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  2. Thumbnail for Newest Superstars of STEM revealed

    Newest Superstars of STEM revealed
    30 Nov 2022: Three University of Tasmania early career researchers have been named as Superstars of STEM in recognition of their scientific research and science outreach. Dr Samantha Sawyer, who is assisting companies to grow sustainable food, Dr Indrani Mukherjee
  3. Thumbnail for Dementia research projects receive local funding

    Dementia research projects receive local funding
    24 Aug 2022: Seven new dementia research projects, from how comedy can help promote brain health to establishing a dementia risk profile in Afghan refugees and asylum seekers in Tasmania, has received local funding. Over $20,000 was raised during the Wicking
  4. Thumbnail for Environmental Law Professor appointed to new Biodiversity Council

    Environmental Law Professor appointed to new Biodiversity Council
    19 Dec 2022: Australia’s new Biodiversity Council will look to turn science into reform with the help of the School of Law’s Professor Jan McDonald. Professor McDonald, an expert on environmental law, has been appointed to the Council, which will provide
  5. Thumbnail for Law alumna leading the way in Tasmania

    Law alumna leading the way in Tasmania
    17 Nov 2022: Congratulations to alumna Amanda Thompson who has been elected the new President of the Council of the Law Society of Tasmania. Devonport-born, Amanda moved to Hobart to attend the University of Tasmania and graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and Arts
  6. Thumbnail for Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online

    Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online
    11 Nov 2022: The University of Tasmania will be tackling cyber bullying, grooming and image-based abuse among adolescents head on, thanks to the Australian Government’s $9 million Online Safety Grants Program. Dr Joel Scanlan said that his Chatbot enabled Cyber
  7. Thumbnail for How climate change will affect us all

    How climate change will affect us all
    10 Nov 2022: A TEAM of University of Tasmania researchers exploring profitable, sustainable livestock businesses in an increasingly variable climate is warning farmers that the future is here. While concentrating on future climates, the reality of climate change
  8. Thumbnail for Prices vulnerable to logistics inefficiencies

    Prices vulnerable to logistics inefficiencies
    23 Aug 2022: Associate Professor Jiangang (Johnny) Fei from the Australian Maritime College has a pretty good idea exactly what it takes, having spent considerable time working in and studying the agriculture industry. As a 13-year-old he took up work on a farm,
  9. Thumbnail for New law scholarship honours Rosie Smith, Aboriginal leader

    New law scholarship honours Rosie Smith, Aboriginal leader,-aboriginal-leader3
    11 Mar 2022: A new university scholarship, named after one of the first Aboriginal people to be admitted to practice Law in Tasmania, will be offered to encourage more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to enrol in a Law Degree. The Rosie Smith Law
  10. Thumbnail for $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef

    $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef$2m-grant-from-the-ian-potter-foundation-a-win-for-the-great-southern-reefs-marine-life
    4 Nov 2022: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. But now an equally stunning and important reef that wraps around southern Australia is in the spotlight, thanks to a $2 million grant from The Ian Potter Foundation for a
  11. Thumbnail for Riding the wave of renewable energy

    Riding the wave of renewable energy
    23 Aug 2022: As the world begins its transition to 100 per cent renewable energy, Tasmania is ideally positioned to harness the power of one of its most abundant natural assets: the ocean. Australian developer Wave Swell Energy is working to unlock the potential

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