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  2. Thumbnail for Uni lingo, decoded

    Uni lingo, decoded
    15 Oct 2019: It’s no secret that academia has its own language, but don’t worry! It’s easy to decode. Here’s our guide to everything you need to know about uni terms but were afraid to ask… Advanced level unit: A unit that builds on knowledge and
  3. Thumbnail for A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas

    A landmark report confirms Australia is girt by hotter, higher seas
    26 Sep 2019: Banner image: Beachgoers cool off in the water at Bondi Beach in Sydney, February 2019. Australia’s coast dwellers must adapt to the inevitable effects of climate change. Joel Carrett/AAP. A landmark scientific report has confirmed that climate
  4. Thumbnail for From Tassie's law school to US courtroom

    From Tassie's law school to US courtroom
    25 Aug 2019: When Sam Wilson started university in Launceston, he never imagined he would one day be representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a prosecutor within Cape Cod, USA. Sam grew up in Scottsdale, located on Tasmania’s North East Coast, and
  5. Thumbnail for Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the women?

    Ten recent 'world's best guitarist' lists: where are the…
    13 Feb 2019: In the last decade, a plethora of lists have sought to rank our guitar greats, drawing variously on panels of experts, lone “specialists”, and public opinion polls. My colleagues and I recently analysed ten such lists, which were published on
  6. Thumbnail for Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions

    Science on the "pulse" of volcano eruptions
    22 May 2019: Predicting when a volcano will next blow is tricky business, but lessons we learned from one of Hawaii’s recent eruptions may help. Kīlauea, on the Big Island of Hawai'i, is probably the best understood volcano on Earth. That’s thanks to
  7. Thumbnail for Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence

    Ooshies – a cautionary toy story about cashing in on innocence
    20 Aug 2019: Ooshies, the plastic collectible toys Australian supermarket chain Woolworths is using to lure shoppers to its aisles, aren’t just a bit of fun. They’ve been connected to a black market among Woolworths staff, frenzied online trading replete with
  8. Thumbnail for Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat

    Greening our cities to help ageing Australians beat the heat
    5 Mar 2019: Heatwaves have killed more Australians than road accidents, fires, floods and all other natural disasters combined. Although recent research shows extreme cold is a worry in some parts of Australia, our hottest summer on record points to more
  9. Thumbnail for Law students shine on world stage

    Law students shine on world stage
    19 Aug 2019: Image: L to R Georgina Barnes, Natasha Perry and Meghan Scolyer at Victoria Falls. Images courtesy of Georgina Barnes. Being a small law school on an island has many advantages. One is smaller class sizes, so lecturers know their students well and
  10. Thumbnail for Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style

    Choosing a career? These jobs won’t go out of style
    19 Feb 2019: Sensationalist claims that 40% of jobs in Australia won’t exist in the future are unhelpful for young Australians thinking about entering the workforce. The reality is some jobs will no longer exist, new jobs will be created and most jobs will
  11. Thumbnail for Much more than milk and bread

    Much more than milk and bread
    20 Aug 2019: Do you have a corner store? Once an icon of suburban Australia, many neighbourhood corner stores vanished in the face of unrelenting competition from large supermarkets, global convenience franchises, modern service stations and extended trading

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