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  2. Thumbnail for Christine prepares for the next chapter

    Christine prepares for the next chapter
    19 Dec 2022: As Christine Angel tells it, the moment she visited the University of Tasmania Cradle Coast campus in 2003 she felt like she had found her tribe after feeling out of step with the world. Born in Queenstown, Christine left school in Burnie at the age
  3. Thumbnail for Crown Princess Mary Scholarship reflections

    Crown Princess Mary Scholarship reflections
    13 Dec 2022: One of the first recipients of the inaugural Crown Princess Mary Scholarship was Danielle Conlan (BCom-LLB Hons), whose world changed when she took up the opportunity to study in Denmark. “Studying abroad indelibly changes you,” Danielle said.
  4. Thumbnail for Engineers PRIMED to be more sustainable and job-ready

    Engineers PRIMED to be more sustainable and job-ready
    12 Dec 2022: To make our Engineering graduates better prepared to start their professional careers – and equipped to change the world for the better – the University of Tasmania’s Bachelor of Engineering degree is changing. The School of Engineering is
  5. Thumbnail for Meet the twin forces behind start-up success stories

    Meet the twin forces behind start-up success stories
    13 Dec 2022: Lucy Hosken’s maiden business started small. In fact, it was all about ‘the smalls’ – a simple quest to find functional and fashionable shapewear. Nearly Nude, a luxury lingerie label, was launched. Soon it had gone global. After a decade with
  6. Thumbnail for The multicultural colony: not just convicts

    The multicultural colony: not just convicts
    14 Oct 2022: Having convict heritage is considered to be a real badge of honour these days. In fact, we use the term “Australian Royalty” to refer to those with a convict in the family. But this is only one part of the story of colonial Australia. According
  7. Thumbnail for Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they are also about what COVID might do if it is let loose now.

    Yes, the Chinese protests are about politics and freedom. But they…
    1 Dec 2022: While a lot of attention has been given to the unprecedented protests in China about the “dynamic zero COVID” policy, not much has been written about the wider political context, and particularly the young people leading the protests. These young
  8. Thumbnail for The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born

    The legacy of Lake Pedder: how the world’s first Green Party was born
    22 Mar 2022: A photo of Lake Pedder before it flooded. Stefan Karpiniec. Fifty years ago this week, the world’s first “green” political party was born in Tasmania after the state government purposefully flooded the magnificent Lake Pedder. The flooding made
  9. Thumbnail for Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising

    Engaging, Connecting, Revitalising
    13 Dec 2022: Acknowledgement of CountryMina tunapri milaythina nara ningina waranta mapali mapali. Mina tunapri rruni lutruwita milaythina Pakana taymi ningina raytji. Mina tunapri Pakana Ngini; nara pumili makuminya waranta-mapali taypani lunta;

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