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  2. Thumbnail for Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994

    Catherine Ford | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1994
    28 Nov 2023: Catherine Ford graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science in 1994 with an intent to work in landcare or whole farm planning. Catherine remembers the ‘early days’ of the faculty collaborating with industry as a very exciting time. “While
  3. Thumbnail for Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012

    Robert Arvier | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 2012
    28 Nov 2023: Robert Arvier graduated with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours in 2012, during which time he went on exchange to Colorado State University to study agronomy and crop science. He then went on to complete his Master's degree in
  4. Thumbnail for Donna Lucas | Agricultural Science Alumni 2007

    Donna Lucas | Agricultural Science Alumni 2007
    28 Nov 2023: Donna Lucas studied a Bachelor of Applied Science, graduating with honours in 2007 as a mature aged student. Donna’s early career started on a different path at age 15 within an accounting firm, where she studied through night school to become an
  5. Thumbnail for Amanda Woollams | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1991

    Amanda Woollams | Agricultural Science Alumni Ambassador 1991
    28 Nov 2023: Graduating in 1991 with a degree in Agricultural Science majoring in Horticulture Management, Amanda Woollams looks back on her time at the University of Tasmania fondly. She remembers her cohort as “small but committed and enthusiastic” and
  6. Thumbnail for Dual purpose peonies: do Tasmanian grown peonies have potential as a Traditional Chinese Herb?

    Dual purpose peonies: do Tasmanian grown peonies have potential as a…
    6 Dec 2023: Trials are underway in the state’s north to determine whether Tasmania could produce peony roots for the Traditional Chinese Medicine market (TCM). PhD Candidate with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) Celia van Sprang is researching the
  7. Thumbnail for TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED

    TIA hosts Tasmanian food future talk at agriCULTURED
    8 Aug 2023: The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), in partnership with the University of Tasmania Island of Ideas public talk series, hosted a free event ‘Feeding Tasmania: Our food future’ as part of the agri-food festival agriCULTURED last week. The
  8. Thumbnail for New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms

    New research to reduce use of nitrogen fertiliser on dairy farms
    19 Jul 2023: A major research trial is set to commence at the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture Dairy Research Facility in the coming weeks, with researchers aiming to find practical solutions to reduce the amount of nitrogen used on dairy farms without
  9. Thumbnail for New leadership program for Tasmanian agriculture sector

    New leadership program for Tasmanian agriculture sector
    14 Feb 2023: The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) and Rural Business Tasmania (RBT) are joining forces to provide a unique career development opportunity for people working in Tasmania’s agriculture sector. eNABLE is a new training program that brings
  10. Thumbnail for Women in Agriculture | Dr Tamieka Pearce

    Women in Agriculture | Dr Tamieka Pearce
    4 Dec 2023: One of the notable and welcome changes over the past 60 years has been the steady increase in the number of women electing to study and work in agricultural science. Graduation photographs from the early years of Agricultural Science at the
  11. Thumbnail for Tasmanian Dairy Award finalists announced

    Tasmanian Dairy Award finalists announced
    9 Jun 2023: Tasmanian dairy farmers are being recognised for their excellence in dairy business management in the 2023 Tasmanian Dairy Awards. The Awards showcase businesses who are excelling in many different aspects of dairy farm management including people,

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