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  2. Thumbnail for Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean

    Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean
    10 Aug 2023: More than 250 people from 25 nations will meet in Hobart next week for the first-ever global conference of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) since its establishment in 2011. SOOS is an international initiative that enhances the coordinated
  3. Thumbnail for Stand clear for the methane busters

    Stand clear for the methane busters
    8 May 2023: Methane is estimated to contribute about 14. 5 per cent of anthropogenic, or human-generated, greenhouse gas emissions. And one of its main sources happens to be one of our key industries: livestock. It’s a problem for the atmosphere and,
  4. Thumbnail for Joining forces for Sand Flathead recovery in Tasmania

    Joining forces for Sand Flathead recovery in Tasmania
    9 Nov 2023: World-leading fisheries science, governments and the recreational fishing sector in Tasmania have joined forces to fill the scientific knowledge gaps about Sand Flathead’s biology, movement and growth, to recover this much-loved species for future
  5. Thumbnail for Sustainability programs win international acclaim

    Sustainability programs win international acclaim
    19 Jul 2023: The University of Tasmania’s record and contribution in sustainability has been recognised again with success in the 2023 International Green Gown Awards. The awards, announced as part of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable
  6. Thumbnail for Voon Aoon Chin, BE (Electronics & Communications) 1995

    Voon Aoon Chin, BE (Electronics & Communications) 1995,-be-1995
    14 Jun 2023: In health care, less visible does not mean less critical. This is the case for Voon Aoon Chin, Director of Biomedical Engineering in the Sydney Local Heath District. His role puts him at the coalface of the New South Wales public healthcare system,
  7. Thumbnail for Nguyen Thi Duyen, MAppSc 2013

    Nguyen Thi Duyen, MAppSc 2013
    4 Apr 2023: From Tasmania to the world is part of the University of Tasmania’s mission. It is beautifully illustrated in the story of alumni Nguyen Thị Duyen and her husband, Dr Nguyen Duc Chinh (MAppSc 2014), who both graduated from their Master of
  8. Thumbnail for Let's Talk About Dementia - prevention and management

    Let's Talk About Dementia - prevention and management
    4 Apr 2023: Dementia is increasingly being recognised as a significant public health concern of the 21st Century. We invite you to join us for a practical, research-based online session featuring two University of Tasmania alumni: Distinguished Professor James
  9. Thumbnail for Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships

    Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships
    11 Oct 2023: Ten University of Tasmania alumni have received 2023 Churchill Fellowships. The fellowships offer Australia’s best and brightest minds the opportunity to travel the world from four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are
  10. Thumbnail for Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy

    Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy,-senior-lecturer-in-curriculum-and-pedagogy
    26 Jun 2023: Dr Kim Beasy specialises in education for sustainability. Kim’s teaching and research engage diverse communities in the social, environmental, economic and cultural dimensions of sustainability. She seeks to inform and show how transitions toward
  11. Thumbnail for Scholarships securing the future of the Tasmanian devil

    Scholarships securing the future of the Tasmanian devil
    4 Apr 2023: This is Brandy, a handsome Tasmanian devil aptly named by Tamar Valley vineyard owner Tim High during a research trip in November 2022. Tim and his wife, Sheena, support two scholarships for graduate students working in priority study areas for the

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