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  2. Thumbnail for Konrad Chung | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1993

    Konrad Chung | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1993
    28 Nov 2023: Konrad Chung graduated in 1993 and started his career in agriculture as a field officer in Devonport, Tasmania. Konrad fondly remembers his time studying agricultural science, making new friends, and establishing new networks. “No matter what year
  3. Thumbnail for Cassidy Dahlenburg, 2023 Agricultural Science graduate

    Cassidy Dahlenburg, 2023 Agricultural Science graduate,-2023-agricultural-science-graduate
    18 Dec 2023: Cassidy Dahlenburg, of Nicholls Rivulet in Southern Tasmania, was less than a year into the Bachelor of Agricultural Science when she set a goal of working for Costa as a horticulturalist. All her hard work over the past three years has paid off,
  4. Thumbnail for Children's University art in residence at Government House

    Children's University art in residence at Government House
    11 Aug 2023: The Ballroom at Government House is doubling as an art gallery to display the amazing talent of Children's University Tasmania students. Government House, in collaboration with the Peter Underwood Centre, at the University of Tasmania, launched an
  5. Thumbnail for Breaking down the barriers to university

    Breaking down the barriers to university
    5 Jul 2023: Breaking down the barriers to university is the focus of a program of masterclasses in Launceston today that will give Year 11 and 12 students a taste of uni life. Students and staff from Grade 11 and 12 from Newstead College, Don College, Hellyer
  6. Thumbnail for Oliver Roberts | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2015

    Oliver Roberts | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2015
    28 Nov 2023: Oliver Roberts studied a Bachelor of Agriculture (2015) and a Master of Business Administration (2018) and graduated with more than 10 years of farm management experience under his belt having worked on his family’s dairy farm on the north-west
  7. Thumbnail for Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1975

    Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1975
    22 Nov 2023: Arthur (Tom) Dunbabin grew up on his family’s grazing farm, Bangor, on the Forestier Peninsula in Tasmania's southeast, where he worked alongside his farther. Tom graduated from the University of Tasmania in 1975 with a Bachelor of Agricultural
  8. Thumbnail for Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994

    Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994
    28 Nov 2023: Catherine Ford graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 1994 with an intent to work in landcare or whole farm planning. Catherine remembers the ‘early days’ of the faculty collaborating with industry as a very exciting time. “While
  9. Thumbnail for Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012

    Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012
    28 Nov 2023: Robert Arvier graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours in 2012, during which time he went on exchange to Colorado State University to study agronomy and crop science. He then went on to complete his Master's degree in
  10. Thumbnail for Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity

    Legume field days to help boost Tasmanian pasture productivity
    20 Nov 2023: Two field days are being held in Tasmania’s Midlands this week (21-22 November) to help local farmers increase the productivity of their pastures. More than 50 people are expected to attend across the two days, with events in Longford and
  11. Thumbnail for Donna Lucas | Agricultural Science Alumni 2007

    Donna Lucas | Agricultural Science Alumni 2007
    28 Nov 2023: Donna Lucas studied a Bachelor of Applied Science, graduating with honours in 2007 as a mature aged student. Donna’s early career started on a different path at age 15 within an accounting firm, where she studied through night school to become an

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