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  2. Thumbnail for Alice turns her sporting passion towards teaching

    Alice turns her sporting passion towards teaching
    31 Oct 2022: If there is any such thing as a teaching dynasty, Alice Robinson definitely belongs to one. Currently studying her Bachelor of Education (Health and Physical Education) at the University of Tasmania, Alice already has a lot of teachers in the
  3. Thumbnail for Business and studies side-by-side

    Business and studies side-by-side
    17 Aug 2022: Bree Franklin secured a job in her chosen field before she even finished her bachelor’s degree, thanks to an internship she completed in the heart of Hobart. Bree enjoyed business studies at college and knew she wanted to pursue that career path at
  4. Thumbnail for Christine prepares for the next chapter

    Christine prepares for the next chapter
    19 Dec 2022: As Christine Angel tells it, the moment she visited the University of Tasmania Cradle Coast campus in 2003 she felt like she had found her tribe after feeling out of step with the world. Born in Queenstown, Christine left school in Burnie at the age
  5. Thumbnail for What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?

    What does trauma informed practice in Tasmanian schools mean?
    4 Oct 2022: Footage shared online of school-yard fights is concerning. However, in responding, it is imperative to reflect upon causes of such violence and apply preventative strategies rather than ‘getting tough’. For more than 50 years we have known that
  6. Thumbnail for The multicultural colony: not just convicts

    The multicultural colony: not just convicts
    14 Oct 2022: Having convict heritage is considered to be a real badge of honour these days. In fact, we use the term “Australian Royalty” to refer to those with a convict in the family. But this is only one part of the story of colonial Australia. According
  7. Thumbnail for Queenstown takes centre stage at Venice Biennale

    Queenstown takes centre stage at Venice Biennale
    19 Dec 2022: An exhibition featuring Queenstown on Tasmania’s rugged west coast will head to Venice next year after a coalition of artists and architects including University of Tasmania’s head of architecture, Julian Worrall, was selected to represent
  8. Thumbnail for Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they are also about what COVID might do if it is let loose now.

    Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they…
    1 Dec 2022: While a lot of attention has been given to the unprecedented protests in China about the “dynamic zero COVID” policy, not much has been written about the wider political context, and particularly the young people leading the protests. These young
  9. Thumbnail for If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a choir, orchestra or band

    If you want your child to be more resilient, get them to join a…,-get-them-to-join-a-choir,-orchestra-or-band
    24 Oct 2022: William James Baker, University of Tasmania; Anne-Marie Forbes, University of Tasmania, and Kim McLeod, University of TasmaniaOne of the most important qualities for a young person to develop is resilience. This involves their ability to overcome
  10. Thumbnail for How sport can help young people to become better citizens

    How sport can help young people to become better citizens
    25 Feb 2022: Most Australians have followed health advice to wear face masks and have COVID-19 vaccinations. Actions like these that benefit others are known in psychology as prosocial behaviours. In a COVID context, prosocial behaviours reduce the spread of the
  11. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;

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