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  2. Thumbnail for Under the dome: Breathing new life into the Forestry building

    Under the dome: Breathing new life into the Forestry building
    23 Dec 2021: The former Forestry Tasmania building in Hobart has languished in neglect and disrepair for a few years now, but the University of Tasmania is planning to restore it to its full, lush, green glory. Architect Robert Morris-Nunn, who designed the award
  3. Thumbnail for How study can open doors to a new career

    How study can open doors to a new career
    11 Oct 2021: After working as a chef for 18 years, Jayne MacLean knew she wanted a change and wanted to study something new but was unsure of what that should be. Having worked for several years in a nursing home as a catering manager, she had some experience
  4. Thumbnail for What’s the difference between normal ageing and dementia?

    What’s the difference between normal ageing and dementia?
    27 Sep 2021: One of the key introductory units within the Diploma of Dementia Care and Bachelor of Dementia Care, delivered by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre at the University of Tasmania, looks in depth at the differences between normal
  5. Thumbnail for The University returns to the city

    The University returns to the city
    23 Dec 2021: I spent four years as an undergraduate at the Domain followed by two years as a post-graduate at Sandy Bay. I regretted the move and was never impressed by the new suburban campus. Not surprisingly then, I have followed the ongoing controversy about
  6. Thumbnail for Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs

    Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs
    23 Dec 2021: Having moved from the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus to the new Podium building in June 2021, Andrea Carr welcomed the opportunity to work in such a contemporary learning space. Lectures and lecture theatres have been part of university
  7. Thumbnail for How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia

    How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia
    8 Apr 2021: Two new films explore the fear of forgetting, loss of control, and other complexities that accompany a dementia diagnosis. The Father and Supernova, both released this month, grapple with the challenges confronting people living with dementia and
  8. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and
  9. Thumbnail for Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster

    Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster
    10 May 2021: The recent Australian bushfires shocked the world. Between August 2019 to March 2020 the fires burned from the subtropics to temperate zone, impacting more than 7 Mha of mostly Eucalyptus forests. These fires broke numerous records and reframed
  10. Thumbnail for Korongee Dementia Village

    Korongee Dementia Village
    24 Mar 2021: Korongee Dementia Village: Source Glenview Community ServicesBackgroundIn a decade, the number of people living with dementia worldwide has risen from 35 million to 50 million (Wimeo et al. , 2013; ADI, 2021). With the growing population of people
  11. Thumbnail for Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.

    Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.
    23 Sep 2021: Almost half a million Australians are now living with dementia. Three times that number are involved in their care. As medical advances enable us all to live longer, these figures are set to increase significantly. Like so many, Rowena Howard

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