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  2. Thumbnail for Paramedicine was the shot in the arm Bob needed

    Paramedicine was the shot in the arm Bob needed
    23 Nov 2022: Graduating at the age of 63, Bob Muller is proof that it is never too late to completely reinvent yourself. A former car salesman, he enrolled in the Bachelor of Paramedicine course at the University of Tasmania so he could make a difference in
  3. Thumbnail for Passion for living sustainably led Jess to study a Bachelor of Science

    Passion for living sustainably led Jess to study a Bachelor of Science
    17 Oct 2022: Struggling with undiagnosed Crohn’s disease as a child, Jess Nesbit’s schooling in Smithton was quite disrupted, especially during high school, as she dealt with frequent periods of chronic illness. She left school in grade 11 and later, in her
  4. Thumbnail for Community activities grow at Inveresk

    Community activities grow at Inveresk
    9 Aug 2022: The new community garden and Esk activity space at Inveresk have been designed to spark curiosity, foster a love for learning and encourage active, healthy lifestyles. Visitors can now discover and learn about the cycles of growing and harvesting
  5. Thumbnail for University Alumni Award winners making a difference at home and on the world stage

    University Alumni Award winners making a difference at home and on…
    11 Nov 2022: From influential careers in psychology, diplomacy and policing, to on-the-ground humanitarian work in Ukraine, this year’s University of Tasmania Alumni Award winners are using education and leadership to empower others. The four recipients of the
  6. Thumbnail for The multicultural colony: not just convicts

    The multicultural colony: not just convicts
    14 Oct 2022: Having convict heritage is considered to be a real badge of honour these days. In fact, we use the term “Australian Royalty” to refer to those with a convict in the family. But this is only one part of the story of colonial Australia. According
  7. Thumbnail for Greening the way for others

    Greening the way for others
    29 Sep 2022: Cathy Walker lives in a yurt in rural Tasmania, surrounded by nature and making as little impact as she can on the environment. It’s her way of life. Her journey started at the knee of her grandmother who she now realises was her first holistic
  8. Thumbnail for If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a choir, orchestra or band

    If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a…,-get-them-to-join-a-choir,-orchestra-or-band
    24 Oct 2022: William James Baker, University of Tasmania; Anne-Marie Forbes, University of Tasmania, and Kim McLeod, University of TasmaniaOne of the most important qualities for a young person to develop is resilience. This involves their ability to overcome
  9. Thumbnail for Major history book prize winner highlights importance of women in Tasmanian history

    Major history book prize winner highlights importance of women in…
    8 Aug 2022: Dr Alexander speaks on what inspired The Waking Dream of Art: Patricia Giles, Painter. A biography of a leading, but overlooked, female Tasmanian contemporary artist is the winner of one of Australia’s most significant history book awards. The
  10. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;

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