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  2. Thumbnail for Research project to deliver world-first data on impacts of chest infections post surgery

    Research project to deliver world-first data on impacts of chest…
    25 Nov 2022: New research which will deliver world-first data on the impacts of chest infections after major survey, for both patients and hospitals, has been funded through an NHMRC Investigator Grant. Ianthe Boden, physiotherapist and senior lecturer at the
  3. Thumbnail for Analytical chemist honoured by Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

    Analytical chemist honoured by Australian Academy of Technological…
    24 Oct 2022: University of Tasmania analytical chemist Professor Michael Breadmore has been elected as a Fellow to the to the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), for his global leading work. ATSE’s 2022 new Fellows are leaders
  4. Thumbnail for Conference showcases influence of research in regional areas

    Conference showcases influence of research in regional areas
    24 Oct 2022: The diversity of education and research conducted in regional Australia will be celebrated at a conference in Devonport in November. The Celebrating the Impact of Regional Research and Education Conference will showcase the work of sociologists,
  5. Thumbnail for State's mental health services to benefit from new partnership

    State's mental health services to benefit from new partnership
    23 Aug 2022: A new Centre dedicated to helping enhance and improve child and adolescent and other mental health service offerings across Tasmania has been established through a partnership between the Department of Health and the University of Tasmania. The
  6. Thumbnail for Tasmania primed for Fourth Industrial Revolution

    Tasmania primed for Fourth Industrial Revolution
    14 Mar 2022: Sometime in the late 1700s, mainly in England, steam power and river-based paddlewheels began to substantially improve industry productivity. Prior to this, all of the serious heavy lifting was done using human or animal power. Finally, fields could
  7. Thumbnail for Extracurricular activities help drive academic success for regional students, study finds

    Extracurricular activities help drive academic success for regional…,-study-finds
    30 Sep 2022: Extracurricular activities may help young students in regional areas to close the gap with metropolitan schools, a new study from University of Tasmania and Flinders University shows. On average, students in regional areas are ranked 5% lower than
  8. Thumbnail for Science Superstar honour for PhD student

    Science Superstar honour for PhD student
    18 Nov 2022: University of Tasmania PhD Candidate Mars Buttfield-Addison has been named a Superstar of STEM in a prestigious national program that promotes the achievements of women in science and technology. A computer scientist and software engineer, Mars’
  9. Thumbnail for Complexity of motivation highlighted in language learning research

    Complexity of motivation highlighted in language learning research
    28 Oct 2022: Dr Mairin Hennebry-Leung of the University of Tasmania School of Education, and co-author Professor Xuesong (Andy) Gao from the University of NSW, explored the complex interplay of diverse factors shaping a learner’s motivation, looking at a range
  10. Thumbnail for Scientists map heat beneath Antarctica’s icesheets

    Scientists map heat beneath Antarctica’s icesheets
    12 Dec 2022: Researchers from the ARC Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science (ACEAS) at the University of Tasmania are helping predict future sea level rise by taking a closer look at what goes on beneath Antarctica’s icesheets. “Heat moving outwards from
  11. Thumbnail for In heatwaves, Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests no longer absorb carbon

    In heatwaves, Tasmania’s tall eucalypt forests no longer absorb carbon
    22 Feb 2022: Southern Tasmania’s tall eucalyptus forests are exceptionally good at taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converting it into wood. For many years, we have believed these forests had a reasonable buffer of safety from climate change, due

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