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  2. Thumbnail for Tasmanian Devils and quolls are needed for ecosystem balance

    Tasmanian Devils and quolls are needed for ecosystem balance
    2 Nov 2022: University of Tasmania researcher Dr Matthew Fielding has discovered that quolls and Tasmanian Devils are needed for balance in the ecosystem. Dr Fielding spent several years studying the decline of quoll and Tasmanian Devil Populations on Flinders
  3. Thumbnail for Scientists detect first isolated black hole roaming our galaxy

    Scientists detect first isolated black hole roaming our galaxy
    30 Jun 2022: If, as astronomers believe, the death of large stars leave behind black holes, there should be hundreds of millions of them scattered throughout the Milky Way galaxy. The problem is that isolated black holes are invisible. Following six years of
  4. Thumbnail for Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy

    Menzies researcher named as Tasmanian Tall Poppy
    28 Sep 2022: A researcher at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research is the 2022 Tasmanian Tall Poppy award recipient for her work in helping the community better understand multiple sclerosis (MS). Dr Suzi Claflin is one of four
  5. Thumbnail for Cool climate triggers sex reversal in lizards

    Cool climate triggers sex reversal in lizards
    23 Aug 2022: A new study has found a species of Tasmanian lizard can change sex before birth when it is exposed to cool temperatures in utero. Researchers from the University of Tasmania have discovered the Tasmanian spotted snow skink can switch from female to
  6. Thumbnail for $6.4 million boost for cool climate horticulture growers

    $6.4 million boost for cool climate horticulture growers$6.4-million-boost-for-cool-climate-horticulture-growers
    29 Sep 2022: Scientists are giving Aussie horticulture growers in cooler climates the opportunity to participate in a $6. 4M research trial program to help industry adapt to climate change. Being delivered through Hort Innovation and led and co-funded by the
  7. Thumbnail for IPCC report calls for ambitious and immediate global action

    IPCC report calls for ambitious and immediate global action
    1 Mar 2022: Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit,
  8. Thumbnail for $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef

    $2m lifeline to protect species on our other Great reef$2m-grant-from-the-ian-potter-foundation-a-win-for-the-great-southern-reefs-marine-life
    4 Nov 2022: The Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world. But now an equally stunning and important reef that wraps around southern Australia is in the spotlight, thanks to a $2 million grant from The Ian Potter Foundation for a
  9. Thumbnail for Taking Tasmania's separation science capability to the world

    Taking Tasmania's separation science capability to the world
    22 Jul 2022: Separation science investigates ways to separate out specific molecules from other substances, and then accurately measure them. These specialised detection and measurement techniques have applications in areas like food quality control, water and
  10. Thumbnail for Serving up choice and dignity in aged care

    Serving up choice and dignity in aged care
    11 Apr 2022: Meals are rituals built around pleasures and choices. While what is served at mealtimes in aged care homes has received recent attention and Labor has pledged to improve the food offered, new research highlights that how meals are offered is just as
  11. Thumbnail for Tasmanian artists bound for heart of Paris

    Tasmanian artists bound for heart of Paris
    4 Nov 2022: Six Tasmanian artists will jet off to Paris in 2023 where they will immerse themselves in the creative arts after being selected for a unique opportunity, offered by the University of Tasmania - Rosamond McCulloch Studio Residency. Emerging artist

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