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  2. Thumbnail for Care for Country

    Care for Country
    8 May 2023: When the oceans rose some 10,000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age, Palawa peoples became isolated on their own island, separated from the great northern landmass. Their ability to survive and thrive in this isolated environment speaks to
  3. Thumbnail for University Alumni Award winners' far-reaching impacts

    University Alumni Award winners' far-reaching impacts
    10 Nov 2023: Congratulations to the three University of Tasmania Alumni Award winners for 2023, who have been recognised for their globally significant work in antimicrobial resistance and sepsis, sea ice and climate change, and nursing. They are Professor Tim
  4. Thumbnail for Charlotte investigates the emotional impact of climate change

    Charlotte investigates the emotional impact of climate change
    20 Jun 2023: There is a jarring kind of tonal whiplash that an entire generation of students are experiencing every day, as a result of the climate crisis. University of Tasmania PhD candidate Charlotte Jones still remembers the shock, the anxiety, and the
  5. Thumbnail for Morgan is channelling her natural curiosity into astronomical research on a curious star system

    Morgan is channelling her natural curiosity into astronomical…
    6 Mar 2023: Morgan Febey has always thought big and aimed high. All through primary school, her answer to “what do you want to be when you grow up?” started with palaeontologist, before progressing to archaeologist and then paleoclimatologist. Then, at the
  6. Thumbnail for Placing Indigenous knowledge and culture at the heart of the University

    Placing Indigenous knowledge and culture at the heart of the…
    13 Jan 2023: The core philosophy of Associate Professor Sadie Heckenberg’s approach to Indigenous engagement at university is simple: nothing about us without us. Joining the University in 2023 as Academic Director, Aboriginal Engagement, Sadie, a Wiradjuri
  7. Thumbnail for Reconciliation among major projects for Law alumnus

    Reconciliation among major projects for Law alumnus
    25 Aug 2023: Simon Taskunas is a senior commercial lawyer with over 25 years of legal advisory and transaction experience assisting corporate and government clients, fund managers, investors and developers throughout Australia and Asia. His work includes advising
  8. Thumbnail for International consortium honours work across Indigenous education

    International consortium honours work across Indigenous education
    9 Mar 2023: Associate Professor Clair Andersen, who has spent a lifetime promoting education opportunities for Australia’s First Nations people, has been recognised for those efforts on an international stage. She has been inducted to the World Indigenous
  9. Thumbnail for Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy

    Spotlight on Kim Beasy, Senior Lecturer in Curriculum and Pedagogy,-senior-lecturer-in-curriculum-and-pedagogy
    26 Jun 2023: Dr Kim Beasy specialises in education for sustainability. Kim’s teaching and research engage diverse communities in the social, environmental, economic and cultural dimensions of sustainability. She seeks to inform and show how transitions toward
  10. Thumbnail for Vital funding partnership announced to save  Red Handfish from extinction

    Vital funding partnership announced to save Red Handfish from…
    17 May 2023: A tiny marine anglerfish, found only in waters off Tasmania and near extinction with just 100 remaining in the wild, is being given a better chance at survival thanks to a funding partnership announced in Hobart today. The Foundation for
  11. Thumbnail for Marking 20 years of TLC for Huon Valley landslide

    Marking 20 years of TLC for Huon Valley landslide
    21 Aug 2023: In 2004, not long after moving to Tasmania from The Netherlands, Professor Arko Lucieer visited Home Hill Winery, a family-owned and run business nestled in the hills of the Huon Valley. What he saw out the window caught his eye. There was a sizable
  12. Thumbnail for Too tall to be an astronaut, astrophysics student Euan still has stars in his eyes

    Too tall to be an astronaut, astrophysics student Euan still has…
    23 Feb 2023: One inch too tall to be an astronaut, Euan Hamdorf abandoned his childhood dream of going to space quite some time ago. But now his astrophysics research is giving him a different way to reach the stars. A childhood interest in mathematics and
  13. Thumbnail for The full bottle on climate change

    The full bottle on climate change
    8 May 2023: Tasmania enjoys a growing reputation as a producer of stellar sparkling wine, a worthy rival to the famed Champagne region of France. But research by Dr Tom Remenyi, one of the University’s climate research fellow in Geography and Spatial Sciences,
  14. Thumbnail for Cultural and community spirit alive at Inveresk

    Cultural and community spirit alive at Inveresk
    10 Aug 2023: Tales of the past, present, and future have been shared at the opening celebration of the University’s new River’s Edge building at Inveresk which brought together more than 200 people on Friday, 28 July. While wet weather hampered plans for
  15. Thumbnail for Our research has shown Indigenous peoples’ needs cannot be understood and met, without Indigenous voices

    Our research has shown Indigenous peoples’ needs cannot be understood …,-without-indigenous-voices
    14 Feb 2023: Opponents of an Indigenous Voice to parliament say the Voice is merely symbolic and another pointless layer of bureaucracy. They say that what is needed are “practical measures”. However decades of government-led “practical measures” have
  16. Thumbnail for New garden provides sense of belonging and cultural connection

    New garden provides sense of belonging and cultural connection
    9 Nov 2023: Outside the north-eastern entrance of the University of Tasmania’s newest campus building at Inveresk is a flourishing landscape embedded with traditional knowledges. The Riawunna Garden at River’s Edge features native plantings, a performance
  17. Thumbnail for New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania

    New analytical chemistry training centre ‘HyTECH’ launches in Tasmania
    23 Nov 2023: A new centre for cutting-edge research and post-graduate training in the field of separation science has launched in Hobart, in a move that connects the University of Tasmania’s world-leading analytical chemistry research group with renowned
  18. Thumbnail for ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate change in the classroom

    ‘I tend to be very gentle’: how teachers are navigating climate…
    31 Aug 2023: Climate change education is increasingly seen as an essential part of schooling. The main international test of 15-year-olds’ progress (which Australia participates in) has just announced the next round of testing will include environmental
  19. Thumbnail for Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US

    Fulbright scholars take Tasmanian know-how to the US
    27 Jun 2023: Remote wilderness management, 'lab-on-a-chip' portable analytical chemistry developments  and technology law and policy are on the research agenda for some of Tasmania’s most outstanding scholars. Three University of Tasmania researchers have been
  20. Thumbnail for University celebrates International Women's Day

    University celebrates International Women's Day
    6 Mar 2023: This International Women’s Day (Wednesday 8 March), the University of Tasmania will champion Empower Hour. The University will be raising funds for Dress for Success, an organisation that empowers women to achieve economic independence by
  21. Thumbnail for Excited about sustainable living

    Excited about sustainable living
    8 May 2023: I am lucky enough to be the coordinator for our Sustainability Integration Program for Students (SIPS) – an international award-winning program. Each year I work directly with around 60 students from across the full breadth of the University as
  22. Thumbnail for International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science
    9 Feb 2023: Communities around the world will observe International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Saturday 11 February 2023. This year’s focus is the contribution of women in science to tackling the UN sustainable development goals; working towards
  23. Thumbnail for Scientists, teachers, warriors

    Scientists, teachers, warriors
    8 May 2023: Over the course of a long and dynamic academic career, now in its sixth decade, geographer and conservation ecologist Professor Jamie Kirkpatrick has focused increasingly on changes to the natural world from human – usually economic –
  24. Thumbnail for Writing from the edge of catastrophe: two new books clarify what’s at stake if we fail to mitigate climate change

    Writing from the edge of catastrophe: two new books clarify what’s at …
    20 Jan 2023: The Australian Black Summer fires of 2019-2020 were unspeakably grim. Twenty-four million hectares were burnt, 33 people died, and over a billion animals perished. In Fire: A Message from the Edge of Climate Catastrophe, Margi Prideaux tells us that
  25. Thumbnail for Alumni recognised in 2023 King's Birthday Honours

    Alumni recognised in 2023 King's Birthday Honours
    16 Jun 2023: 2023 is an extraordinary year for the University of Tasmania alumni community, with twenty-two of its members represented in the King’s Birthday Honours list. We are proud of the achievements of these alumni and congratulate the following 2023

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