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  2. Thumbnail for Astronomers show how ‘spiral arms’ feed young, developing stars

    Astronomers show how ‘spiral arms’ feed young, developing stars
    28 Feb 2023: An international team of researchers including astronomers from the University of Tasmania have discovered the exact process of how high-mass stars are born. High-mass stars are like the atomic factories of the universe, generating many of the
  3. Thumbnail for MS research at Menzies boosted by significant new grant funding

    MS research at Menzies boosted by significant new grant funding
    23 Feb 2023: Four researchers from the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research are amongst the recipients of 22 grants awarded by MS Australia in its latest funding round for multiple sclerosis (MS) research, providing a major boost in
  4. Thumbnail for Industry leaders recognised at Tasmanian Dairy Awards

    Industry leaders recognised at Tasmanian Dairy Awards
    17 Jun 2023: A Cressy-based dairy farm has been crowned cream of the crop in one of tightest competitions in the history of the Tasmanian Dairy Awards. It was third time’s a charm for Woodrising Dairies who were announced as the 2023 ANZ Dairy Business of the
  5. Thumbnail for Going in for the krill

    Going in for the krill
    31 Jan 2023: After witnessing one of the first-ever documented supergroups of whales, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) student Maya Santangelo is fighting to shine a light on the dangers of concentrated krill fishing in Antarctica. After what
  6. Thumbnail for Charlotte investigates the emotional impact of climate change

    Charlotte investigates the emotional impact of climate change
    20 Jun 2023: There is a jarring kind of tonal whiplash that an entire generation of students are experiencing every day, as a result of the climate crisis. University of Tasmania PhD candidate Charlotte Jones still remembers the shock, the anxiety, and the
  7. Thumbnail for Charitable trust makes enduring impact

    Charitable trust makes enduring impact
    4 Apr 2023: The year before her death, Irene Phelps reflected on her life: the girl from a former gold mining town in northern Tasmania, who had started out sweeping floors at a women’s apparel store, had travelled the globe, established a new life in
  8. Thumbnail for Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants

    Research careers shift into high gear with ARC DECRA grants
    1 Sep 2023: Four early-career researchers from the University of Tasmania have been awarded a total of $1,773,740. 00 in the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRAs), funded by the Australian Research Council. The funding scheme provides support across a
  9. Thumbnail for Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean

    Eyes of the World on the Southern Ocean
    10 Aug 2023: More than 250 people from 25 nations will meet in Hobart next week for the first-ever global conference of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) since its establishment in 2011. SOOS is an international initiative that enhances the coordinated
  10. Thumbnail for Lessons from Black Summer

    Lessons from Black Summer
    14 Aug 2023: The increasing number of extreme bushfires around the world, as currently seen in the US, Canada and Greece and previously during the Australian Black Summer, could exacerbate climate change and further disrupt the Earth system, leading to
  11. Thumbnail for Southern Ocean holds deep clues to ancient carbon tipping points

    Southern Ocean holds deep clues to ancient carbon tipping points
    14 Mar 2023: Researchers have found a long-searched for giant carbon reservoir buried in the Southern Ocean between Tasmania and Antarctica. The reservoir is the result of a dramatic carbon drawdown 34 million years ago that transitioned Earth away from a
  12. Thumbnail for Women in Agriculture | Dr Samantha Sawyer

    Women in Agriculture | Dr Samantha Sawyer
    4 Dec 2023: One of the notable and welcome changes over the past 60 years has been the steady increase in the number of women electing to study and work in agricultural science. Graduation photographs from the early years of Agricultural Science at the
  13. Thumbnail for Stand clear for the methane busters

    Stand clear for the methane busters
    8 May 2023: Methane is estimated to contribute about 14. 5 per cent of anthropogenic, or human-generated, greenhouse gas emissions. And one of its main sources happens to be one of our key industries: livestock. It’s a problem for the atmosphere and,
  14. Thumbnail for No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in Tasmania

    No more coddling for Codling Moth: sterile insect trial under way in…
    1 Mar 2023: For the first time in Australia, a form of fertility control is being trialled to manage a major pest to the apple industry, codling moth. Researchers at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) are partnering with local apple growers to pilot a
  15. Thumbnail for New age of Antarctic exploration

    New age of Antarctic exploration
    8 May 2023: People often look at me oddly when I mention that my research focuses on Antarctica. It’s not what they expect from a humanities academic. That’s understandable. Antarctica is the only continent where humans have never lived permanently. But the
  16. Thumbnail for Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships

    Alumni set to travel the world on Churchill Fellowships
    11 Oct 2023: Ten University of Tasmania alumni have received 2023 Churchill Fellowships. The fellowships offer Australia’s best and brightest minds the opportunity to travel the world from four to eight weeks to learn more about a topic or issue that they are
  17. Thumbnail for Bumper funding for research into Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis connection

    Bumper funding for research into Epstein-Barr virus and multiple…
    13 Jul 2023: The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) has announced $2 million in funding for new multiple sclerosis (MS) research at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania, providing a further boost to its MS Research Flagship’s
  18. Thumbnail for MV Blythe Star shipwreck mystery solved

    MV Blythe Star shipwreck mystery solved
    30 Jun 2023: An investigation by CSIRO on a voyage led by University of Tasmania researchers in South West Tasmanian waters has confirmed the location of the wreck of the MV Blythe Star. The 44-metre motor vessel (MV) Blythe Star was a coastal freighter that
  19. Thumbnail for Future proofing the Australian grains industry in a changing climate

    Future proofing the Australian grains industry in a changing climate
    16 Aug 2023: Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) Professor, Meixue Zhou, has been awarded $4. 4 million for research that will help Australian grain growers adapt to a changing climate and support future food security. One project seeks to increase the
  20. Thumbnail for Women in Agriculture | Professor Caroline Mohammed

    Women in Agriculture | Professor Caroline Mohammed
    4 Dec 2023: One of the notable and welcome changes over the past 60 years has been the steady increase in the number of women electing to study and work in agricultural science. Graduation photographs from the early years of Agricultural Science at the
  21. Thumbnail for A shared goal to reduce the impact of multiple sclerosis

    A shared goal to reduce the impact of multiple sclerosis
    13 Dec 2023: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating disease of the central nervous system. Both environmental and genetic risk factors contribute to its development as the most common chronic neurological disease affecting young adults. There are more than

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