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  2. Thumbnail for Super-charge your university experience in Tasmania

    Super-charge your university experience in Tasmania
    5 Nov 2020: You can get more out of your #UTASlife through our communities, social events, sports, and volunteering. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Become a member of a societyYou could join the bushwalking society and hit the trails after lectures, go
  3. Thumbnail for How an after-school club turned into a career journey

    How an after-school club turned into a career journey
    24 Feb 2020: Supported by the University of Tasmania, Devil Robotics meets once a week to learn the fundamentals of designing, building and programming robots. University students mentor club participants who are in year five and up, often after they’ve spent
  4. Thumbnail for On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student

    On the fast track: Sharon thriving as online student
    16 Oct 2020: When COVID travel restrictions meant Indonesian school leaver Sharon Viona would not be travelling to Tasmania earlier this year to begin her university studies, she simply picked up her laptop and logged in to online classes. And the Accelerated
  5. Thumbnail for How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era

    How to deal with FOMO in the COVID-19 era
    13 Jul 2020: One good thing about lock down and life in isolation has been the lack of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Nothing was happening, and everyone was in the same boat and stuck at home in survival mode. No-one was traveling or out having amazing,
  6. Thumbnail for Katie's happy she changed track

    Katie's happy she changed track
    7 May 2020: Katie Fuller switched her career choice to have a "real go" and ended up navigating giant tankers“I started sailing in a Mirror dinghy and ended up keeping watch on oil and gas tankers,” AMC alumni Katie Fuller says of her career progression. The
  7. Thumbnail for Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica

    Carbon emissions are chilling the atmosphere 90km above Antarctica
    28 Jul 2020: By Dr John French, Atmospheric physicist, University of Tasmania; Dr Andrew Klekociuk, Principal Research Scientist, Australian Antarctic Division, and Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Tasmania; and Dr Frank Mulligan, National University of
  8. Thumbnail for ‘The workload was intense’

    ‘The workload was intense’
    22 Sep 2020: By Tracey Muir, Associate Professor in Mathematics Education; Carol Murphy; David Hicks, Lecturer in Cultural Awareness - Aboriginal Studies, and Kim Beasy, Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy (Equity and Diversity)Parents and carers were
  9. Thumbnail for Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea

    Here's why a huge runway in Antarctica is a bad idea
    17 Jul 2020: By Shaun Brooks, University of Tasmania Associate, and Dr Julia Jabour, Adjunct Senior LecturerAustralia wants to build a 2. 7-kilometre concrete runway in Antarctica, the world’s biggest natural reserve. The plan, if approved, would have
  10. Thumbnail for The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer

    The enduring myth of the hunter-gatherer
    3 Aug 2020: By Robyn Moore, School of Social SciencesIn his book Dark Emu, Bruce Pascoe writes that settler Australians wilfully misunderstood, hid and destroyed evidence of Aboriginal Australians’ farming practices. My analysis of secondary school textbooks
  11. Thumbnail for Be a little bold and apply for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship

    Be a little bold and apply for the Westpac Future Leaders Scholarship
    16 Jun 2020: Meet Ben French, Matilda Brown and Madeline Way. Each student has a unique story with diverse research interests, ranging from cider to bushfire management and fossils. But they have all shared the same extraordinary experience- being a Westpac

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