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  2. Thumbnail for Tasmania Project identifies inequalities for LGBTIQ

    Tasmania Project identifies inequalities for LGBTIQ
    9 Jun 2021: Tasmania was the last Australian state to decriminalise homosexuality in 1997 and we now arguably lead the nation in terms of LGBTIQ rights and law reform. However, new research from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Social Change has
  3. Thumbnail for The University returns to the city

    The University returns to the city
    23 Dec 2021: I spent four years as an undergraduate at the Domain followed by two years as a post-graduate at Sandy Bay. I regretted the move and was never impressed by the new suburban campus. Not surprisingly then, I have followed the ongoing controversy about
  4. Thumbnail for Antarctica and the ties that bind

    Antarctica and the ties that bind
    1 Dec 2021: The recent arrival of the impressive new icebreaker RSV Nuyina to Hobart’s port is a reminder of the city’s strong connections to the south and long history of welcoming polar vessels. As one of only five Antarctic ‘gateways’, our city has an
  5. Thumbnail for Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs

    Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs
    23 Dec 2021: Having moved from the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus to the new Podium building in June 2021, Andrea Carr welcomed the opportunity to work in such a contemporary learning space. Lectures and lecture theatres have been part of university
  6. Thumbnail for How getting an insurance payout can be a full-time job

    How getting an insurance payout can be a full-time job
    29 Mar 2021: As thousands of homes remain underwater in what appears to be yet another historic flood event in New South Wales, insurance companies are being inundated with calls from worried customers. The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that Insurance
  7. Thumbnail for Black Summer fire smoke created an algal bloom bigger than Australia

    Black Summer fire smoke created an algal bloom bigger than Australia
    17 Sep 2021: In 2019 and 2020, bushfires razed more than 18 million hectares of land in Australia. For weeks, smoke choked major cities, leading to almost 450 deaths, and even circumnavigated the southern hemisphere. As the aerosols billowed across the oceans
  8. Thumbnail for Testlab links agriculture with smart technology

    Testlab links agriculture with smart technology
    26 Apr 2021: Tasmanian farmers and primary producers will be able to test drive the latest in smart technologies and explore how big data can help future-proof their business, following the launch of the University of Tasmania’s Industry 4. 0 Testlab: The
  9. Thumbnail for Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?

    Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?
    12 Aug 2021: Some students elect to study languages in their senior years because of personal interest, or because they have previously been successful in language learning. Others may choose to do so because of future career plans, or because they wish to
  10. Thumbnail for The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero

    The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
    9 Aug 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of deceased people. Australians love their war heroes. Our founding myth centres on the heroism of the ANZACs. Our Victoria Cross recipients are
  11. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and

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