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  2. Thumbnail for Jake’s success is a win for the planet

    Jake’s success is a win for the planet
    26 Aug 2022: When Dr Jake Crisp started his undergraduate degree in what was then the new Environmental Science program at the University of Tasmania’s Cradle Coast Campus seven years ago, he did not foresee himself pioneering a whole new approach in
  3. Thumbnail for Newest Superstars of STEM revealed

    Newest Superstars of STEM revealed
    30 Nov 2022: Three University of Tasmania early career researchers have been named as Superstars of STEM in recognition of their scientific research and science outreach. Dr Samantha Sawyer, who is assisting companies to grow sustainable food, Dr Indrani Mukherjee
  4. Thumbnail for Dementia research projects receive local funding

    Dementia research projects receive local funding
    24 Aug 2022: Seven new dementia research projects, from how comedy can help promote brain health to establishing a dementia risk profile in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in Tasmania, has received local funding. Over $20,000 was raised during the Wicking
  5. Thumbnail for Thousands of students celebrate university success

    Thousands of students celebrate university success
    26 Aug 2022: The culmination of years of study will be celebrated this week when more than 3400 students graduate in the University of Tasmania’s Winter graduation ceremonies. Four graduation ceremonies will be held at the Grand Chancellor Hotel in Hobart and
  6. Thumbnail for Students celebrate success, with thousands graduating across Tasmania

    Students celebrate success, with thousands graduating across Tasmania,-with-thousands-graduating-across-tasmania
    16 Dec 2022: More than 6,000 students will graduate from the University of Tasmania in the 2022 Summer Graduations, with celebrations kicking off tomorrow with the first parade and graduation ceremony in Burnie. Students will celebrate their success across the
  7. Thumbnail for Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online

    Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online
    11 Nov 2022: The University of Tasmania will be tackling cyber bullying, grooming and image-based abuse among adolescents head on, thanks to the Australian Government’s $9 million Online Safety Grants Program. Dr Joel Scanlan said that his Chatbot enabled Cyber
  8. Thumbnail for From little things come big opportunities says University graduate

    From little things come big opportunities says University graduate
    16 Dec 2022: For Rosebery woman Ivory McConachy those little steps have given her a pathway to fulfilling her dream of working in the Aged Care Industry. During the past year she has been studying for her Diploma of Ageing Studies and Services through the
  9. Thumbnail for How climate change will affect us all

    How climate change will affect us all
    10 Nov 2022: A TEAM of University of Tasmania researchers exploring profitable, sustainable livestock businesses in an increasingly variable climate is warning farmers that the future is here. While concentrating on future climates, the reality of climate change
  10. Thumbnail for Prices vulnerable to logistics inefficiencies

    Prices vulnerable to logistics inefficiencies
    23 Aug 2022: Associate Professor Jiangang (Johnny) Fei from the Australian Maritime College has a pretty good idea exactly what it takes, having spent considerable time working in and studying the agriculture industry. As a 13-year-old he took up work on a farm,
  11. Thumbnail for $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef

    $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef$2m-grant-from-the-ian-potter-foundation-a-win-for-the-great-southern-reefs-marine-life
    4 Nov 2022: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. But now an equally stunning and important reef that wraps around southern Australia is in the spotlight, thanks to a $2 million grant from The Ian Potter Foundation for a

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