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  2. Thumbnail for PhD for Prosperous Poppies

    PhD for Prosperous Poppies
    4 May 2020: A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of Tasmania’s poppy industry which has been battling a relatively new disease for the past six years - systemic downy mildew. A PhD student’s research will help support the prosperity of
  3. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  4. Thumbnail for Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment

    Women of colour in science face a subtly hostile work environment
    12 Feb 2020: It’s hard for women to succeed in science. Our research shows it’s even harder for women of colour. We interviewed women of colour working in scientific and technical organisations across Australia about their experiences. As well as direct
  5. Thumbnail for Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery

    Defunct mine a site for environmental discovery
    12 Nov 2020: Beneath the sparkling waters of Tasmania’s ‘Blue Lakes’ lie three old open-cut mine pits that were targeted for tin. While the pristine blue appearance attracts water skiers and swimmers, the historic mine waste from the Endurance tin mine in
  6. Thumbnail for How Indigenous knowledge can be embedded into the curriculum

    How Indigenous knowledge can be embedded into the curriculum
    15 Oct 2020: By Maggie Walter, Pro Vice Chancellor (Aboriginal Research and Leadership) and Distinguished Professor of Sociology, and Michael A. Guerzoni, Indigenous Higher Education Curricula Officer, Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor of Aboriginal LeadershipWe
  7. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  8. Thumbnail for The right to discriminate: breaking ground in a complex middle space

    The right to discriminate: breaking ground in a complex middle space
    7 May 2020: Sociologist Professor Douglas Ezzy is preparing to break new ground in research, in what he calls a “complex middle space”. Professor Ezzy, from the School of Social Sciences, is the lead investigator on an Australian Research Council grant, for
  9. Thumbnail for Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online

    Leigh Sales showed us the abuse women cop online
    31 Jul 2020: By Dr Louise Richardson-Self, Lecturer in Philosophy & Gender Studies, University of TasmaniaAnother day, another woman being called a “whore” — and worse — on Twitter. In the wake of her recent interview with Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
  10. Thumbnail for Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea

    Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea
    17 Jul 2020: By Shaun Brooks, University of Tasmania Associate, and Dr Julia Jabour, Adjunct Senior LecturerAustralia wants to build a 2. 7-kilometre concrete runway in Antarctica, the world’s biggest natural reserve. The plan, if approved, would have
  11. Thumbnail for Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia

    Why QAnon is attracting so many followers in Australia
    24 Aug 2020: By Kaz Ross, Lecturer in Humanities (Asian Studies), University of TasmaniaOn September 5, a coalition of online groups are planning an Australia-wide action called the “Day of Freedom”. The organisers claim hundreds of thousands will join them

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