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  2. Thumbnail for Dark and twisty, bright and beautiful

    Dark and twisty, bright and beautiful
    21 Feb 2022: Pre-revolutionary France meets gothic horror in an exhibition of costumes and other Japanese girl culture now on show at the University of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus. The exhibition is the work of Japanese literature academic and cosplay performer
  3. Thumbnail for Food safety, storage, shelf life and transport the focus of globally connected project

    Food safety, storage, shelf life and transport the focus of globally…,-storage,-shelf-life-and-transport-the-focus-of-globally-connected-project
    14 Oct 2022: A new research project, led by Tom Ross, Professor in Food Microbiology at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), is being praised for its potential to reduce food waste and increase food safety and security. Better Production, Better Nutrition
  4. Thumbnail for Agribusiness course turns blueberry dream to reality

    Agribusiness course turns blueberry dream to reality
    5 Apr 2022: From suburban permaculture enthusiasts to commercial blueberry farmers, Cathryn Maloney and David Wareing embarked on a steep learning curve when they decided to take on Old Beach Berries. And before they had even clocked up 12 months as the new
  5. Thumbnail for The multicultural colony: not just convicts

    The multicultural colony: not just convicts
    14 Oct 2022: Having convict heritage is considered to be a real badge of honour these days. In fact, we use the term “Australian Royalty” to refer to those with a convict in the family. But this is only one part of the story of colonial Australia. According
  6. Thumbnail for Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they are also about what COVID might do if it is let loose now.

    Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they…
    1 Dec 2022: While a lot of attention has been given to the unprecedented protests in China about the “dynamic zero COVID” policy, not much has been written about the wider political context, and particularly the young people leading the protests. These young
  7. Thumbnail for Simple tech a smart move for farm management

    Simple tech a smart move for farm management
    11 Feb 2022: Simple but effective technologies at the University of Tasmania’s research farms demonstrate how on-farm modernisation can support growers to make practical day to day decisions. Installed as part of TestLab, a government-backed strategic
  8. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;
  9. Thumbnail for Sowing the seeds for a sustainable dairy industry

    Sowing the seeds for a sustainable dairy industry
    2 Dec 2022: Seen from above, a 30-hectare section of the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture’s Dairy Research Facility (TDRF) at Elliott is curiously divided into a grid of 32 small equally sized blocks. At ground level, the blocks, marked out into 0. 92-ha

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