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  2. Thumbnail for How study can open doors to a new career

    How study can open doors to a new career
    11 Oct 2021: After working as a chef for 18 years, Jayne MacLean knew she wanted a change and wanted to study something new but was unsure of what that should be. Having worked for several years in a nursing home as a catering manager, she had some experience
  3. Thumbnail for What’s the difference between normal ageing and dementia?

    What’s the difference between normal ageing and dementia?
    27 Sep 2021: One of the key introductory units within the Diploma of Dementia Care and Bachelor of Dementia Care, delivered by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania, looks in depth at the differences between normal
  4. Thumbnail for Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?

    Could your ancestors' lives make a great historical novel?
    28 Nov 2021: There are two writing units in the Diploma of Family History that teach students about writing. Writing Family History focuses on individual stories while Writing the Family Saga helps students develop compelling multi-generational narratives.
  5. Thumbnail for The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero

    The Tasmanian resistance fighter we should remember as a war hero
    9 Aug 2021: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains images and names of deceased people. Australians love their war heroes. Our founding myth centres on the heroism of the ANZACs. Our Victoria Cross recipients are
  6. Thumbnail for New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques

    New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques
    19 Mar 2021: The horrendous mass murders in New Zealand on March 15 2019 had a strong link with Australia. The New Zealand royal commission into the attacks found the Australian perpetrator had long subscribed to violent right-wing Islamophobia and had taken
  7. Thumbnail for Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?

    Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?
    20 Sep 2021: The announcement of a new strategic alliance between Australia, the US and UK (AUKUS) has caught many by surprise. Besides France, which reacted with fury over Australia’s scrapping of a major submarine deal with a French company, few countries
  8. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  9. Thumbnail for How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia

    How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia
    8 Apr 2021: Two new films explore the fear of forgetting, loss of control, and other complexities that accompany a dementia diagnosis. The Father and Supernova, both released this month, grapple with the challenges confronting people living with dementia and
  10. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and
  11. Thumbnail for Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.

    Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.
    23 Sep 2021: Almost half a million Australians are now living with dementia. Three times that number are involved in their care. As medical advances enable us all to live longer, these figures are set to increase significantly. Like so many, Rowena Howard

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