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  2. Thumbnail for Tasmania Project identifies inequalities for LGBTIQ

    Tasmania Project identifies inequalities for LGBTIQ
    9 Jun 2021: Tasmania was the last Australian state to decriminalise homosexuality in 1997 and we now arguably lead the nation in terms of LGBTIQ rights and law reform. However, new research from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Social Change has
  3. Thumbnail for The University returns to the city

    The University returns to the city
    23 Dec 2021: I spent four years as an undergraduate at the Domain followed by two years as a post-graduate at Sandy Bay. I regretted the move and was never impressed by the new suburban campus. Not surprisingly then, I have followed the ongoing controversy about
  4. Thumbnail for How the shopping centre Santa became a staple of the festive season

    How the shopping centre Santa became a staple of the festive season
    22 Dec 2021: Much to the delight of children (and maybe some adults), Santa arriving in shopping centres all around Australia signals the beginning of Christmas shopping. Santa has become a mainstay of shopping centres in December, driven by nostalgia and commerce
  5. Thumbnail for Our giant forests may become increasingly at risk with climate change

    Our giant forests may become increasingly at risk with climate change
    18 May 2021: Australian giant eucalypt forests, or more precisely, tall wet Eucalyptus forests (TWEF), are among the most unique and important forests on earth. They store more carbon than any other forest type, they provide drinking water for some of
  6. Thumbnail for Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs

    Stepping up to the Podium to meet changing student needs
    23 Dec 2021: Having moved from the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus to the new Podium building in June 2021, Andrea Carr welcomed the opportunity to work in such a contemporary learning space. Lectures and lecture theatres have been part of university
  7. Thumbnail for Our cities need more green spaces for rest and play — here’s how

    Our cities need more green spaces for rest and play — here’s how
    29 Jun 2021: Your local park is likely playing a vital role in your city’s health, and probably your own too. Parks and other “green spaces” help keep cities cool, and as places of recreation, can help with health issues such as obesity. Even looking at
  8. Thumbnail for Testlab links agriculture with smart technology

    Testlab links agriculture with smart technology
    26 Apr 2021: Tasmanian farmers and primary producers will be able to test drive the latest in smart technologies and explore how big data can help future-proof their business, following the launch of the University of Tasmania’s Industry 4. 0 Testlab: The
  9. Thumbnail for White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary past

    White continent, white blokes: shedding Antarctica's exclusionary …
    11 Feb 2021: This article was originally published in The Conversation as White continent, white blokes: why Antarctic research needs to shed its exclusionary past. The icy continent has historically been a place for men. First “discovered” in 1820,
  10. Thumbnail for Why kids should not have lots of toys at Christmas

    Why kids should not have lots of toys at Christmas
    20 Dec 2021: The festive season reinforces something parents and carers already know – many children today have a lot of toys. In the United States, children receive more than US$6,500 (A$9,073) worth of toys between the ages of two and 12. Here in Australia,
  11. Thumbnail for Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster

    Unravelling the role of climate and forestry in the bushfire disaster
    10 May 2021: The recent Australian bushfires shocked the world. Between August 2019 to March 2020 the fires burned from the subtropics to temperate zone, impacting more than 7 Mha of mostly Eucalyptus forests. These fires broke numerous records and reframed

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