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  2. Thumbnail for Real-world theatre experience in Tasmania's wild West

    Real-world theatre experience in Tasmania's wild West
    6 Dec 2018: Tasmania's wild West Coast provided rich experiences and learning for the University of Tasmania’s Theatre students last month. Taking part in the biannual contemporary arts festival The Unconformity in Queenstown, the Bachelor of Contemporary
  3. Thumbnail for Exclusion is not the answer

    Exclusion is not the answer
    14 Jun 2018: Tasmania has among the lowest school retention rates in the country. But experts at the University of Tasmania are working to turn this around. Imagine you’re a young person who hasn’t had an easy journey through school. You may be disengaged
  4. Thumbnail for An iconic life on the stage, reborn

    An iconic life on the stage, reborn
    31 Jul 2018: Head of Discipline (Theatre and Performance) Dr Jane Woollard has shed a new light on the ground-breaking acting career of Eliza Winstanley — a superstar of Sydney’s theatre scene in the 1830s and 40s — though her research and creative practice
  5. Thumbnail for Australian fish population decreasing

    Australian fish population decreasing
    7 Jun 2018: Large fish species are rapidly declining around Australia, according to the first continental diver census of shallow reef fish. Contrary to years of sustainability reports, our study indicates that excessive fishing pressure is contributing to
  6. Thumbnail for Hobart’s poorer suburbs are missing out on the ‘MONA effect’

    Hobart’s poorer suburbs are missing out on the ‘MONA effect’
    18 Jun 2018: When Hobart is illuminated in red lights during the chill of winter, thousands of visitors flock to MONA's Dark Mofo events. But who benefits from this tourism influx? Dr Kate Booth pens her opinion for The Conversation. Popular opinion has it that
  7. Thumbnail for A street art tour of Hobart

    A street art tour of Hobart
    20 Jul 2018: Looking for vibrant street art in one of Australia’s oldest cities? You’ll need to venture beyond the historic waterfront and into the city’s little-used laneways to find the work of talented locals – and a few well-known interlopers, too. 1.
  8. Thumbnail for From an Octopus Girl's notebook

    From an Octopus Girl's notebook
    17 Jul 2018: Erin Hortle’s first novel is about the relationship between a breast cancer survivor and some octopuses at Eaglehawk Neck, on the Tasman Peninsula. The Octopus and I, excepts from which won her the Young Writer's Fellowship in the Premier's
  9. Thumbnail for Making a career out of creativity

    Making a career out of creativity
    12 Oct 2018: Singer songwriter Ange Boxall has scaled many heights since she completed a degree in Fine Arts at the University of Tasmania. Her 2016 country album Into the Wind debuted at No. 11 on the ARIA charts, and she’s worked with some of the best
  10. Thumbnail for ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’

    ‘Honey, I shrunk the store’
    21 Jun 2018: Retail guru Dr Louise Grimmer lets The Conversation know why supermarkets are getting smaller. If you think your local supermarket is shrinking, you might be right. Coles has announced that it will open smaller-sized supermarkets in more locations.
  11. Thumbnail for On the trail of the London thylacines

    On the trail of the London thylacines
    9 Apr 2018: On a cold, dark night in the winter of June 2017, hundreds of people gathered on the lawns of Hobart’s parliament house to join a procession that carried an effigy of a giant Tasmanian tiger (thylacine) to be ritually burnt at Macquarie Point. In
  12. Thumbnail for Pioneers reclaimed

    Pioneers reclaimed
    28 Jun 2018: When a Melbourne retiree started the online Diploma of Family History at the University of Tasmania she had no inkling that her own connection to the island state would be revealed. The author with her first book. Former teacher Janeen O’Connell had
  13. Thumbnail for Sustainable shopping: take the ‘litter’ out of glitter

    Sustainable shopping: take the ‘litter’ out of glitter
    7 Feb 2018: Shopping can be confusing at the best of times, and trying to find environmentally friendly options makes it even more difficult. Read Dr Jennifer Lavers' contribution to The Conversation's Sustainable Shopping series, in which experts  provide
  14. Thumbnail for The lawyer land warrior

    The lawyer land warrior
    3 Jun 2018: When a handful of volunteers gathered in 2001 no one could have envisaged the Tasmanian Land Conservancy's extraordinary trajectory. Jane Hutchinson was one of the original core group that met in a Hobart cafe. A practicing lawyer at the time, she
  15. Thumbnail for Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession

    Teachers who feel appreciated are less likely to leave the profession
    14 Jan 2018: We are fast approaching the end of summer holidays and many teachers are turning their attention to preparing for the start of the school year. Many of the teachers who started their careers in 2017 will not return to the classroom in 2018. In fact,
  16. Thumbnail for The city with growing pains (and why roads won't help)

    The city with growing pains (and why roads won't help)
    28 Feb 2018: Hobart is a city with growing pains. As Australia’s second-oldest city, it might be likened to an octogenarian suddenly experiencing a teenage “growth spurt”. Growth is occurring both in visitor numbers and new residents. The March 3 state
  17. Thumbnail for How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest

    How tree bonds can help preserve the urban forest
    20 Mar 2018: Great cities need trees to be great places, but urban changes put pressure on the existing trees as cities develop. As a result, our rapidly growing cities are losing trees at a worrying rate. So how can we grow our cities and save our city
  18. Thumbnail for The role of ring trees

    The role of ring trees
    4 Jul 2018: In the forests of Watti Watti Country of north-west Victoria, you can find trees, typically ancient river red gums, with their branches trained by the Watti Watti people to form rings. There is little knowledge about these marker trees beyond the
  19. Thumbnail for The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle

    The wisdom of... Olivia Rundle
    4 Jul 2018: Olivia Rundle is a Senior Lecturer in Law with a teaching focus in the area of civil procedure. She has practised as a lawyer and mediator and has predominantly worked in the family law dispute resolution context. Here she shares some of what she's
  20. Thumbnail for Cutting edge fields of law

    Cutting edge fields of law
    1 Aug 2018: Law is often perceived as a stagnate field of study mostly driven by precedent. But developments in science and technology are creating fascinating fields of enquiry for the future law student. Areas such as, human genetic modification, earth law,
  21. Thumbnail for A Tasmanian Requiem

    A Tasmanian Requiem
    24 Apr 2018: On December 26, 1847, a small group of Aboriginal people sat in the Lieutenant-Governor’s box at Hobart’s Theatre Royal watching a new pantomime. A local newspaper reported how “the natives … seemed gratified at their first public
  22. Thumbnail for Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs

    Avoidable deaths caused by fake malaria drugs
    27 Apr 2018: Malaria, a mosquito-borne parasitic infection that affects about 3. 2 billion people in 95 countries, has become largely a disease of the young and poor. Due to effective medications like chloroquine and artemisinins, malaria deaths dropped an
  23. Thumbnail for Captured! Rare ‘glitch’ in a pulsar’s regular pulsing beat

    Captured! Rare ‘glitch’ in a pulsar’s regular pulsing beat
    11 Apr 2018: Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars and sometimes they abruptly increase their rotation rate. This sudden change of spin rate is called a “glitch” and I was part of a team that recorded one happening in the Vela Pulsar, with the results
  24. Thumbnail for Building spiders and burning fears

    Building spiders and burning fears
    8 Jun 2018: Ogoh-ogoh made for Dark Mofo 2015, including the Spotted Handfish. The story of the ogoh-ogoh ritual in Dark Mofo started at UTAS in 2015. “We were thinking about what we could do with students in winter in relation to myths and beliefs,” explains
  25. Thumbnail for How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War

    How picture boards were used as propaganda in the Vandemonian War
    14 Mar 2018: As Hobart’s Old Government House was being demolished in the late 1850s, workers made a remarkable discovery. Lifting the floor, they found an old pine board covered with four rows of pictures. Six scenes painted in oils depicted interactions
  26. Thumbnail for Why Iceland is set to resume whaling despite international opposition

    Why Iceland is set to resume whaling despite international opposition
    24 May 2018: Banner image: Whale watching in Husavik, North Iceland, Shutterstock. After a two-year pause in the fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) hunt, Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf. will resume whaling this summer, with a government-issued quota. Two
  27. Thumbnail for What city planners can learn from Hobart’s floods

    What city planners can learn from Hobart’s floods
    17 May 2018: Hobart is a city known for its risk of catastrophic fire, such as the devastating wildfires of 1897-98 and 1967. As the second-driest city in Australia, until last week it was easy to forget that Hobart is also vulnerable to serious flooding.
  28. Thumbnail for Combatting one of the most overlooked sources of global pollution

    Combatting one of the most overlooked sources of global pollution
    3 Sep 2018: One container ship can emit almost the same amount of pollution as 50 million cars, and yet, shipping emissions are often overlooked. Here’s how researchers plan on curbing this serious source of global pollution. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
  29. Thumbnail for Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds

    Why Australia imports so many veggie seeds
    10 Apr 2018: Organic farmers have reacted with alarm to a draft review released last week that recommends mandatory fungicide treatment for certain plant seeds imported into Australia, including broccoli, cauliflower, radish and spinach. Over 19,000 people
  30. Thumbnail for Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day

    Your guilt-free guide to flowers this Valentine’s Day
    8 Feb 2018: Valentine’s Day means saying it with flowers. Last year Australians imported more than 5. 22 million rose stems between February 1 and 14, mostly from Kenya. Assuming typical bouquets of 24 roses, that’s 217,500 bouquets sold in two weeks. The
  31. Thumbnail for Gaming or gambling?

    Gaming or gambling?
    4 Jul 2018: The Australian Senate has passed a motion to investigate whether purchasable random rewards in video games (known colloquially as loot boxes) constitute a form of gambling and whether they are appropriate for younger players. Our recent paper,
  32. Thumbnail for A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place

    A fresh perspective on Tasmania, a terrible and beautiful place
    10 Oct 2018: The island of Tasmania lies suspended beneath Australia like a heart-shaped pendant of sapphire, emerald and tourmaline. Here is where the world runs out, crumbling into the vast expanse of the Southern Ocean. Island Story: Tasmania in Object and
  33. Thumbnail for Why experts are rethinking how we teach statistics in schools

    Why experts are rethinking how we teach statistics in schools
    10 Sep 2018: Mathematics is behind everything we do in an advanced society, and as we become more dependent on technology in Australia, it will underpin more jobs than ever before. And yet, fewer and fewer young people are pursuing mathematics in their later
  34. Thumbnail for How next-gen video tech brought one of the world’s most polluted river

    How next-gen video tech brought one of the world’s most polluted river
    29 Aug 2018: It’s a lifeline for many Tasmanians, yet it’s one of the most polluted rivers in the industrial world. Here’s how visual artists highlighted the very real plight of the iconic Derwent River. The Derwent River is a major supplier of water and
  35. Thumbnail for Jumping into jive

    Jumping into jive
    6 Jul 2018: Gus Leighton completed a Bachelor of Music with Honours in 2017 and will begin his PhD soon. But he didn’t wait to finish studying to begin his career. In fact, he and some friends began working professionally while still undergrads, as the jump
  36. Thumbnail for Tassie devils’ decline has left a feast of carrion for feral cats

    Tassie devils’ decline has left a feast of carrion for feral cats
    29 Nov 2018: The decline of Tasmanian devils is having an unusual knock-on effect: animal carcasses would once have been gobbled up in short order by devils are now taking many days longer to disappear. We made the discovery, published today in the journal
  37. Thumbnail for Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide

    Explainer: the evidence for the Tasmanian genocide
    17 Jan 2018: At a public meeting in Hobart in the late 1830s, Solicitor-General Alfred Stephen, later Chief Justice of New South Wales, shared with the assembled crowd his solution for dealing with “the Aboriginal problem”. Voluminous written and
  38. Thumbnail for The best seats in the house

    The best seats in the house
    28 Jun 2018: When these six students signed up to study at the School of Creative Arts they had little notion that by second year they would be working on a professional commission. And for one of Australia’s premier arts festivals, no less. As part of their
  39. Thumbnail for Sledging songs, penguins, and melting ice

    Sledging songs, penguins, and melting ice
    2 Sep 2018: When Douglas Mawson led Australasia’s first expedition to Antarctica in 1911–14, his crew took along a folding organ, a concertina, a flute, a piccolo and a mouth organ, as well as a gramophone, records and a hymn book. Program for The
  40. Thumbnail for What lies beneath

    What lies beneath
    1 Sep 2018: To shore up Australia’s future economy and prepare us for the ongoing effects of climate change, researchers are decoding ancient mineral messages in Earth’s crust and tracking movements of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Over the past decade, the
  41. Thumbnail for Righting the wrongs of the past

    Righting the wrongs of the past
    9 Sep 2018: Historians are working with Australian Indigenous communities to return the bodily remains of their Old People to country from overseas museums and universities. The early years of Australian colonisation in the late 1700s coincided with the
  42. Thumbnail for We need to think about the legal implications of futuristic biotech

    We need to think about the legal implications of futuristic biotech
    27 Aug 2018: Consider a future where millions can be protected from deadly malaria, and where hospitals are free from devastating antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Imagine what life would be like with high-tech brain-computer interfaces and bionic bodies, and –
  43. Thumbnail for The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild west

    The Unconformity: the power and peculiarity of Tasmania's wild…
    11 Nov 2018: Of the many festivals dotted across the island state of Tasmania, The Unconformity is particularly well named. It is an inherently unique event, responsive to the particularities of the western town of Queenstown’s unique geology, ecology and
  44. Thumbnail for Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies

    Migrants’ latest health challenge: Scabies
    8 Jun 2018: Scabies, long considered a disease of the past in the developed world, is making its way back. This highly contagious parasitic skin disease, which is caused by the burrowing itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis, is most commonly transmitted
  45. Thumbnail for This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics

    This philosopher is changing the way we think about ethics
    4 Sep 2018: Centuries ago, the English metaphysical poet John Donne famously observed, “No man is an island entire of itself,” conveying a universal truth that humans are necessarily connected to one another, that the human life is a life lived with
  46. Thumbnail for Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis

    Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis
    9 May 2018: TasmaniaDr Maria Yanotti, Lecturer of Economics and Finance, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of TasmaniaCuts to GST revenue and personal income tax will have the biggest impact for Tasmanians. Changes to the GST carve-up could

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