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  2. Thumbnail for Alumni profile:  Dr Jaimie Cleeland

    Alumni profile: Dr Jaimie Cleeland
    31 Oct 2021: From crawling through colonies of penguins to studying albatross and working as a naturalist for Aurora Expeditions, Dr Jaimie Cleeland’s PhD has seen her travel to our planet’s deep south. What have been your career highlights since
  3. Thumbnail for Testlab links agriculture with smart technology

    Testlab links agriculture with smart technology
    26 Apr 2021: Tasmanian farmers and primary producers will be able to test drive the latest in smart technologies and explore how big data can help future-proof their business, following the launch of the University of Tasmania’s Industry 4. 0 Testlab: The
  4. Thumbnail for Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?

    Why is southeast Asia so concerned about AUKUS?
    20 Sep 2021: The announcement of a new strategic alliance between Australia, the US and UK (AUKUS) has caught many by surprise. Besides France, which reacted with fury over Australia’s scrapping of a major submarine deal with a French company, few countries
  5. Thumbnail for Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems

    Digital polish for Tasmania's ancient gems
    16 Feb 2021: For a geoscientist, there could be few places more tantalising than Tasmania. Shaped by natural forces over billions of years; each rock, mountain, valley or stream offers scientists a unique window into the past. The state has a rich, almost
  6. Thumbnail for How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia

    How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia
    8 Apr 2021: Two new films explore the fear of forgetting, loss of control, and other complexities that accompany a dementia diagnosis. The Father and Supernova, both released this month, grapple with the challenges confronting people living with dementia and
  7. Thumbnail for Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia

    Education: improving the way we support people living with dementia
    15 Sep 2021: Dementia not only impacts the person living with dementia but also those people who are involved in providing care and support to this person. Principles of Supportive Care for People with Dementia (CAD104) is a popular unit in the Diploma and
  8. Thumbnail for Korongee Dementia Village

    Korongee Dementia Village
    24 Mar 2021: Korongee Dementia Village: Source Glenview Community ServicesBackgroundIn a decade, the number of people living with dementia worldwide has risen from 35 million to 50 million (Wimeo et al. , 2013; ADI, 2021). With the growing population of people
  9. Thumbnail for Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.

    Help us change minds for those whose minds have changed.
    23 Sep 2021: Almost half a million Australians are now living with dementia. Three times that number are involved in their care. As medical advances enable us all to live longer, these figures are set to increase significantly. Like so many, Rowena Howard

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