the course of a lifetime and leading to an array of other serious complications
  16. Thumbnail for How marketing can ensure the sustainability of cultural institutions

    How marketing can ensure the sustainability of cultural institutions
    20 Jul 2018: “In for-profit firms, the perception is that there’s a trade-off between profitability and sustainability. It’s thought of as a natural dichotomy – and it’s a battle that’s been going on for 40 years,” said Dr Mark Wickham from the
  17. Thumbnail for ‘Down down’ and ‘cheap cheap’ are gone gone

    ‘Down down’ and ‘cheap cheap’ are gone gone
    12 Mar 2018: On January 26, 2011, Coles fired the first shot in what would soon be dubbed the “supermarket price wars” by reducing the price of its own-brand milk to A$1 per litre. Woolworths fired back, triggering seven years of intense price
  18. Thumbnail for How to prepare the world’s economies for the next big hit

    How to prepare the world’s economies for the next big hit
    19 Feb 2018: When you drop a pebble into a body of water, the force creates circular ripples that gradually spread out across the surface. When an economic shock or crisis hits, the global economy is no different. Any change, no matter how big or small, can have
  19. Thumbnail for Why graphic design can be a force for good in corporate accountability

    Why graphic design can be a force for good in corporate accountability
    12 Mar 2018: Consumers and investors are becoming increasingly interested in sustainable and ethical companies. But what happens when organisations turn their sustainability reports into marketing material, without actually accounting for their impacts on the
  20. Thumbnail for In China's online retail market, the future has arrived

    In China's online retail market, the future has arrived
    30 Apr 2018: In 2017, an estimated 1. 66 billion people around the world purchased a product online, amounting to US$2. 3 trillion in global e-retail sales. That figure is expected to skyrocket to US$4. 48 trillion by 2021, which means over the next couple of years,
  21. Thumbnail for This board game is changing how high schoolers think about business

    This board game is changing how high schoolers think about business
    29 Apr 2018: A board game is helping high school students gain confidence in pursuing a business degree, and it’s making a big difference in a region of Tasmania that needs it most. According to government statistics, the north-west coast of Tasmania has one
  22. Thumbnail for United approach the key to addressing the issue of obesity

    United approach the key to addressing the issue of obesity
    22 Nov 2018: For University of Tasmania’s Professor Andrew Hills, recent recognition as a national leader in obesity research is a culmination of many years of work and achievements. Associate Dean, Global and Professor of Sports and Exercise Science, Professor
  23. Thumbnail for Australian fish population decreasing

    Australian fish population decreasing
    7 Jun 2018: Large fish species are rapidly declining around Australia, according to the first continental diver census of shallow reef fish. Contrary to years of sustainability reports, our study indicates that excessive fishing pressure is contributing to
  24. Thumbnail for Why group work is far more valuable than you might think

    Why group work is far more valuable than you might think
    6 Jun 2018: From being saddled with all the work to coasting along for a free ride, student experiences of group projects are not always positive. And oftentimes, students just try to get through their group work for the grades, without realising that the true
  25. Thumbnail for This board game is changing how high schoolers think about business

    This board game is changing how high schoolers think about business
    12 Mar 2018: A board game is helping high school students gain confidence in pursuing a business degree, and it’s making a big difference in a region of Tasmania that needs it most. According to government statistics, the North West Coast of Tasmania has one of
  26. Thumbnail for Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets

    Finance expert driving a major rethink of how we monitor the markets
    26 Feb 2018: “It’s like looking for a freak flood in Brisbane,” said Dr Nagaratnam (Sree) Jeyasreedharan, a lecturer in finance at the Tasmanian School of Business and Economics. “We can model for 10 or 50 years, but what happens when there’s a
  27. Thumbnail for This economist calculates the ‘trade-off’ in national parks tourism

    This economist calculates the ‘trade-off’ in national parks tourism
    30 Apr 2018: Wherever humans and the natural environment meet, there’s often a trade-off…and nature almost always comes off second-best. But now wilderness areas are being measured against a different set of values, and this can guide how tourism authorities
  28. Thumbnail for As the climate changes, agriculture businesses must adapt to survive

    As the climate changes, agriculture businesses must adapt to survive
    7 Jun 2018: Thanks to a changing climate, we know one thing for sure – our agriculture industry won’t look the same in 10 years’ time as it does today. The good news is that Australians can continue to enjoy fresh, locally grown fruit and vegetables for
  29. Thumbnail for Why the biggest myths about organisational change miss the point

    Why the biggest myths about organisational change miss the point
    12 Mar 2018: Organisational change isn’t linear. There’s no clear beginning or end point. Instead, it’s a cycle – an ongoing process that every organisation must be ready to actively engage with at any given time. And the troubling thing is that very few
  30. Thumbnail for Solving one of Australia’s most overlooked healthcare risks

    Solving one of Australia’s most overlooked healthcare risks
    22 Aug 2018: As you wander through the aisles of your local pharmacy, killing time as your prescription is being filled, do you ever wonder what’s going on behind the counter?For the uninitiated, it might seem as though a pharmacist’s job isn’t all that
  31. Thumbnail for Changing the world, one breath at a time

    Changing the world, one breath at a time
    22 Jul 2018: The excitement and anticipation experienced by expectant parents throughout the nine months of a baby's development in utero is a special and unique time. But when a baby doesn't reach full term and unexpectedly makes a premature entrance into world,
  32. Thumbnail for Amazon is not a threat

    Amazon is not a threat
    28 May 2018: Small retailers need a digital presence in order to be successful, but that doesn’t mean e-commerce is necessarily the answer. That’s one of the key findings unearthed by a ground-breaking investigation into the small retailer experience, and
  33. Thumbnail for How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables

    How retailers turn everyday items into ‘must-have’ collectables
    24 Aug 2018: Coles’ recent “Little Shop collectables” promotion has proved a hit with consumers, with entire sets of the toy products selling online for exorbitant prices. This success is interesting given recent conversations and media coverage around
  34. Thumbnail for ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’

    ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’
    21 Jun 2018: Retail guru Dr Louise Grimmer lets The Conversation know why supermarkets are getting smaller. If you think your local supermarket is shrinking, you might be right. Coles has announced that it will open smaller-sized supermarkets in more locations.
  35. Thumbnail for How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest

    How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest
    20 Mar 2018: Great cities need trees to be great places, but urban changes put pressure on the existing trees as cities develop. As a result, our rapidly growing cities are losing trees at a worrying rate. So how can we grow our cities and save our city
  36. Thumbnail for No presents, please

    No presents, please
    18 Jul 2018: Western children have more toys, games and possessions than ever before. And Australia has one of the highest rates of average spending per child on toys. Faced with a glut of children’s toys at home, more and more parents are presenting gift
  37. Thumbnail for Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs

    Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs
    27 Apr 2018: Malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic infection that affects about 3. 2 billion people in 95 countries, has become largely a disease of the young and poor. Due to effective medications like chloroquine and artemisinins, malaria deaths dropped an
  38. Thumbnail for How Councils help with affordable housing

    How Councils help with affordable housing
    5 Jun 2018: Tasmania is in the grip of a rental housing affordability crisis. What do local governments do to help?Rural areas in particular lack rental options. To find housing, older people living in rural areas may often face a heartbreaking decision to
  39. Thumbnail for Location and voice technology are the future of retail

    Location and voice technology are the future of retail
    11 Apr 2018: Retailers, struggling to connect with their customers, have been trialling new technologies to blend in-store and digital experiences. Interactive kiosks, mobile-friendly websites and transactional apps have become the norm. But shoppers are looking
  40. Thumbnail for How Tasmanian researchers saved Australia’s newsprint industry

    How Tasmanian researchers saved Australia’s newsprint industry
    31 Aug 2018: Things have been far from smooth sailing for the Boyer paper mill in Tasmania’s Derwent Valley since it pulped, squeezed, and rolled out Australia’s first sheet of newsprint back in 1941. While the mill still supplies most newspapers around the
  41. Thumbnail for Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds

    Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds
    10 Apr 2018: Organic farmers have reacted with alarm to a draft review released last week that recommends mandatory fungicide treatment for certain plant seeds imported into Australia, including broccoli, cauliflower, radish and spinach. Over 19,000 people
  42. Thumbnail for Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day

    Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day
    8 Feb 2018: Valentine’s Day means saying it with flowers. Last year Australians imported more than 5. 22 million rose stems between February 1 and 14, mostly from Kenya. Assuming typical bouquets of 24 roses, that’s 217,500 bouquets sold in two weeks. The
  43. Thumbnail for Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?

    Budget policy check: does Australia need personal income tax cuts?
    23 Apr 2018: In this series - Budget policy checks - we look at the government’s justifications for policies likely to be in this year’s budget and measure them up against the evidence. In this piece we look at the need for personal income tax cuts. A large
  44. Thumbnail for Tassie devils’ decline has left a feast of carrion for feral cats

    Tassie devils’ decline has left a feast of carrion for feral cats
    29 Nov 2018: The decline of Tasmanian devils is having an unusual knock-on effect: animal carcasses would once have been gobbled up in short order by devils are now taking many days longer to disappear. We made the discovery, published today in the journal
  45. Thumbnail for Australia is undergoing a major change...

    Australia is undergoing a major change...
    9 Sep 2018: It’s time for employers and organisations to transform awareness of mental health issues at work into action, and researchers are developing the tools and strategies to help make that happen. When it comes to safety in the workplace, physical
  46. Thumbnail for Fed up with always being in the slow queue?

    Fed up with always being in the slow queue?
    4 Jun 2018: Whether it is lining up to pay for your groceries, making a bank transaction, or waiting for a table at a trendy restaurant, time costs money. Remember that time is money. Benjamin Franklin, 1748As businesses become aware of the direct and indirect
  47. Thumbnail for Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies

    Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies
    8 Jun 2018: Scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is making its way back. This highly contagious parasitic skin disease, which is caused by the burrowing itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, is most commonly transmitted
  48. Thumbnail for The wildly popular MOOC that’s changing how we think about dementia

    The wildly popular MOOC that’s changing how we think about dementia
    11 Sep 2018: These days, you’d struggle to find an Australian who hasn’t been affected by dementia in some way. It’s estimated that 400,000 people across the country have dementia, and many of those are yet to be diagnosed. Dementia is a terrifying prospect
  49. Thumbnail for Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis

    Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis
    9 May 2018: TasmaniaDr Maria Yanotti, Lecturer of Economics and Finance, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of TasmaniaCuts to GST revenue and personal income tax will have the biggest impact for Tasmanians. Changes to the GST carve-up could

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