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  2. Thumbnail for New School of Paramedicine responds to industry training needs

    New School of Paramedicine responds to industry training needs
    13 Dec 2022: The University of Tasmania will establish Australia’s first School of Paramedicine in 2023, responding to health workforce training needs across Tasmania and New South Wales. The expanding role and scope of paramedicine within the Australian
  3. Thumbnail for Books, nature and connection to place in new city mural

    Books, nature and connection to place in new city mural,-nature-and-connection-to-place-in-new-city-mural
    6 Jul 2022: The University’s accommodation and learning precinct on Melville St will be enlivened by the major artwork, as further planned stages of work on a new laneway are completed. Dr Benjamin Kluss, or Jamin, recently completed a PhD at the University of
  4. Thumbnail for One man’s journey from boyhood to university

    One man’s journey from boyhood to university
    13 Jul 2022: Palawa man Brendan Murray isn’t one to make a big deal about his journey from boyhood to where he is now – an Aboriginal student engagement officer at the University of Tasmania. He tells his story in a matter-of-fact way. It’s an honest
  5. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;
  6. Thumbnail for Extracurricular activities help drive academic success for regional students, study finds

    Extracurricular activities help drive academic success for regional…,-study-finds
    30 Sep 2022: Extracurricular activities may help young students in regional areas to close the gap with metropolitan schools, a new study from University of Tasmania and Flinders University shows. On average, students in regional areas are ranked 5% lower than
  7. Thumbnail for Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online

    Funding boost will help teenagers safely navigate life online
    11 Nov 2022: The University of Tasmania will be tackling cyber bullying, grooming and image-based abuse among adolescents head on, thanks to the Australian Government’s $9 million Online Safety Grants Program. Dr Joel Scanlan said that his Chatbot enabled Cyber
  8. Thumbnail for Science Superstar honour for PhD student

    Science Superstar honour for PhD student
    18 Nov 2022: University of Tasmania PhD Candidate Mars Buttfield-Addison has been named a Superstar of STEM in a prestigious national program that promotes the achievements of women in science and technology. A computer scientist and software engineer, Mars’
  9. Thumbnail for Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political satire, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida

    Shehan Karunatilaka wins Booker prize for Sri Lankan political…,-the-seven-moons-of-maali-almeida
    19 Oct 2022: Sri Lankan novelist Shehan Karunatilaka has won the 2022 Booker Prize for his second novel, The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida. The win couldn’t come at a better time for Sri Lanka, a country once more engaged in political and economic instability,
  10. Thumbnail for Professor honoured for life's work to give a voice to people with disabilities

    Professor honoured for life's work to give a voice to people with …
    10 Nov 2022: A Professor from the University of Tasmania has been elected as a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia for her work in the field of disability and wellbeing. Professor Monica Cuskelly has recently moved from the University’s
  11. Thumbnail for Internship provides a taste of life in parliament

    Internship provides a taste of life in parliament
    20 Dec 2022: From a Tasmanian sheep farm to Federal Parliament in Canberra – it’s not as far as you might think. And certainly not for International Relations student Sarah Roberts, who recently experienced the hectic pace of a sitting week in the national

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