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  2. Thumbnail for Alumni profile:  Dr Jaimie Cleeland

    Alumni profile: Dr Jaimie Cleeland
    31 Oct 2021: From crawling through colonies of penguins to studying albatross and working as a naturalist for Aurora Expeditions, Dr Jaimie Cleeland’s PhD has seen her travel to our planet’s deep south. What have been your career highlights since
  3. Thumbnail for Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia

    Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia
    31 Mar 2021: I’m a historian, but I’m not my family’s historian. That honour falls to my mum, who for the past twenty years or so has been delving into the lives of my ancestors. Mum started doing the family history after I began studying Australian
  4. Thumbnail for Opening the archives of White Australia

    Opening the archives of White Australia
    17 Sep 2021: The administration of the Immigration Restriction Act was a huge bureaucratic exercise, creating tens of thousands of records that today reveal personal histories of life under the White Australia Policy. Two recent online projects are opening up
  5. Thumbnail for Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?

    Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?
    20 Sep 2021: The announcement of a new strategic alliance between Australia, the US and UK (AUKUS) has caught many by surprise. Besides France, which reacted with fury over Australia’s scrapping of a major submarine deal with a French company, few countries
  6. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  7. Thumbnail for Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?

    Thinking of taking a language in Year 11 and 12?
    12 Aug 2021: Some students elect to study languages in their senior years because of personal interest, or because they have previously been successful in language learning. Others may choose to do so because of future career plans, or because they wish to
  8. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  9. Thumbnail for Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems

    Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems
    16 Feb 2021: For a geoscientist, there could be few places more tantalising than Tasmania. Shaped by natural forces over billions of years; each rock, mountain, valley or stream offers scientists a unique window into the past. The state has a rich, almost
  10. Thumbnail for Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster

    Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster
    10 May 2021: The recent Australian bushfires shocked the world. Between August 2019 to March 2020 the fires burned from the subtropics to temperate zone, impacting more than 7 Mha of mostly Eucalyptus forests. These fires broke numerous records and reframed
  11. Thumbnail for Leunig, wellness and wokeness

    Leunig, wellness and wokeness
    11 Nov 2021: Michael Leunig’s journey from anti-war and anti-corporate provocateur to a critic of ‘wokeism’ and cancel culture is familiar and predictable. We’ve seen other prominent baby-boomer artists, thinkers and entertainers take the same path during

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