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  2. Thumbnail for New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques

    New research finds widespread violence against Australian mosques
    19 Mar 2021: The horrendous mass murders in New Zealand on March 15 2019 had a strong link with Australia. The New Zealand royal commission into the attacks found the Australian perpetrator had long subscribed to violent right-wing Islamophobia and had taken
  3. Thumbnail for How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people

    How early Australian settlers drew maps to erase Indigenous people
    31 May 2021: The new Netflix series Shadow and Bone opens with cartographer Alina Starkov crammed into the back of a rumbling wagon, sketching a war-torn landscape. A flashback to her childhood in an orphanage shows her looking at a map of a conflict zone. A
  4. Thumbnail for How getting an insurance payout can be a full-time job

    How getting an insurance payout can be a full-time job
    29 Mar 2021: As thousands of homes remain underwater in what appears to be yet another historic flood event in New South Wales, insurance companies are being inundated with calls from worried customers. The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that Insurance
  5. Thumbnail for Black Summer fire smoke created an algal bloom bigger than Australia

    Black Summer fire smoke created an algal bloom bigger than Australia
    17 Sep 2021: In 2019 and 2020, bushfires razed more than 18 million hectares of land in Australia. For weeks, smoke choked major cities, leading to almost 450 deaths, and even circumnavigated the southern hemisphere. As the aerosols billowed across the oceans
  6. Thumbnail for Testlab links agriculture with smart technology

    Testlab links agriculture with smart technology
    26 Apr 2021: Tasmanian farmers and primary producers will be able to test drive the latest in smart technologies and explore how big data can help future-proof their business, following the launch of the University of Tasmania’s Industry 4. 0 Testlab: The
  7. Thumbnail for Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia

    Tracing the lives of early Chinese families in colonial Australia
    31 Mar 2021: I’m a historian, but I’m not my family’s historian. That honour falls to my mum, who for the past twenty years or so has been delving into the lives of my ancestors. Mum started doing the family history after I began studying Australian
  8. Thumbnail for If you’re planning to hike this winter, invest in the right gear

    If you’re planning to hike this winter, invest in the right gear
    1 Jun 2021: Two years ago, emergency workers rescued a hiker in Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park. He had spent nine days in his tent in freezing weather with dangerous blizzards, trying to keep dry from infiltrating snow and rain. Because he was an
  9. Thumbnail for Hidden history of Chinese Australian women

    Hidden history of Chinese Australian women
    3 May 2021: Chinese Australian history is primarily told as a history of men. Population figures suggest why — in 1901, there were almost 30,000 Chinese men in Australia, yet fewer than 500 women. But despite their small numbers, emerging research reveals
  10. Thumbnail for Understanding colonial maps

    Understanding colonial maps
    31 Mar 2021: On Boxing Day 1832 surveyors across southern Van Diemen’s Land were huddled in their tents, sheltering from the rain. Poor Charles Wedge set out to work but was ‘obliged to return’, while Raphael Clint made no pretence, recording in his log,
  11. Thumbnail for How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia

    How films show the fear and loss that come with dementia
    8 Apr 2021: Two new films explore the fear of forgetting, loss of control, and other complexities that accompany a dementia diagnosis. The Father and Supernova, both released this month, grapple with the challenges confronting people living with dementia and

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