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  2. Thumbnail for A friend to all bids farewell

    A friend to all bids farewell
    29 Jun 2021: After serving and supporting the University of Tasmania for 63 years, our longest-serving employee and cherished philanthropist, Rhonda Ewart is celebrating her retirement. During Rhonda’s career, which began in 1958, she has made outstanding
  3. Thumbnail for Banjo has a certain ring

    Banjo has a certain ring
    29 Jun 2021: A reclusive Tasmanian devil who roams the foothills of Mount Wellington now has a name. Meet Banjo, pictured here with University of Tasmania disease ecologist, Dr Rodrigo Hamede. Banjo is one of 172 devils captured and released by our team of
  4. Thumbnail for Shine with the brilliance of the Southern Lights - student support Appeal launched

    Shine with the brilliance of the Southern Lights - student support…
    28 Jun 2021: The University has launched the 2021 Southern Lights Scholarship Appeal to help assist our students, like new undergraduate Declan Porter. Declan was a kid who always loved English and was well-versed in Shakespeare even while in primary
  5. Thumbnail for Dementia care should be core business for aged care services

    Dementia care should be core business for aged care services
    1 Jul 2021: In March 2021 the final report from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was tabled in Australian parliament. This inquiry commenced in 2018 and has included over 10,000 submissions made by Australians impacted by aged
  6. Thumbnail for Michelle Craske Prize

    Michelle Craske Prize
    19 May 2021: Professor Michelle Craske knows what it feels like to have someone believe in you. In 1978, Professor Craske was in the thick of her psychology studies at the University of Tasmania when she received a prize in recognition of her exceptional hard
  7. Thumbnail for Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects

    Most Tasmanians over 50 didn't experience serious lockdown effects
    23 Jun 2021: Most Tasmanians aged over 50 experienced no serious effects on dementia risk factors, such as depression, anxiety and alcohol consumption, during the COVID-19 lockdown a Tasmanian study has found. In the first study of its kind, researchers from the
  8. Thumbnail for Dr Eric Guiler Tasmanian Devil Research Grants awarded

    Dr Eric Guiler Tasmanian Devil Research Grants awarded
    15 Jul 2021: The fight to secure the future for the iconic Tasmanian devil has received a timely boost, with leading scientists being awarded more than $300,000 in research grants. These funds have been made possible due to generous donors to the Save the
  9. Thumbnail for Short film shines a light on dementia experiences

    Short film shines a light on dementia experiences
    22 Jun 2021: An animated short film designed to highlight the social isolation often experienced by people living with dementia has been launched. The three-and-a-half-minute film, Rosa and Max, is produced by award-winning Tasmanian animator Amara Gantz in
  10. Thumbnail for Jewel in our creative crown

    Jewel in our creative crown
    29 Jun 2021: “We are seeing this reflected in our courses, for instance in music and video collaborations between the Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Media and the interdisciplinary Creative Curriculum student cohorts. “In terms of industry engagement, we are
  11. Thumbnail for Caring for a special relationship

    Caring for a special relationship
    2 Jul 2021: The personal stories of people who become carers for their life-long companions, and how they respond and experience the shift, have been captured in a new University of Tasmania project. The Sharing is Caring project compiled stories of family

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